
The latest planting methods and management of papaya

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Papaya is a kind of fruit, which is distributed all over our country, and it is also a kind of popular fruit. The nutritional value of papaya is relatively high, with heat-clearing breast enhancement and other effects, and now the annual market is also expanding. More and more people are planting, so wood.

Papaya is a kind of fruit, which is distributed all over our country, and it is also a kind of popular fruit. The nutritional value of papaya is relatively high, with heat-clearing breast enhancement and other effects, and now the annual market is also expanding. More and more people are planting, so how to plant papaya? How to manage the cultivation of papaya? The following editor brings you the planting method and management of papaya, let's have a look!

1. Seed selection and planting

First of all, we need to choose a good variety, choose the one that is suitable for growth according to the local environment, and ensure that we have the ability to pollinate each other. After selecting the species, the sandy soil with thick and loose soil layer and normal drainage and irrigation is selected for planting. Control the row spacing and dig the planting hole. Then about 10kg of farm manure was applied in each planting hole. The seedlings are mainly about two years old, and the cultivation time should be in spring and autumn. Usually mainly in autumn, because if cultivated in autumn, the healing speed is fast and the survival rate is high. The height of the seedlings is maintained at about 120 cm, the roots are intact, watering is done after planting, and then the plastic film is covered.

2. Fertilizer and water management

In September every year, when the soil is deeply ploughed, sufficient base fertilizer is applied, mainly farm manure, mixed with appropriate amount of chemical fertilizer. The fertilization of young trees is about 20kg, and that of big trees is about 40kg. About 130g urea and appropriate amount of compound fertilizer are applied to each tree before sprouting. Then pay attention to spraying appropriate amount of foliar fertilizer at flowering stage to promote fruit growth and improve fruit setting rate. After each harvest, we should pay attention to the application of appropriate amount of nitrogen fertilizer to promote the growth of the tree. Then before the flower bud sprouting, it should be watered once, and after entering the fruit expansion period and the new shoot growth period, it should also be properly watered, and enough frozen water should be poured to promote papaya trees to survive the winter. When there is too much water, it should be drained in time.

3. Shaping and pruning

The shaping method of papaya tree is mainly natural round head type, the stem is about 75 cm, about 3 new shoots are selected as the main branches, and the growth direction of the main branches can not be the same. The distance between each main branch is kept at about 15 cm. Then do a good job of summer shearing, which is mainly to wipe buds, pull branches and pick the heart, so as to improve the crown permeability and promote the growth of summer shoots. It is also necessary to carry out winter shearing, which is mainly to expand the crown. The main branches reserved in the first year should be truncated and about 35 cm should be retained. Young trees can not be re-pruned, mainly to remove branches such as too dense, too long, overlapping and so on.

4. Flower and fruit management

When planting papaya trees, in order to increase the yield of papaya and ensure stable yield, we should pay attention to planting an appropriate amount of pollination trees when establishing papaya orchards. The ratio of cultivated varieties to pollinated varieties was controlled at about 4:1. Therefore, after this, we should do a good job in flower and fruit management, and properly thinning flowers and fruits during the flowering period, especially in the Lunar New year. The object of fruit thinning is mainly bad fruit, such as branch fruit, abnormal fruit and so on. Retain the base and middle fruit of the branch. The distance between fruits is maintained in 20cm to improve the yield and quality of fruits.

The above is a brief introduction to the planting methods and management of papaya. In fact, it is not difficult to grow papaya, as long as you do a good job of basic management, you can maintain a certain yield. That's all for today's introduction. This article is for reference only. I hope it can help you all.