
The latest Apple Summer Management Technology and method course

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Apple is planted in the north of China and needs a certain low temperature to grow. The climate in the north is suitable for apple growth, but the summer in the north is more or less hot, so summer is the key period for apple tree management. Because the difference in temperature will cause some

Apples are grown in northern China and need a certain low temperature to grow. The climate in the north is suitable for apple growth, but the summer in the north is more or less hot, so summer is the key period for apple tree management. Because the temperature difference will cause some effects, especially in recent years, the climate is somewhat abnormal, and many northern regions are catching up with the southern regions in summer. We must do the following management work well in summer.

1. Pruning adjustment

Summer pruning, pulling branches in order to expand the angle of branches, increase internal light, promote the growth of new branches; coring of new shoots is to control growth and promote secondary germination; remove some elongated branches, growing branches, and drooping branches to reduce nutrition consumption; twist, slightly damage the xylem of some branches to inhibit growth; cut off the 3mm cortex of the main branch ring to restrain the growth.

2. Reasonable topdressing

The peak period of fertilizer demand in summer is also the key period for vegetative growth to reproductive growth, so it is necessary to control nitrogen fertilizer, increase the application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, and not lack of fertilizer, which will affect the growth potential and delay entering the period of reproductive growth. Topdressing should be applied in time from June to July, and topdressing had better be combined with extra-root topdressing, which can be absorbed more quickly.

3. Drainage and irrigation

It is high in summer, so it must be cooled and watered at night to ensure that the water content of the tree can enhance the ability of high temperature resistance and heat resistance. sometimes, in order to cool down, water can be sprayed in the orchard to cool down, which can prevent sunburn injury. If there is more rain, it is also necessary to dredge the drainage channel, not too wet, prone to disease.

4. Disease and pest control

Rainy and high temperature in summer is a period of high incidence of rot. Check the trunk and branches and find that the disease spot should be scraped off the epidermis with a knife in time. After scraping off, the medicament should be applied to the wound, and the scraped cortex should be collected and burned to avoid infection. Then spray the whole garden with 600 times solution of Wofeng, focus on the branches, and then use the solution to adjust the roots of the diseased plants. The main pest, the small apple leaf moth, eats the leaves seriously in summer, mainly hidden in the old bark, should be scraped first and smeared with 300 times trichlorfon solution.

The main management task of apple in summer is to prevent prosperous growth, prevent sunburn, maintain balanced nutrition and water, and grow normally. At the same time, pay attention to the disease, do not affect the health of the tree, which can keep the apple well into the reproductive growth stage.