
Matters needing attention in spraying fruit trees in the latest summer

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, It is now in dog days, the temperature is extremely high, for orchard management, high temperature climate is conducive to the harm of weeds and insect pests, so it is necessary to do a good job in prevention and control management. It is necessary to spray insecticides to control diseases and insect pests, but it is a little bit to spray fruit trees under high temperature.

It is now in dog days, the temperature is extremely high, for orchard management, high temperature climate is conducive to the harm of weeds and insect pests, so it is necessary to do a good job in prevention and control management. Spraying pesticides is necessary for the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests, but there are some restrictions on spraying fruit trees under high temperature conditions, and if it is not handled properly, it will be counterproductive, so what should fruit trees pay attention to in summer? Let's get to know it.

1. The concentration of the medicament should not be concentrated.

When administering medicine to fruit trees in high temperature weather, we should pay attention to that the concentration of the solution should not be too high, because the water in the solution is easy to evaporate in the high temperature environment, so the water in the solution will diffuse and disperse quickly, and the concentration of the solution will be increased to a certain extent. If the concentration of the solution itself is relatively high, it is very easy to cause drug damage to fruit trees under the condition of high temperature, so farmers should administer drugs in strict accordance with the drug standards when they are at high temperatures in summer.

2. It is not suitable to take medicine at noon.

Summer noon is the hottest time of the day, many farmers are eager for success, like to take medicine at the high temperature at noon, thinking that the effect will play faster. In fact, this is a wrong approach, because the extremely high temperature at noon, pests will be reduced accordingly, midday medication not only can not reach the pests themselves, and coupled with the faster volatilization of the effect, the effect will be greatly reduced. Therefore, it is recommended that fruit tree growers try to avoid the high temperature period at noon and try to choose to administer medicine in the evening.

3. Protective measures should be taken.

Under high temperature, people will sweat a lot even if they do not exercise, not to mention the physical work of medication, many fruit growers wear short sleeves and shorts in order to cool down, which is a very dangerous behavior. High temperature will make the pores of human skin expand, and the liquid will come into contact with human skin after volatilization, which will be absorbed by pores, thus causing human body poisoning. Therefore, no matter when the drug is administered, protective measures should be taken to avoid drug poisoning.

4. It is not suitable to take medicine in the early morning.

The weather is cool in the morning, so it should be the best time to take medicine, but why can't you take medicine? This is because the morning temperature is low, if the injection time is too early, when the dew has not yet evaporated, then the drug will be diluted by the dew on the plant, which will reduce the concentration of the solution, resulting in poor efficacy.

Above summer fruit tree spray points for attention, hope to help you, want to know more related knowledge, please follow us.