
The latest course of techniques and methods for protecting flowers and fruits of oranges

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, Oranges have a large number of flowers and poor flower quality, so the phenomenon of falling flowers and fruits during planting is more serious, which brings huge losses to yield. How to protect flowers and fruits is one of the important measures for oranges or high yield. Next, let's get to know it with the editor. 1. Timely

Oranges have a large number of flowers and poor flower quality, so the phenomenon of falling flowers and fruits during planting is more serious, which brings huge losses to yield. How to protect flowers and fruits is one of the important measures for oranges or high yield. Next, let's get to know it with the editor.

1. Prune and wipe buds at the right time

Oranges should be carefully fed and thinned after budding in spring, pruning the top winter branches, growing branches, disease and insect branches and over-dense branches around the crown, as well as leafless cones and deformed flowers. Cut short excessively long autumn shoots, leave more than 3-4 flowers, at the same time, keep strong and weak branches, cut off clump branches, wipe off strong spring shoots at the top and periphery of the crown, and cut off weak spring shoots too densely. For spring shoots, they should be heart-picked in time, and spring, summer and early autumn shoots should be thoroughly erased.

2. Protect flowers and fruits

The mixture of 0.3% urea + 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate + 0.2% borax was sprayed once in the flower bud stage, flowering stage and young fruit stage, and a low concentration compound fertilizer solution was sprayed once after the first physiological fruit drop and before the second physiological fruit drop. In late May, 0.3 urea + 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate mixture was sprayed once, or when it was applied on the young fruit, the flower and fruit protection effect was better.

3. Prevention of navel yellow fruit drop

During flower appreciation, methyl topiramate should be sprayed once in combination with flower and fruit protection, and foliar fertilizer such as 300 times amino acid compound fertilizer or 800 times liquid of green Fenwei No. 2 should be sprayed on the crown from late month to early May. Spraying the crown with 800 times mixture of compound fertilizer and methyl topiramate in the second physiological fruit drop, or smearing the navel of the fruit with low concentration of methyl topiramate solution can inhibit the occurrence of navel yellow and prevent fruit drop.

4. Water management

Because of the fruit drop caused by fruit cracking, it is necessary to timely irrigate and cover the tree plate with straw in the dry season, and the thickness of the grass cover is about 10-15 cm. It is necessary to increase the application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer from June to August, and apply the navel of the young fruit with the solution of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer in the second physiological drop, and the 800-fold solution of 70% methyl topiramate can be added to the fruit with mild initial cracking.

The above is the introduction of orange flower and fruit protection technology, hope to help you, want to know more related knowledge, please pay attention to us.