
Five elements and three keys to raising orchids well

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Orchids are both easy to raise and not easy to raise. In order to raise orchids well, we should not only understand its natural growth attributes, but also understand its growth laws, plant according to laws, learn from other people's experience, think more, sum up more and adjust measures to local conditions according to our own actual situation.

Orchids are both good and bad to raise, to raise orchids, not only to understand its natural growth attributes, but also to understand its growth law, according to the law of planting, learn from others 'experience, according to their own actual situation, think more, summarize more, adapt to local conditions, explore a set of suitable cultivation methods will succeed. The author collected more than ten years of orchid cultivation practice and thought that five elements and three keys should be grasped to cultivate orchids well.

Element 1: The environment should be suitable. Orchids are easy to grow and manage in a good environment, and they work best. Orchids grow under the same environmental conditions as humans, such as cooler summers and warmer winters. To cultivate orchids, we must understand the natural environment and growth habits of orchids in the wild ecology, and create a good cultivation environment according to the growth habits of orchids. Cultivation environment should fully consider ventilation, light, temperature and humidity regulation and other factors. Creating a good orchid growth environment is the basic condition for raising orchids, and it is also the most important condition.


Element 2: The temperature should be appropriate. Orchid growth is greatly affected by temperature, orchids especially like high temperatures during the day and low temperatures at night. Most orchids are adapted to reproductive growth at temperatures between 18 and 28℃. If it is higher than 30 degrees, try to cool it down. If it is lower than 10 degrees, keep it warm. The daily temperature difference is 8-10 degrees. It is especially beneficial for orchid growth. Therefore, the location of the orchid garden must be properly controlled and tempered.

Element 3, humidity should be moderate. Humidity is one of the five essential factors for orchid growth. High air humidity is beneficial to orchid growth, and the general air humidity is best at 60-80%. Increase humidity, some people will mistakenly think that the amount of watering in the orchid pot is more or less, in fact, the humidity refers to the humidity of the air in the orchid garden and the humidity of the cultivated soil in the pot. Orchids like the air with higher humidity, because the roots, stems and leaves exposed outside the pot have the effect of absorbing moisture in the air, so try to increase the air humidity of orchids to more than 60%.

Element 4: Light should be appropriate. Orchids need plenty of light to grow. Light is light, especially sunlight is a necessary condition for all things to grow, organic matter in green plants is made by sunlight, water, carbon dioxide, so green plants can not grow without sunlight. However, orchids need to grow in a better light environment. In short, the principle of orchids lighting should be sufficient but not excessive. To achieve the above conditions, artificial methods are needed. The method that can take shade, namely: want hot shade cold bask, midday shade morning bask, summer more shade, autumn less bask, winter can not shade, sunny day more shade, rainy day does not shade.

Element 5, ventilation should be good. Ventilation is the key to raising orchids and effectively preventing pests and diseases. The so-called ventilation refers to the good degree of air flow. Good air flow can promote the metabolism of orchid cells and increase the production of nutrients. Ventilation can also reduce the humidity and temperature of the air, reduce pests and diseases, and promote the healthy growth of orchids. It is best to use natural wind for ventilation, such as blowing southwest wind in summer and blocking cold northwest wind in winter. If the natural environment cannot be ventilated, artificial methods must be used to regulate the air flow.

Key one, with good planting materials, choose a good orchid pot. Plant material is the orchid plant room, raise orchid first raise root pot soil plant material to orchid growth plays a key role. It is difficult to answer the question of what kind of plant materials can be used to obtain the best results in orchid cultivation. Because of the vastness of our country, different people in different places use different kinds of plant materials. However, no matter what kind of plant material is used, according to the growth habits of orchids, the basic requirements are common. The plant material used must be safe, easy to use, low in price, and appropriate in thickness. The principles are loose, breathable, sterile, draining, keeping fertilizer and slightly acidic. On the basis of this principle, we should not only learn from others 'experience, but also combine our own reality to find out a kind of our own ingredients method, which is the most effective. Orchid basin selection should be based on the number of large, medium and small orchids, practice has proved that soil basin is easy to use, plastic basin is also able to plant orchids.

Key 2, watering and fertilizing should be done properly. Plants grow without water, and so do orchids. The best watering water quality is natural rainwater, unpolluted spring water, river water and tap water. Some Lan friends often ask: "How many days is it good to pour water once?" Many treatises also say watering is very complicated. The author believes that as long as the plant material is well matched, it is OK to water more and less, mainly to master the degree of not being too dry or too wet. Specifically, it depends on the season, climate, the thickness of the plant material, the size and permeability of the orchid basin, the number of orchid seedlings, etc., according to their own environment and cultivation methods. Do: dry season basin wet, rainy season not excessive, winter too dry irrigation, summer and autumn too wet control, spring to full, summer to enough, autumn not dry, winter not wet. At the same time, we should pay attention to watering more on sunny days, less on cloudy days and not on rainy days. Watering time should be watered in the morning and evening when the temperature is lower in summer, and watered in the morning when the temperature rises in winter, which is conducive to the growth of orchids. Fertilization is also very important, orchids are plants, can not be separated from fertilizer, lack of fertilizer orchids is impossible to grow well. Orchids need enough nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer for their growth and development. Selective fertilization at appropriate time is a powerful measure to ensure rapid growth of orchids. Generally speaking, orchids should be applied more in summer when they are flourishing, orchids should not be applied when they are dormant in winter, and new seedlings and buds should be grown in spring and autumn. Fertilization should be timely. The general principle of fertilization is that the concentration should be low, and the key is to apply thin and frequently.

Key three, pest control. At present, the construction of orchid garden, advanced equipment and improved cultivation management level have created a good growth environment for orchids, and at the same time created a space and place suitable for the survival of germs and pests. Therefore, the prevention and control of orchid diseases is a key link. Prevention and control of plant diseases and insect pests is an important measure for raising orchids well. According to the change of climate, the law of plant diseases and insect pests and the growth of orchids, prevention should be given priority to, the principle of early treatment, small treatment and treatment should be followed. The cultivation soil of orchids should be disinfected and sterilized to protect the root of orchids. Winter and early spring are the incubation periods of pests and germs, while summer and autumn are the high incidence periods of pests. In the prevention and control should be "prevention first, treatment secondary", in each season should be appropriate spraying insecticide sterilization drugs. At the same time, according to the growth law of orchids, scientific management methods should be used to strengthen orchids and increase their own disease resistance. This is the most fundamental preventive measure.