
The latest key points of flowering management of dragon fruit

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, The flowering period of dragon fruit is longer, it can blossom from May to October, and the flowering ability is strong, so when entering the flowering stage, the consumption of nutrients is larger and the demand for nutrients is higher, so management directly affects the yield. So how to manage the flowering period of dragon fruit? Come with the editor.

The flowering period of pitaya is long, it can bloom from May to October, and the flowering ability is strong, so when it enters the flowering period, it consumes a lot of nutrients and has a high demand for nutrients. At this time, management directly affects the yield. So how should the dragon flower be managed? Let's learn about it together with Xiaobian.

1. Reasonable thinning

Pitaya flowers are very large, each branch will have 2.7 buds per flowering season on average, generally a branch can keep more than 2 flowers, it is best to keep one, in pollination 3 days after the rainy flowers can be removed. This is because the flower buds of pitaya also need to consume nutrients. If they are not removed in time or too late, the bigger the flower buds grow, the more nutrients they consume, and the later fruit growth and maturity will also be greatly affected. For the flower is to choose the top or bottom, it depends on the time, because some orchard branches close to the ground, if the flower is left at the bottom, one is that weeds are not well managed, which is not conducive to fruit growth, and rain will splash on the fruit, weed fruit surface pollution, so it is recommended to leave the top fruit.

2. Artificial pollination

Although pitaya can be self-pollinated, but cross-pollinated fruit set rate is higher, and the fruit is big and delicious, so artificial pollination method can be adopted in production to improve fruit set rate and yield quality. You can use a brush to dip pollen from the stamen anther of one flower in the evening or in the morning when it blooms, and bounce it on the pistil stigma of another flower, so that pollination can be completed.

3. Anti-cracking fruit

Pitaya fruit period is in the high temperature season, when the temperature is high and humidity is low, the fruit growth speed is fast, and it is easy to crack fruit, so special attention should be paid to management. First of all, we should do a good job of moisturizing the ridge surface. We can cover it with straw or straw to keep the soil moisture content uniform as much as possible, so as to reduce the sudden increase of soil moisture content caused by sudden heavy rain and the phenomenon that the fruit is broken due to excessive water absorption.

4. Fertilization

Fruiting and fruiting is the period when the fertilizer requirement is the largest in the whole growth period of pitaya. It is suggested to choose water-soluble fertilizer, which is not only high in nutrient elements, but also suitable for foliar spraying, drip irrigation, irrigation, etc., and can also be used together with traditional compound fertilizer to supplement the shortage of fertilizer. In addition to providing a large number of elements for crops, it can also supplement balanced trace elements and provide balanced nutrients for crops. It can improve plant resistance, promote root growth and flower bud differentiation, and promote fruit maturity as soon as possible.

The above is the introduction of pitaya flowering management points, I hope to help you, want to know more about the relevant knowledge, please pay attention to us.