
The orchid pruning thing.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Many flower friends need to know some things about orchid pruning. Orchid leaf pruning is actually very important. It should be constantly pruned in cultivation. When there are old leaves and yellow leaves, they should be cut off in time to facilitate ventilation. The leaf tips of some leaves are dry and should also be cut off. Leaves with diseases and insects should be cut off in time to avoid infection. ...

Many flower friends need to know some things about orchid pruning. Orchid leaf pruning is actually very important. It should be constantly pruned in cultivation. When there are old leaves and yellow leaves, they should be cut off in time to facilitate ventilation. The leaf tips of some leaves are dry and should also be cut off. Leaves with diseases and insects should be cut off in time to avoid infection.

We must disinfect the scissors with medicinal water or alcohol before pruning the orchid leaves. When pruning the yellow leaves (because the yellow leaves are old and dead, so there are no germs), we do not have to disinfect each leaf, we can continue to prune it. When pruning black leaves (the general term for several diseased leaves of bluegrass), many orchid friends are very careful and disinfect each leaf. This effect is very good, but it is very time-consuming. The method of pruning is to cut off the green leaves of about 1 cm at the junction of bluegrass black leaves and green leaves, because there is no disease in the green leaves, so there are no germs and will not be infected. If you don't rest assured, after all the pruning, disinfect the bluegrass thoroughly with a germicidal lotion. In order to achieve a beautiful effect, when trimming, try to put the edge of the scissors oblique, cut a little bit, sharp, the more pointed the better, so that it is similar to the natural leaves.


The author thinks of another problem in orchid pruning. Most of the leaves of the plant are green, and the leaves are green because they are covered with chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is a complex organic acid that can produce nutrients by photosynthesis. Chlorophyll itself is rich in various nutrients. Perennial deciduous plant whose leaves turn yellow or red in late autumn and early winter and then fall off. Why is that? Plants have an instinct to protect themselves. before the leaves fall, they transport the chlorophyll back to the roots and store it for the growth of new buds in the coming year. As the chlorophyll in the leaf decreases until it disappears, the lutein and lutein (that is, carotene) in the leaf appear. Old leaves become yellow or red, indicating that the nutrients in the leaves no longer exist, is really old, it is time to die. The same is true of orchids. When the old leaves turn yellow, they can be cut off. Some of our valuable varieties often do not grow well, the reproduction rate is low, a few rare leaves, if the old leaves are pruned prematurely and lose nourishment, it is a great pity.

The leaves with diseases and insects are not all cut off, some diseases and insects are not harmful, and can effectively control it, so it is not necessary to cut off the whole leaves. Such as shell insects, drug spraying is very effective, and can also be eliminated manually. Black spot, for example, initially appeared brown spots and gradually expanded into oval or semicircular patches. But the disease is slow, there is also a way to subdue it, found that the disease spot with charcoal fire (match stool) to burn, it will be all right. For those cultivated in large quantities, drugs can be used for prevention and control. However, the following orchid diseases are dangerous and there is no specific cure, so the diseased leaves should be cut off quickly. Such as: a black rot, first appear purple-brown disease spots on the leaves, gradually expand in the shape of water stains, a few days later, the whole leaf becomes soft, black, rotten, withered and dead. The second brown rust begins with light brown or orange spots, gradually turns into black patches, and finally the whole leaf dies. Three bacteria soft rot disease, first appeared on the leaves of water-like spots, gradually from dark green to brown to dark brown, quickly withered. Four-leaf spot, which mainly harms new buds, begins to appear at the base of leaf buds like scalded by boiling water, which spreads rapidly, causing the whole wipe to rot and die.

Of course, it is necessary to have plastic surgery and pruning during the orchid exhibition.