
Give agricultural machinery a safe "home" the problem of lack of money and land remains to be solved.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Fujian, which has the least arable land per capita in the country, has about 500 specialized agricultural machinery cooperatives, with 14000 cooperative personnel, an annual operating service area of 2.65 million mu and 2.1 million peasant households. In recent years, agricultural machinery cooperatives have developed rapidly, with 25000 sets of agricultural machinery and tools.

Fujian, which has the least arable land per capita in the country, has about 500 specialized agricultural machinery cooperatives, with 14000 cooperative personnel, an annual operating service area of 2.65 million mu and 2.1 million peasant households. In recent years, agricultural machinery cooperatives have developed rapidly, with 25000 sets of agricultural machinery and tools, and the service scale is constantly expanding. the number of agricultural machinery professional cooperatives accounts for about 70% of the total number of agricultural mechanization service organizations in the province, with an annual operating income of 500 million yuan.

"in recent years, the wealth of agricultural machinery cooperatives in the province has become more and more solid, and the importance of hangar construction has become increasingly prominent." Yang Bin, a researcher in the Agricultural Mechanization Management Office of the Provincial Department of Agriculture, said. In order to improve the storage rate of agricultural machinery, prolong the service life of agricultural machinery and save financial funds, Fujian began to promote the construction of agricultural machinery storage shed since 2012, which effectively alleviated the outstanding problem of "difficult parking and maintenance of agricultural machinery".

The damage rate of "no home" agricultural machinery remains high.

Lu Yiqian, who dares to break through the struggle, is the director of the Yiyu Agricultural Machinery Professional Cooperative in Shaxian County, Fujian Province. encouraged by the agricultural machinery subsidy policy, the cooperative has purchased more than 40 sets of agricultural machinery, mainly rice, serving more than 10,000 mu of paddy fields around. While he was thinking about "a big fight", a difficult problem made him more and more entangled: "where should I put these machines and tools worth more than 2 million yuan?"

"there was really nothing we could do about it. We had to find a temporary open space, cover it with tarpaulins, and change it once a quarter. Some of them were simply stacked in the open air." Looking at the "homeless" machines and tools in the wind and rain, and the high depreciation rate and breakage rate, Lu Yiqian became more and more anxious: "they are all members' sweethearts."

"Lao Lu's entanglement is not an isolated phenomenon." Yang Bin said: in recent years, cooperatives are more enthusiastic in purchasing machines, and more and more cooperatives are buying several, dozens, or even hundreds of large sets (sets). Because of the low rate of entry into the warehouse, batches of agricultural machinery and tools "died young" and "died young". The service life is far below the normal value.

"from a certain point of view, Fujian is more urgent than other provinces to speed up the construction of hangars." Yang Bin believes that Fujian has a subtropical monsoon climate, with many hills and mountains, and frequent typhoons and rainstorms. Whenever natural disasters such as typhoons, torrential rains, mountain torrents, and landslides occur, the simple hangars built by farmers collapse and agricultural machinery is damaged. For those agricultural machinery stored in the open, the "injury rate" is even higher.

Subsidies stimulate enthusiasm for "building houses"

It is the machine that hurts, but the member that hurts. In order to solve the problem of "machine parking" and improve the production capacity and service level of cooperatives, Fujian began to try to subsidize the construction of hangars in cooperatives since 2012. that year, a total of 24 agricultural machinery cooperatives received financial subsidies of about 80, 000 yuan each. a total of 1.92 million yuan.

The hangar construction project has received a positive response from cooperatives, and after accumulating preliminary experience, in 2014, according to the idea of "strong support to lay the foundation, grasp standardization and promote development", the Fujian Provincial Department of Agriculture and Finance adopted the policy of "supporting specialized service organizations of agricultural machinery" by the provincial party committee and provincial government, formally issued a notice, strengthened the construction of agricultural machinery hangar, and encouraged cooperatives to build agricultural machinery depots through the way of "building first and then replenishing".

The construction of the project requires the use of steel or concrete structure in the shed, complete with hangar, maintenance room, parts warehouse, grain drying room and other basic facilities. The hangar is divided into three categories according to the area, with a subsidy of 250000 yuan, 200000 yuan and 150000 yuan respectively, with financial subsidies of 250000 yuan, 200000 yuan and 150000 yuan respectively. After level-by-level declaration, layer-by-layer screening and strict examination, another 94 agricultural machinery professional cooperatives have received provincial financial subsidies totaling 20.6 million yuan.

"the government subsidy of 250000 yuan is a real timely rain, so that our agricultural machinery has its own home." Lu Yiqian said. Driven by the hangar construction policy, Yiyu Cooperative rented about 6 mu of land from the village and built a hangar of more than 1000 square meters at an annual rent of 8000 yuan. After more than 40 sets of agricultural machinery are put into the hangar with no wind, sun and rain, members of the cooperative organization will increase the repair and maintenance of the machines and tools, which will greatly improve the service life of the agricultural machinery.

The problem of lack of money and land still needs to be solved.

"one is short of funds and the other is short of land. Objectively speaking, the construction of the hangar is still in its infancy, and there is a long way to go." Although the construction of the agricultural machinery cooperative hangar in Fujian is very unique throughout the country, speaking of feelings, Lan Hengting, deputy researcher of the Agricultural Mechanization Management Office of the Provincial Agricultural Department, has his own judgment.

Many cooperatives are small in scale, have a weak foundation and are short of funds, so they are unable to increase investment in hangar construction on their own. Jinjiang modern agricultural machinery professional cooperative has more than 20 sets of agricultural machinery, which is a relatively typical small and medium-sized cooperative. with the subsidy of financial funds, it spent hundreds of thousands of yuan last year to build a standard hangar with concrete structure. Director Lin Hejie told reporters: "although we earn money every year, the benefits are good, but the money earned is invested in the purchase of new machinery and equipment. If there is no financial subsidy, it is very difficult to have the money to build a hangar."

"it's hard to find land even though it's hard." In the view of Wang Ziwang, chairman of Benfu Agricultural Machinery Professional Cooperative in Pucheng County, the most difficult thing in hangar construction is that it is difficult to solve the problem of land use. When it comes to finding land, he is full of bitterness. "County and city leaders have been concerned about it, but in the end they have not been able to solve it very well." Desperate, he finally rented a piece of hillside land of more than 5 mu by lease for 70 years, and built a 1200 square meter hangar in the first phase.

"the hangar has been built, but it is only phased. In the long run, the area is far from enough." The new distress of Wang Ziwang is also the new anxiety of the leaders of the co-operatives such as Lu Yiqian, Lin and Jie. "when we have money and land, we will have to expand the warehouse immediately, relying on the strength of the co-operatives themselves, and there are still many difficulties. We hope that the government will continue to support it." (our reporter Cai Maokai)