
Talking about raising orchids with orchids

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, Xiyan, the top grade of green hemin, characterized by the bright red tongue, penetrating to the tip of the tongue. The tongue surface is gorgeous and coloured completely, the penetrating power is strong, and the back of the tongue is all red, which can be called one of the representative varieties of Anhui lycopene.

Author: watching chess

First: true love orchid this is the basis of raising orchids, and only in this way, no matter whether orchids are high or low, you will raise some orchids. Expensive is material wealth, cheap is spiritual wealth. Do not rise in happiness, not in sorrow in decline. Even if the orchid is worthless, the money invested should be consumed and keep a happy mood.

Second: a good state of mind. A person's mentality is actually very important. People who are good at eating small losses are more likely to have a sense of happiness, be kind to others, and are more likely to be rewarded. Haggling, always want to make a small bargain, often a lot of things can not let go, the chance of success in raising orchids is also small.

Third: be kind to Xin Lanyou. With orchids, there is a lingering fragrance. Not only should we give guidance to the new orchid friends in breeding, and the eliminated varieties will be given to them for practice, so that they will be recognized by more orchid friends over time. From a selfish point of view, the establishment of contacts is also the basis for future development.

Fourth: integrity-based people can not stand without faith, bad character, no matter how good the flowers are, Lanyou will stay away, it is impossible to have long-term development.

Fifth: excellent technology will cultivate orchids, understanding orchid is the basis of orchids, which requires constant groping in the process of breeding. The development of the network greatly facilitates the exchange of experience between orchid friends, refer to the methods of others, sum up their own experience in order to raise the orchid.

Sixth: the goal is clear that orchids should be raised according to their own economic conditions and act according to their capacity. Choosing a few varieties that you like, approved by orchid friends and allowed by economic conditions is the right direction. Do not covet too many varieties. No matter whether the price is high or low, as long as the flowers are good and cultivated, there will always be a harvest.

With good economic conditions, you can choose a few varieties with high prices and good flowers, and grow more slowly. Orchids are not afraid of buying high prices or falling prices. They are afraid that there are problems with the introduced varieties, and that those who follow the trend and attract bad flowers will not be wanted in the future.

Economic conditions are poor, you can choose a few low-priced old species, the old species can be spread for a reason.

Seventh: the process of raising orchids without impatience is a process of long-term accumulation, accumulating technology, varieties and quantity. Success has a process from quantitative change to qualitative change. If you want to become a master overnight, it is impossible to have many memorabilia overnight, even if you have a lot of money.