
The latest course on the prevention and control of fruit shrinkage disease of winter jujube

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Winter jujube is a kind of fruit that everyone likes very much, which is generally listed in October every year, and the fruit shrinkage disease of winter jujube is a common disease when planting winter jujube, which will seriously affect the yield and quality of the fruit. So how to prevent and cure the fruit shrinking disease of winter jujube? With the editor.

Winter jujube is a kind of fruit that everyone likes very much, which is generally listed in October every year, and the fruit shrinkage disease of winter jujube is a common disease when planting winter jujube, which will seriously affect the yield and quality of the fruit. So how to prevent and cure the fruit shrinking disease of winter jujube? Come and have a look with the editor.

1. Symptoms

The disease mainly harms the fruit of winter jujube, often due to rotten fruit and early shedding, first of all, there are yellowish halo disease spots on the shoulder or carcass of the damaged fruit, and then gradually expand to form concave irregular yellowish disease spots. there will also be evacuated round brown spots on the pericarp. When the fruit is cut open, it will be found that the flesh is yellow and soft, the diseased tissue is spongy and necrotic, the diseased fruit is wrinkled, the pulp is bitter, and the edible value is completely lost, resulting in greater economic losses.

2. The regularity of the disease

Winter jujube fruit shrinkage disease, also known as black rot, brown rot and wilt disease, is a bacterial disease. The pathogen can survive the winter safely in the diseased fruit and invade from the fruit wound or directly penetrate the pericarp by wind and rain the following year. During the peak period of the disease from August to September, the diseased fruit gradually dried and sunken, and the pericarp shrunk and fell off. The priority of the disease is closely related to temperature, humidity and insect pests, especially in the weather of continuous rain or intermittent rain alternating high temperature and humidity, it is very easy to cause the outbreak of this disease, resulting in a large number of fast-ripening winter jujube falling, serious losses. In addition, the mechanical loss caused by friction, the feeding harm of leafhoppers, scale, mites and so on are also easy to cause the invasion of bacteria and lead to the disease.

3. Prevention and control methods

First of all, after the fruit is picked every year, the orchard should be completely cleared, the diseases, pests and rotten fruits in the orchard should be completely eliminated, and the orchards should be burned or buried deeply to eliminate the overwintering bacteria and reduce the incidence of the following year. The application of organic fertilizer and phosphorus and potassium fertilizer after fruit harvest in autumn to enhance the tree potential and improve the disease resistance of the plant is generally in the peak period of disease during the fruit coloring period, so it is the key period of prevention and control 15-20 days before harvest. It can be sprayed every 10 days, and we should also pay attention to control the harm of prickly sucking pests such as leafhopper, tortoise wax scale and peach heart borer, so as to reduce the wound of jujube fruit and reduce the infection rate of bacteria.

The above is the introduction of the prevention and control technology of winter jujube fruit shrinkage disease, hope to help you, want to know more related knowledge, please pay attention to us.