
Industrialization, agricultural sustainability is the boundary.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, In what way should China develop agriculture? what kind of agriculture should China develop? Different understandings will have different effects when reflected in the practice of agricultural development. The mode of agricultural development can be varied, and the way to realize agricultural modernization is not.

In what way should China develop agriculture? what kind of agriculture should China develop? Different understandings will have different effects when reflected in the practice of agricultural development. The ways of agricultural development can be varied, and the ways to realize agricultural modernization are not immutable, but agricultural development has its own laws, no matter what kind of agricultural development mode it chooses, it must be based on the premise that it does not violate the law of agricultural development, otherwise it will encounter setbacks and failures, and there are already many lessons. Therefore, it is necessary to correctly understand the judgment of "developing modern agriculture in an industrial way" on the issue of agriculture.

As we all know, agricultural modernization must be based on industrial modernization, and the impact of industry on agriculture is very profound and multifaceted.

First of all, the impact of industrial civilization on agriculture is shown in the fact that industrial technology and industrial products are widely used in agriculture, such as plastic film, irrigation technology, agricultural facilities, agricultural machinery, chemical fertilizers, pesticides and so on. Agriculture can only wander at the traditional level without the support of modern industry.

At present, ecological agriculture and organic agriculture can not be separated from the achievements of modern industrial civilization.

Secondly, agricultural industrialization must learn from the way of industry, that is to say, agricultural industrialization itself is the embodiment of industrial mode. Like the development of industrialization, modern agriculture has broken the small and comprehensive traditional way of agriculture and moved towards specialization. From seed selection and planting to agricultural scientific research and farmers' education, and then to the processing, transportation, storage and sale of agricultural products, every link of agricultural production draws lessons from the way of industry. And in accordance with the way of industry, open up all links of the whole agricultural industry chain, and finally realize the integration of industry.

Third, the management and organization of industry can provide reference for modern agriculture. Such as input-output, cost and benefit, the concept of organization, etc., all provide basic principles and methods for the construction of modern agricultural organizations.

At the same time, it must also be noted that agriculture and industry are two modes of production, which follow different laws, and can not be mechanically transplanted to the field of agriculture. An agricultural enterprise contracted farmers' land and hired farmers to work in the fields, requiring farmers to dress in the same way as factory workers, implement an eight-hour working system, and get to and from work on time, which was boycotted and ridiculed by farmers. Because this practice ignores the characteristics of agriculture, it often increases the cost of agricultural production, decreases the quality of labor and increases risks, and the industrial way of developing agriculture will also lead to damage to the environment. The important reason for the failure of many enterprises in agriculture lies in the use of industrial machinery.

Therefore, on the issue of understanding the relationship between industrial mode and agricultural mode, it is necessary to grasp the characteristics of agriculture and produce some industrial methods that are suitable for agriculture. Some agricultural labor has not yet developed to the stage of adopting the industrial mode, or does not have the environmental conditions of the industrial way, so we should respect the reality and not apply it mechanically.

At present, the most worrying problem is how to correctly deal with the large-scale operation of agriculture or land transfer. Scale is an important embodiment of industrial mode, scale agriculture is the inevitable trend of agriculture in the future, but this is a natural realization process with the non-agricultural transfer of labor force. However, in practical work, some people confuse trends with ideals and try to achieve the so-called large-scale goal immediately through human intervention, so there is a forced transfer of land against the wishes of farmers, resulting in large-scale in form, resulting in harm to farmers and agriculture.

Therefore, Premier Li Keqiang stressed: "on the basis of respecting the wishes of farmers, we should not stick to one style and promote various forms of moderate scale operation." In his speech at the fifth meeting of the Central leading Group for comprehensively deepening Reform, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that the development of agricultural scale operation should be compatible with the process of urbanization and the scale of rural labor transfer, with the progress of agricultural science and technology and the improvement of production means, and with the improvement of agricultural socialized service level. Without these conditions, blindly promote large-scale, the result is that the government spent money to create a large-scale wasteland, this phenomenon has occurred everywhere.

In theory, large-scale operation does have many advantages, such as reducing ridges, expanding the use area of cultivated land, facilitating mechanized operation and so on. However, these benefits are negligible to farmers' consciousness of production and sense of responsibility, and their disadvantages should not be covered up because of the advantages of scale, still less can they negate the fundamental agricultural management system; in the practice of modern agricultural development, special attention should be paid not to creating landless peasants for the scale of some people, not to scale for the sake of mechanization, let alone scale for the sake of scale. Mechanization and scale are only the means of modern agriculture, not as an end. Otherwise, we will put the cart before the horse. In particular, it is very dangerous for some people to negate the basic management system in rural areas on the grounds that the ridges are inconvenient for mechanized operation.

All kinds of unsustainable disadvantages in the process of industrial development of agriculture, such as environmental pollution, plunder of land power, short-term benefits and so on, can only be solved by means of ecological civilization. When we examine agricultural development from the perspective of ecological civilization, we will find that the concept of ecological civilization, such as the overall concept of agriculture, the concept of sustainable and diversified agriculture, the agricultural model of the combination of cultivation and cultivation, and the self-organized agricultural system will replace the concept of industrial civilization. it will play a more and more important role in the development of modern agriculture.