
Develop various forms of moderate scale operation to promote the mode of agricultural development

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Large population and little land is the basic national condition of our country, the scale of land per household is only more than 7 mu, and the small-scale decentralized operation of farmers has always been the main way of agricultural management in our country. This mode of agricultural management is not conducive to the optimal allocation of resources and the effective improvement of labor productivity.

Large population and little land is the basic national condition of our country, the scale of land per household is only more than 7 mu, and the small-scale decentralized operation of farmers has always been the main way of agricultural management in our country. This agricultural management mode is not conducive to the optimal allocation of resources and the effective improvement of labor productivity, and slows down the process of agricultural modernization to a certain extent. In recent years, with the accelerated development of industrialization and urbanization, more and more agricultural surplus labor force has been transferred to non-agricultural employment, creating conditions for appropriately expanding the scale of agricultural operation and effectively improving labor productivity. Various localities have carried out various forms of beneficial exploration around the development of appropriate scale operation of agriculture, and accumulated a wealth of practical experience. In the long run, promoting the transformation of agriculture from the decentralized management of traditional farmers to a new management system with the combination of intensification, specialization, organization and socialization is the only way for our country to build a modern agricultural power. Recently, the "opinions on speeding up the Transformation of the Mode of Agricultural Development" issued by the General Office of the State Council once again stressed that accelerating agricultural modernization at present and for a period in the future must take the development of various forms of appropriate scale operation as the core and effectively change the mode of agricultural development.

I. steadily carry out the work of registration and certification of the right to contracted management of rural land

Establishing and perfecting the registration and certification system of land contractual management right is an important basic work to stabilize rural land contractual relationship, promote the transfer of land management right and develop appropriate scale operation. In February 2015, the Ministry of Agriculture and other six ministries and commissions issued the opinions on conscientiously doing a good job in the registration and certification of contracted management rights of rural land. Nine provinces (autonomous regions), including Jiangsu, Jiangxi and Hubei, have carried out provincial-wide pilot projects. Other provinces have expanded their overall pilot projects with counties as units. So far, 1988 counties have carried out confirmation certificates. All localities should, in accordance with the unified arrangements of the central authorities, pay close attention to the work of registration and certification of the right to contracted management of rural land, properly solve such problems as the inaccurate area of land contracted by farmers, and encourage areas with conditions to explore the quantification of shares in contracted land, share-based distribution, and develop appropriate scale operation on the basis of registering and issuing certificates for the confirmation of contracted land rights. At the same time, we should strengthen the publicity of the registration and certification of rural land contracting rights and the policy of the transfer of rural land management rights, so that farmers can fully understand the purpose, significance, role and procedural requirements of the work of registration and certification of rural land contracts. we should give full play to the main role of the peasant masses and improve their awareness and ability to safeguard the rights and interests of land contracts.

Second, develop various forms of moderate scale operation

The No. 1 document of the CPC Central Committee in 2015 pointed out that it is necessary to adhere to the dominant position of farmers' household management, innovate the mode of land circulation and scale operation, cultivate new types of business entities, such as large professional households, family farms, farmers' professional cooperatives, and leading industrial enterprises, and actively develop various forms of moderate scale operation. The development of agricultural scale operation should be "moderate" and should not be blindly enlarged or forcibly promoted. From the point of view of the whole country, due to the differences in natural economic conditions such as agricultural resource endowment, farmers' employment and income structure, it is impossible to have a universally applicable suitable standard of land management scale. Therefore, the reasonable determination of the scale of local land management depends on the exploration from practice around the country. Judging from the practice in many places, if the income from farming on the scale of land management is equivalent to the income from workers in the local secondary and tertiary industries, and the scale of land operation is equivalent to 10-15 times the area of land contracted by local households, it is more suitable for the production needs of many areas and should be given key support. Not only are there many suitable scale standards for agricultural operation in various localities, but the realization forms of agricultural scale operation should also be adjusted to local conditions, and all localities should constantly explore and enrich effective forms suitable for local development in the light of reality. Where there are conditions, according to the wishes of the peasants, we can uniformly reorganize the cultivated land, quantify the land shares, confirm the rights to the households, and distribute the income from the operation according to the shares. Farmers are encouraged to solve the problem of fragmentation of contracted land by means of exchange and merger of land on a voluntary basis. The contracted farmers are encouraged to transfer the contracted land by means of subcontracting, leasing, exchange, transfer and shareholding in accordance with the law. Where there are conditions, support policies should be formulated to guide farmers to transfer contracted land for a long time and promote their transfer of employment. We will guide farmers to set up land joint-stock cooperatives with contracted land, encourage contracted farmers to carry out joint household operation, guide the development of farmers' cooperative cooperatives, expand the area of production and operation, solve the problems of land fragmentation and low output capacity, and promote intensive scale operation. Guide and encourage leading enterprises and farmers or farmers' cooperatives to achieve large-scale operation by means of "order agriculture". In recent years, some areas have explored the appropriate scale operation of agricultural land trusteeship and development exhibition and achieved good results. Under the premise of adhering to the household contract management system, this management model can provide social services for farmers before, during and after production, which can not only enable farmers to retain the right to contract land, but also get more benefits than land transfer. it not only saves the production cost but also liberates the rural labor force, opens up stable income channels for farmers and improves the per unit yield income brought by large-scale production. It is an effective form of the transition from the flow of agricultural land to large-scale operation. Through land trusteeship service, Shandong supply and marketing cooperatives have changed the original decentralized management model of one household, and implemented large-scale production, standardized planting and intensive management, so as to benefit more farmers and are very popular with the peasant masses. at present, the land trusteeship area exceeds 10 million mu. Practice has proved that farmland trusteeship can better adapt to the new situation of agricultural land transfer, effectively avoid many disadvantages caused by administrative promotion of agricultural land transfer, and has a solid mass foundation and a wide range of application. it is an approachable form of scale operation. Therefore, it is necessary to encourage all localities to actively promote the trusteeship service model that does not change the contracted relationship between farmers and ensure that there are people in the land. Large grain growers, agricultural machinery cooperatives and agricultural machinery cooperatives should be encouraged to carry out whole-process trusteeship or major production links trusteeship, so as to achieve unified farming and develop appropriate scale operation.

III. Implement fiscal, credit and other supporting policies to support moderate scale operation

Recently, the Ministry of Finance formulated the "opinions on supporting various forms of moderate scale operation to promote the transformation of the mode of agricultural development". The CBRC and the Ministry of Agriculture have issued guidance on financial support for large-scale production and intensive operation of agriculture. Other relevant departments have also issued a series of support policies to promote appropriate scale operation of agriculture. All localities should do a good job in the implementation of support policies to ensure that all effective measures are truly implemented. At present, it is necessary to focus on policy implementation in two areas. First, speed up the cultivation of new types of agricultural operators. In recent years, a large number of new types of agricultural operators have emerged in various places, which have effectively promoted the development of moderate-scale operation. By the end of 2014, there were 3.41 million professional and family farms, 1.29 million cooperatives and more than 120000 leading enterprises. With the approval of the State Council, three subsidy policies (referred to as the "three subsidies" for agriculture), including subsidies for good varieties of crops, direct subsidies for grain farmers and comprehensive subsidies for agricultural materials, will be adjusted and improved in 2015, which will be used as a whole to support the moderate scale operation of grain, focusing on new business entities such as large grain growers, family farms, farmers' cooperatives and agricultural socialized service organizations. Finance at all levels should also increase support to farmers' cooperatives, focusing on the development of family farms with family members as the main labor force, agriculture as the main source of income, and engaged in professional and intensive agricultural production. We will encourage the pilot project of financial leasing of large-scale agricultural machinery and innovative agricultural machinery credit services, so as to meet the purchase and use needs of operators of moderate scale through various channels and forms. Promote the effective docking of financial agricultural support projects with new business entities, so that they can participate in the construction, operation and management of financial agricultural support projects more widely and deeply. The second is to support and guide the innovation of systems and mechanisms conducive to moderate scale operation. We will steadily promote the pilot project of mortgage and guarantee of land management rights. We will promote the establishment of county financing guarantee institutions that are mainly funded by the government and focus on agricultural credit guarantee business, and speed up the construction of a nationwide agricultural credit guarantee service network. We will actively promote the construction of an inclusive financial service system, continue to give full play to the guiding role of targeted fee subsidies for rural financial institutions and incremental incentive policies for agriculture-related loans of county financial institutions, and encourage financial institutions to increase their support for appropriate scale operations. To help moderate scale operators broaden financing channels and reduce financing costs by means of loan discount, risk compensation, financing credit enhancement, venture capital funds and so on. We will further improve the risk dispersion mechanism of agricultural insurance disasters and effectively raise the level of risk protection for appropriate scale operations.

IV. Promoting the development of agricultural socialized service organizations

Establishing and perfecting the socialized service system of agriculture is an important aspect of the construction of modern agricultural management system. The third Plenary session of the 17th CPC Central Committee proposed to "speed up the construction of a new type of agricultural socialized service system based on public service institutions, based on cooperative economic organizations, with leading enterprises as the backbone and other social forces as supplements." the combination of public welfare services and business services, and the coordination of special services and comprehensive services. Practice has proved that improving the level of organization and scale through the development of association and cooperation among farmers and the socialized service of agriculture is also an effective form of developing agricultural scale management, and the larger the scale of agricultural operation is, the more it needs to be adapted to a sound social service system. All localities should take measures such as financial support and credit support, implement relevant preferential tax policies, and speed up the cultivation of various forms of agricultural business service organizations. Supporting qualified operational service organizations to undertake agricultural public welfare services by means of purchasing services by the government can help farmers realize the application of modern agricultural technology and equipment on limited cultivated land by purchasing agricultural social services. it is an effective way to improve the agricultural social service system. For example, by purchasing social services, some localities have achieved good results by encouraging agricultural machinery service organizations such as large agricultural machinery households and agricultural machinery cooperatives to carry out social services such as cross-regional subsoiling and land preparation operations. The No. 1 document of the Central Committee in 2015 put forward a clear requirement to encourage and guide social forces to participate in public welfare services by purchasing services and other means. At present, the Ministry of Agriculture has organized a pilot project for the government to purchase agricultural public welfare service mechanism from business service organizations in some counties and cities, through government ordering, targeted entrustment, award replacement, loan guarantee, bidding, and so on. Support business service organizations with certain qualifications to engage in agricultural public welfare services that are quantifiable, easy to supervise and benefit widely. We will explore to expand the scope of effective guarantees for business service organizations and production and operation entities in pilot counties, increase the line of credit, and give appropriate interest rate concessions, and encourage pilot counties to establish agricultural guarantee companies funded by finance. to provide loan guarantees for all kinds of business service organizations and production and operation entities. Local governments are encouraged to sum up and popularize the pilot experience of financial support for socialized services in the whole process of agricultural production and new-type agricultural socialized services, promote the organization and unification of production and operation such as seed supply and fertilizer supply, agricultural machinery industry, agricultural technology extension, production management and product sales, and improve the efficiency of regional scale operation. Supply and marketing cooperatives have long been rooted in rural areas, close to farmers, and have a relatively sound organizational system and management network. at present, 340000 integrated service cooperatives have been established, which have unique advantages in serving agriculture. Recently, the decision on deepening the Comprehensive Reform of supply and Marketing Cooperatives issued by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council pointed out that supply and marketing cooperatives should be extended from circulation services to whole-process agricultural socialization services. focus on agricultural production services, agricultural products circulation services, urban and rural community comprehensive services, rural cooperative financial services, speed up the construction of a comprehensive, large-scale and sustainable service system for agriculture. All localities should further deepen the reform of supply and marketing cooperatives, meet the requirements of modern agricultural development, make great efforts to improve the socialized service capacity of agriculture, and turn supply and marketing cooperatives into cooperative economic organizations that truly meet the needs of farmers.

Fifth, steadily carry out the pilot project of farmers' contracted land and withdraw from the pilot project with compensation.

For some residents who have settled in cities and towns for a long time and have stable employment, we can explore the paid withdrawal of contracted land by farmers in the experimental areas of rural reform, but this must be based on insisting on the collective ownership of rural land and the full willingness of farmers. At the same time, it must be noted that at this stage, withdrawing the right to contracted management of land should not be taken as a condition for farmers to settle in cities, and whether farmers who have settled in cities should be fully respected for their willingness to withdraw with compensation. In addition to the subjective wishes of farmers, the process of paid withdrawal of contracted land by farmers is closely related to the foundation of economic and social development, such as the perfection of rural land system and the citizenization of agricultural transferred population. farmers who are unwilling to give up agricultural management because of their lifestyle choices will exist for a long time, and on the whole, they do not have the subjective and objective conditions to promote farmers' paid withdrawal from contracted land on a large scale. Therefore, this pilot reform must be carried out prudently and steadily within the scope of the rural reform experimental area.

In addition, in the process of developing various forms of moderate scale operation, we should pay attention to dealing with the problem of industrial and commercial capital entering agriculture, and resolutely prevent the emergence of "non-agriculturalization." In recent years, there have been some problems in some places, such as carrying out non-agricultural construction after industrial and commercial capital is transferred to rural areas, affecting the protection of cultivated land and grain production. To this end, the Ministry of Agriculture, together with the Central Agricultural Office and other departments, issued the "opinions on strengthening the Supervision and risk Prevention of Industrial and Commercial Capital Leasing of farmland". It is clear that land circulation and the development of large-scale operation must adhere to three bottom lines: the nature of public ownership of land, the red line of cultivated land and the interests of farmers. The entry of industrial and commercial capital into agriculture is mainly to encourage it to focus on developing capital-and technology-intensive industries according to local resource endowments and industrial characteristics, to engage in the processing and circulation of agricultural products and agricultural socialization services, and to develop modern planting and breeding industries suitable for enterprise management, such as improved seed breeding, high-standard facility agriculture, large-scale breeding and so on. We will strengthen the standardized management of industrial and commercial capital leasing of agricultural land, improve the risk prevention mechanism of industrial and commercial capital leasing of agricultural land, strengthen the supervision after the event of industrial and commercial capital leasing of agricultural land, strengthen the control over the use of leased agricultural land, and take resolute measures to strictly prohibit the "non-agricultural" of cultivated land.