
What is the reason for the latest fruit drop of jujube trees?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Jujube trees have natural fruit drop, if it is a small number of some of this is normal behavior, but if the number is large, it means that there is a problem. If something goes wrong, what are the main causes? Let's take a look at the causes of fruit drop in jujube trees.

Jujube trees have natural fruit drop, if it is a small number of some of this is normal behavior, but if the number is large, it means that there is a problem. If something goes wrong, what are the main causes? Let's take a look at several reasons for the fruit drop of jujube trees.

1. Insufficient fertilizer

This situation is mainly concentrated in the flower-fruit transition period, when the flower begins to change like fruit, but the connection with the branch is more fragile, after all, the weight of fruit and flower is not in the same level. This is the jujube tree's demand for fertilizer is relatively high, and the nutrient will give priority to the supply of flowers and fruits, the joint can get very few nutrients, in the case of insufficient fertilizer, the joint can not carry the weight of the fruit, the natural batch of fruit.

2. Environmental factors

The environment also has a great impact on the fruit loss of jujube trees. If there is more overcast and rainy weather during the growth of jujube trees in that year, there will be more frequent fruit drop, because the trees do not have enough light to carry too much fruit. Secondly, the high temperature dry soil will also lead to such a situation, because at this time the jujube will be seriously short of water, its own nutrient transport system is very slow, and the fruit will naturally fall. These are mainly due to the water imbalance in jujube caused by the environment, and water control can alleviate this problem to a certain extent.

3. The tree is prosperous and long.

Some growers should encounter such a situation, jujube tree growth is exuberant, full of vitality, but jujube is falling more and more, this is caused by jujube tree growth. The branches and leaves of such jujube trees grow faster, the branches are dense, and the new branches and buds begin to compete for nutrients, but because the new branches and buds have stronger ability to grab nutrients, it will eventually lead to fewer and fewer jujube trees that can get these nutrients on the whole branch. finally, the fruit is formed by the lack of nutrients in the fruit. It is suggested that growers had better prune the fruit trees to a certain extent at this time in order to restrain this problem.

4. Disease

Disease is also a key cause of fruit drop, which can be caused by many diseases and insect pests. Jujube pulp disease, fruit shrinkage disease, jujube fruit rust and so on will cause more serious fruit drop. These diseases are all due to the erosion of the fruit by germs, which leads to a decline in the vitality of the whole fruit, and then slowly dry rot at the joint, and finally a large number of fruit drops. Generally speaking, the fruit drop caused by the disease can be analyzed from the situation of the leaves and the newly fallen fruit of the fruit tree, and the targeted treatment can be made after further judgment.

The above are some of the common reasons for jujube fruit drop, jujube fruit drop is more common, we had better distinguish whether it is natural fruit drop before this. If anyone is in line with the situation of falling fruit on appeal, we should treat the fruit trees as soon as possible.