
Internet Finance illuminates the Rural Market

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, The "China Rural Internet Finance Forum", jointly sponsored by the Financial New normal Research Group of the China Economic system Reform Research Association, the Beijing Branch of China (Hainan) Reform and Development Research Institute, and the one-acre e-commerce trading platform for China's agricultural products, was held in Beijing a few days ago.

The "China Rural Internet Finance Forum", jointly sponsored by the Financial New normal Research Group of the China Economic system Reform Research Association, the Beijing Branch of China (Hainan) Reform and Development Research Institute, and the one-acre e-commerce trading platform for China's agricultural products, was held in Beijing a few days ago. Experts and scholars attending the meeting held in-depth discussions on such topics as "Rural Reform and Internet Finance" and "opportunities and challenges of Rural Finance in the Internet + era".

Han Jun, deputy director of the Central Financial and Economic leading Group Office and Deputy Director of the Central Rural work leading Group Office, pointed out that rural financial institutions are faced with scattered small-scale farmers and a large number of rural small and medium-sized enterprises. financial demand is generally characterized by short term, high frequency and small amount, the transaction cost of financial services is relatively high, and the phenomenon of information asymmetry in the rural credit market is more prominent. Therefore, the method of developing urban finance can not be simply transplanted to rural areas. Internet + micro-finance will enrich the main body of rural financial supply and help to create a more competitive and diversified pattern of rural financial services.

Peng Sen, vice chairman of the NPC Financial and Economic Committee and president of China's economic restructuring research, pointed out that Internet + has become an important part of promoting industrial transformation and upgrading and cultivating a new driving force for economic growth under the new normal of China's economic development. However, it must also be noted that the threshold of market access in China's financial market is too high, the absence of financial supervision, Internet finance has not yet established clear and unified regulatory rules. In the future, it is necessary to encourage innovation, competition and development, standardize market order, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of market subjects.

Chi Fulin, director of the Reform and Development Research Institute of China (Hainan), pointed out that during the 13th five-year Plan period, under the background of economic transformation and upgrading forcing financial reform, rural Internet finance is in the "tuyere" of great development. use Internet Finance to promote Rural Finance

Reform is not only the addition of Internet elements in front of rural finance, but also the reconstruction of agricultural business model. The institutional guarantee of rural Internet finance should be speeded up in the future.

Deng Jinhong, founder and CEO of one mu of farmland, believes that there are a large number of financial needs for agriculture, rural areas and farmers, but there are some problems, such as the low degree of informationization of rural household assets, the high uncertainty of agricultural production and transactions, the uncertainty of debt repayment ability, the lack of effective asset evaluation mechanism, and the lack of credit accumulation on both sides of the transaction.