
The reason for the hollow thick skin of the latest watermelon

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Watermelon is a kind of fruit welcomed by many people. The taste of watermelon is very sweet and its nutritional value is also very high. Every summer, the market demand is very large. Therefore, the planting area of watermelon in our country is also very large, but in seed watermelon.

Watermelon is a kind of fruit welcomed by many people. The taste of watermelon is very sweet and its nutritional value is also very high. Every summer, the market demand is very large. Therefore, the planting area of watermelon in China is also very large, but in the seed of watermelon, there is often the phenomenon of hollow thick skin. So what is the reason for the hollow thick skin of watermelon? The following editor will give you a brief introduction, let's have a look!

1. Variety reasons

Now the agricultural technology of our country is more and more developed, and its planting technology is also gradually mature. Therefore, the improvement of the variety is also very good, and in most cases, the peel of watermelon is getting thinner and thinner. But even so, the thickness of watermelon peel will have thick-skinned, thin-skinned pollen because of the variety. Among them, the varieties of thin skin have two types: tough type and brittle type, and the general small and medium-sized varieties are thin skin. On the other hand, if it is a late-ripening large watermelon variety, then most of them are thick-skinned watermelons.

2. Climatic reasons

During the growing period of watermelon, climate is also very important to the growth of watermelon. Especially in the watermelon flowering and fruit expansion period, if you encounter continuous rainy days, low temperature and low light environment. Then it will have a great impact on the fruit setting of watermelon, and for the fruit that has been seated, it is easy to cause the phenomenon of hollow skin thickness. Especially for watermelons cultivated in open field, the probability of hollow skin thickness is higher. Therefore, when we plant watermelons, we must pay attention to control the planting environment according to the weather changes to ensure the normal growth of watermelons.

3. The reason of fertilizer and water

Compared with other fruits, the growth period of watermelon is relatively short, but it has a larger growth and yield. Therefore, the demand for fertilizer for watermelon is still relatively large, and we should pay attention to coordinate the use of organic fertilizer and chemical fertilizer when applying fertilizer. And also pay attention to the proportion of other nutrient elements, especially nitrogen fertilizer. The content of nitrogen fertilizer should not be too high. If there is too much nitrogen fertilizer, it will easily lead to the phenomenon of hollow skin thickness of watermelon. Then in the watermelon fruit expansion period, we should pay attention to the lack of water, so as to avoid excessive water leading to the early end of fruit expansion and ripening, resulting in unsubstantial cells and the phenomenon of hollow skin thickness.

4. Improper management

When the watermelon bears fruit, we need to control the position of the watermelon. The node position of watermelon should not be too low, otherwise it will easily lead to thick peel of watermelon fruit. And in order to advance the market time of watermelon, many people pollinate the first female flower within 10 nodes to promote the fruit, which leads to the phenomenon of low node position and thick skin. In addition, the imbalance of boron is also one of the main reasons for the hollow thick skin of watermelon. Boron can promote early ripening, improve quality and enhance stress resistance of watermelon. If there is a lack of boron, it is also very disadvantageous to the growth of watermelon.

The above is a brief introduction to the reasons for the hollow thick skin of watermelon. That's all for today's introduction. This article is for reference only. I hope it can help you all.