
The latest course of Strawberry Seedling Management techniques and methods

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, The market demand of strawberry in our country is very large, and it is planted all over our country. When growing strawberries, if you want high yield and high quality strawberries, then a reasonable management method is very important. When managing strawberries, we need to manage strawberries according to

Strawberry market demand in our country is very large, in our country all over the cultivation. When planting strawberries, if you want high yield and high quality strawberries, then a reasonable management method is very important. When managing strawberries, we need to adjust management techniques according to the growth period of strawberries. So how do you manage strawberries when they're young? Today, Xiaobian brought you the management technology of strawberry seedling stage. Let's take a look at it together!

1. Reasonable watering

After strawberry seedlings are planted, the first thing to do is to water them. After planting, besides watering once, water twice a day for the next 3 days to keep the soil moist. Then reduce the amount of watering after the seedlings slow down. The watering is mainly drip irrigation, which can control the amount of water well. If you encounter rainy season, then you should drain in time to protect the roots, and then loosen the soil properly to improve the permeability of the soil. At the time of planting, if the temperature is too high, then properly wet the leaves to supplement water, meet the needs of the leaves for water, and promote slow seedlings.

2. Shading and cooling

Seedling high temperature tolerance is relatively weak, so in the strawberry seedling stage, we should pay attention to shade cooling work. If the temperature is too high, it is easy to cause strawberries to burn at high temperature. Strawberry seedlings appear high temperature burning phenomenon, generally in cloudy days suddenly sunny circumstances occurred. If it becomes sunny suddenly after a continuous cloudy day, the evaporation of water from the field will rise sharply. As a result, the root system cannot adapt in time and the absorption is insufficient, thus causing the phenomenon of burning seedlings. Therefore, in this case, shade in time to allow strawberries to adapt gradually.

3. Stop replanting

When strawberry seedlings are in the seedling stage, we should pay attention to stopping the supplementary seedling work. In addition, we should also pay attention to stopping the leaf picking and weeding work. If these operations are carried out, it is very unfavorable for strawberry seedling. Strawberry slow seedling time should generally be planted after watering planting water time. Carefully check strawberry seedlings to see if they reach the standard of strong seedlings. If there is any abnormality, adjust them in time. You can also plant the extra seedlings in the nutrient bowl, wait until about three weeks after strawberry planting, and then carry out a concentrated supplementary seedling work.

4. Spraying foliar fertilizer

Do not spray any foliar fertilizer after planting, as any fertilizer may cause burning of the leaves. It should be sprayed at the late stage of seedling development when new leaves are opened, and appropriate amount of biological fertilizer can be sprayed at the time of watering. Biological bacteria are very beneficial to the growth of strawberry seedlings and can protect and promote the root system. It can also promote strawberry seedlings to take root quickly and reduce the incidence of root diseases.

The above is a brief introduction to strawberry seedling management techniques. Today's introduction is here, this article is for reference only, I hope to help everyone oh!