
Can I eat fruits and vegetables out of season?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Nowadays, many people who pursue organic life will emphasize a word, that is, they don't eat from time to time. For example, eat loquat in spring, watermelon in summer, apples in autumn and radish in winter. Think that out-of-season fruits and vegetables are likely to be planted by some chemical method.

Nowadays, many people who pursue organic life will emphasize a word, that is, they don't eat from time to time. For example, eat loquat in spring, watermelon in summer, apples in autumn and radish in winter. It is believed that out-of-season fruits and vegetables are likely to be planted by some chemical method, which is a terrible synonym for chemical fertilizers, pesticides, hormones and so on. So, what's the truth? Can you eat off-season fruits and vegetables?

Citizen interview

So do the public know enough about out-of-season fruits and vegetables? do they accept or reject them? As a result, the reporter interviewed some citizens and found that they had different views on out-of-season fruits and vegetables.


Citizen Miss Li told reporters that during the Spring Festival, after opening gift boxes or boxes of fruit, "they all taste the same, like preservatives." There is a small box of cherries, looks very good, very big, and red black, the luster is also very good, but tastes a little bitter, and cherries on the market when the taste of fresh cherries is different, can this kind of fruit eat? It's a pity not to eat and throw it away. But if you eat it, you are afraid of any side effects. "

Buy pie:

Mr. White-collar Wang believes that if there are plenty of seasonal fruits to choose from in the market, there is naturally no need to choose off-season fruits with high prices. If there are few kinds of seasonal fruits on the market, it's okay to buy some out-of-season fruits to change their taste. However, out-of-season fruits are generally more expensive, and not as delicious as fruit in season! But you can't eat more.

Refuse to buy pie:

Ms. Zhang, who lives in Jingtian, refused to buy out-of-season fruits and vegetables. she told reporters that when a doctor's daughter said that many out-of-season fruits were ripened and kept fresh with some chemicals, in the process, some out-of-season fruits have become "problem fruits." Out-of-season fruits are generally put on the market after long-term storage, and their sugars, vitamins, fruit acids and other ingredients have been damaged to varying degrees, that is to say, their nutrients are greatly reduced compared with fresh fruits on the market. In addition, in order to keep fresh, businesses may add some preservatives, which are also harmful to the human body. "if you spend a lot of money but don't get the nutrition you should have, isn't the loss outweighing the gain? So it's better not to eat. "

Recommendation 1

Go to regular supermarkets or farmers' markets to buy food

According to industry experts, the safety of off-season fruits and vegetables does not lie in labels such as "out-of-season" or "against nature", but in the process of planting (including the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, hormones), transportation, storage, and so on. whether to strictly abide by the relevant regulations of the state's production of agricultural products. As long as it complies with the regulations, its security is guaranteed.

Industry experts remind the public that the scattered stalls on the market are generally produced and sold on their own, without relevant quality and safety testing, food may not be safe, there are greater hidden dangers. As they are relatively scattered and do not have a unified purchasing channel, the quality inspection departments simply have no way to conduct testing, so they remind the public that they must go to regular supermarkets or farmers' markets to buy vegetables, and avoid covetous petty gains at the expense of the big ones.

Experts say that the biggest difference between off-season fruits and vegetables and seasonal fruits and vegetables is due to the lack of light time and intensity of off-season fruits and vegetables, long transportation time and other factors that make their nutritional value, flavor and taste different. But these differences do not mean that off-season fruits and vegetables are not nutritious or even harmful. On the contrary, in winter, appropriate consumption of off-season fruits and vegetables can provide the human body with rich vitamins, dietary fiber and other nutrients.

Recommendation 2

Out-of-season vegetables should have a "coat".

Choose vegetables carefully and distinguish the shape and color carefully. Try to buy fewer vegetables with strange shapes and colors; although some vegetables have been ripened, the peel or other places will still leave traces of green, so you should pay attention when buying them. Absolutely pollution-free agricultural products are almost non-existent and pollution-free is only relatively speaking. As long as you pass the relevant national testing, you can eat rest assured vegetables. Therefore, members of the public had better buy clearly marked green and pollution-free vegetables.

Industry experts remind the public that choosing seasonal vegetables and eating local food is a better choice than eating out-of-season vegetables, and complying with nature is the best health rule. If you want to buy out-of-season vegetables, it is also best to buy more onions, carrots, eggplant and so on. These skinned vegetables have less pesticide residues.