
The greening of agriculture is not a retreat to traditional agriculture.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Driven by modern science and technology, the output of agricultural products in China has outperformed the population growth and successfully achieved the goal of increasing production. However, under the production-oriented development model, long-term sustained agricultural production has also paid a heavy price of resources and environment, chemical fertilizers,

Driven by modern science and technology, the growth of China's agricultural output has outperformed the population growth and successfully achieved the goal of "increasing more". However, under the production-oriented development model, the long-term sustained increase in agricultural production has also paid a heavy price of resources and environment, and many hidden dangers have been buried in the non-standard use of modern agricultural inputs such as chemical fertilizers, pesticides and additives. quality and safety accidents of agricultural products occur from time to time, how to "green" agriculture has become a problem that needs to be paid close attention to and solved seriously. The "opinions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on speeding up the Construction of Ecological Civilization" released not long ago clearly requires "coordinated promotion of new industrialization, informatization, urbanization, agricultural modernization and greening." Green has become an important connotation of China's modernization, and naturally it has also become an important follow of agricultural modernization. "getting green" is a new goal of agricultural development in the new stage.

It should be noted that there are many misunderstandings about green agriculture in recent years, and some of them even spread widely and have a great influence. For example, as long as chemical fertilizers, pesticides, feed and additives are mentioned, many people will be disgusted; as long as they mention the quality and safety of agricultural products, many people will think of developing organic agriculture and pure natural agriculture. In some public opinion and advertising, quality and safety are often equated with not using chemical fertilizers and pesticides and not feeding feed and additives. In this social atmosphere, to put forward the new goal of making agriculture green and realizing its green development, we must prevent it from going to extremes and blindly resist and reject the application of modern scientific and technological achievements in agriculture. To make agriculture green is by no means to return to traditional agriculture before industrial civilization. Of course, agriculture at that time was green and organic, but how could we feed so many people today with that kind of agriculture? Farming without chemical fertilizers and pesticides and aquaculture without feed and additives can exist in small amounts, but it is difficult to become the mainstream of modern agriculture. The study on the history of agricultural development in China for thousands of years shows that under the conditions of using human and animal power, ploughing and rotation of cultivated land, and relying on human and animal manure to maintain soil fertility, in order to achieve the balance of nitrogen as the main nutrient element, the grain yield per mu can only reach 100 kg. This is a far cry from the 400 kilograms per mu that modern agriculture can achieve.

The green agriculture we pursue now is essentially intensive agriculture supported by science and technology and based on modern inputs. Chemical fertilizers and pesticides are not scourges, the key lies in scientific fertilization and rational use of drugs; feed and additives are not unable to produce high-quality animal products, the key lies in scientific feeding and abiding by norms. In the next step of agricultural development, we should expand the application of soil testing formula fertilization in facility agriculture and horticultural crops such as vegetables, fruit trees, tea and other horticultural crops, so as to achieve full coverage of main crops as soon as possible. Establish a professional pest control service organization with rapid response and efficient service, vigorously promote the integration of professional unified control and green prevention and control, and effectively enhance the degree of organization of pest prevention and control. We will speed up the formulation and revision of agricultural and veterinary drug residue standards, formulate and popularize a number of simple and easy-to-understand production technical operation rules as soon as possible, and promote the construction of horticultural crop standard gardens, standardized livestock and poultry farms, and aquatic health farms. We will vigorously support new agricultural operators to carry out standardized production.

The development of agriculture with green concept requires a series of profound adjustments in the use of inputs, environmental protection of producing areas, production and management mode, marketing system and so on. Compared with production-oriented agriculture, the production cost of green agriculture is definitely much higher. In order to make producers have the enthusiasm to develop green agriculture, they must get high enough returns. How to price green agriculture and make consumers pay for green agriculture? Experience in some places shows that cultivating brands of agricultural products and putting green labels on products is a feasible path. With brands, consumers can reduce the cost of information search and enhance consumer confidence and willingness to buy. Small-scale agriculture with a single family cannot form a brand, so it is necessary to improve the degree of organization of agricultural production and develop farmers' cooperatives. A good cooperative should not only follow the basic principles of cooperative system and give full play to the main role of farmers, but also have a well-known product brand. The establishment of an Internet platform will help farmers' cooperatives to cultivate brands and sell products directly.

To make agriculture green requires the joint action of the whole society. The government should take active actions to speed up the formulation and improvement of the standard and technical standard system for the production, management and use of agricultural inputs, accelerate the construction of the national agricultural product quality traceability management information platform, and promote the agricultural product quality identification system. The media should treat scientifically and rationally the problems existing in the production of local areas and individual products, and should not exaggerate the seriousness of the problem in order to attract attention, and be responsible to producers and consumers.