
The cause of the brittleness of strawberry leaves and its solution

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Many fruit growers will have the phenomenon of leaf brittleness when planting strawberries. the leaf brittleness of strawberries is not a small problem, it is very likely that there is a problem of root absorption, which is extremely disadvantageous to the growth of strawberries, and it is also caused by the soil being too dry and wet in the coming year. Below

Many fruit growers will have the phenomenon of leaf brittleness when planting strawberries. the leaf brittleness of strawberries is not a small problem, it is very likely that there is a problem of root absorption, which is extremely disadvantageous to the growth of strawberries, and it is also caused by the soil being too dry and wet in the coming year. The following editor summarizes the causes of strawberry leaves becoming brittle. Let's take a look.

1. Improper watering

Insufficient water supply in the plot, not watered for a long time, will lead to lack of water in strawberry plants, resulting in dry and brittle leaves; and when there is too much water supply in the land, it will also cause stem and leaf growth, vegetative growth is stronger than reproductive growth, resulting in less flowering and fruiting, small fruit size and low yield. the fruit because of excessive water absorption will also reduce the sugar concentration, affecting the commercial value of the fruit. In addition, strawberry seedlings are not resistant to waterlogging, if long-term stagnant water will lead to retting roots, rotting roots, resulting in roots can not absorb water normally, resulting in withering and drying symptoms of leaves on the ground.

Solution: when watering, we should pay attention to small water watering frequently, keep the soil moisture at about 60%, also grasp by hand, can not squeeze out the water to put it down and fall to the ground to spread out, and the soil water content is equivalent to 60-80%.

2. Temperature factor

Low temperature will affect the absorption of mineral nutrients by roots, which can easily lead to sagging, wilting and slow growth of leaves, as well as brittleness, high temperature and drought, and stomatal closure of strawberry leaves.

Solution: greenhouse cultivation in the north can reduce the temperature in the facility by ventilation, the temperature during the day is controlled at 20-25 ℃, the low temperature at night is kept at 6-8 ℃, and the low temperature at night can reduce plant nutrient consumption and avoid strawberry stem and leaf growth. During the fruit harvest period, root nutrients are extremely important, which can be combined with 150-300 times of Shi Qingku Rike + 300 times of Tilwang or with humic acid fertilizer to maintain and protect roots during the fruit harvest period. attention should be paid to the amount of plant growth regulators so as not to cause premature senescence of roots and affect yield.

3. Improper fertilization and medication

When boron supply is insufficient, a large number of sugars will accumulate in the leaves, which will not only make the leaves thicker and brittle, but also reduce the pollination and seed setting rate, resulting in fruit deformity. Calcium deficiency often leads to browning and drying of leaf tip and leaf edge, brittle young leaves and abnormal growth of leaflets after expansion. In the administration, due to excessive or excessive concentration, will also lead to leaf aging and brittleness, such as azole drugs are prone to this kind of situation.

Solution: pay attention to the supply of trace elements when fertilizing, combined with foliar fertilizer spraying, to maintain the appropriate amount of calcium, boron and other trace elements needed for plant growth.

The above is the introduction of the causes and solutions of strawberry leaf brittleness. I hope it can help you. If you want to know more about it, please follow us.