
The latest greenhouse watermelon seedling technology tutorial

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Watermelon can be divided into open field planting and greenhouse planting, the latter is relatively simple to manage, the yield will be higher, and the use of greenhouse seedling watermelon planting process is one of the key work, so farmers must understand and master the greenhouse watermelon seedling related technology

Watermelon can be divided into open field planting and greenhouse planting, the latter is relatively simple to manage, and the yield will be higher, and it is one of the key tasks in the process of watermelon planting in greenhouse, so farmers must master the relevant technical knowledge of watermelon breeding in greenhouse. The following editor brings you the key points of watermelon breeding techniques in the greenhouse, let's take a look.

1. Build a seedling shed

Because of the low temperature in winter, the greenhouse management needs to be carried out day and night, so the seedling shed should choose the sunny place closer to home, the occupation area of the seedling shed should be determined according to the number of seedlings, and the structure of the greenhouse is similar to that of the general greenhouse. In winter, the light is short and the low temperature is low, but the increase of temperature mainly depends on the furnace. The seedling shed occupies a large area and consumes a lot of energy, so in order to save energy, the seedling shed area should be suitable in the east-west direction. A shed generally built two heating furnaces, one in the west end of the shed, north-south direction for the center; the other furnace is located near the southeast corner of the shed, the chimney from south to north.

2. Sowing and raising seedlings

Nutritious soil is generally mixed with high-quality mature organic fertilizer, can also be mixed with compound fertilizer, but should pay attention to the amount, generally every 1000 seedlings, ah, count 0.5-1kg, do not use nitrogen fertilizer, at the same time can also be mixed with appropriate amount of germicidal pesticides. In order to enhance the cold resistance of seedlings and promote the growth and development of seedlings, the germinated seeds were treated alternately at high and low temperature. the germinated seeds were placed in subzero environment for 15-18 hours and 20 degrees for 12-15 hours. In the process of accelerating germination, we should pay attention to keep the seeds moist so as not to dehydrate the seeds, and sow seeds when the buds grow to 0.5 cm.

3. Grafting

Generally, grafting is carried out when watermelon leaves are of one heart. After watermelon emergence, the earlier the grafting, the higher its survival rate. It is necessary to combine the weather forecast and choose sunny days for grafting. The day before grafting, it should be fully watered and covered with plastic film. after sunrise the next day, the dew on the film can be shaded, and then the grass on the greenhouse will be used to cover the flowers. In the grafting is to maintain high temperature and humidity environment, grafting a week to pay attention to control between 30-36 degrees during the day, more than 20 degrees at night, in low temperature and light should remember to heat up the stove.

4. Management after grafting

Before grafting, the rootstock and the seedling bed should be watered thoroughly to make the seedling bed reach a state of water saturation. Three days before grafting, attention should be paid to heat preservation and shading. The seedling bed should be controlled at 26-2 degrees during the day, not less than 20 degrees at night, and the relative humidity should be 100%. The seedlings should be ventilated in the evening visible light after three days, and gradually ventilated. The seedlings should be ventilated at noon, usually at noon. The bigger the seedlings grow, the longer the ventilation time is. Even in cloudy days, the seedlings should be ventilated day and night. After the grafted seedlings survive, the tillering buds of the rootstocks should be wiped out in time. When the seedlings have the third true leaf, they can be transplanted and planted.

The above is the introduction of watermelon seedling technology in greenhouse. I hope it can help you. If you want to know more about it, please follow us.