
Culture methods and points for attention of succulent plants (novice tutorial)

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Many flower lovers hope to see a valuable breeding method and precautions for succulent plants, and hope to obtain useful knowledge in an article. For flower friends, the new experience of experienced flower friends is better than stereotyped theoretical knowledge. Succulent plants have

Many flower lovers hope to see a valuable breeding method and precautions for succulent plants, and hope to obtain useful knowledge in an article. For flower friends, the new experience of experienced flower friends is better than stereotyped theoretical knowledge.

There are many kinds of succulent plants, such as crassulaceae, apricot, cactus, etc. can be called succulent plants, but the breeding methods are different, so flower friends must understand clearly, this article is mainly about the succulent plants of Sedum family, which is our common succulent plants.

Brief introduction

Many friends who have just entered the meat pit worry about many things, such as what basin to use, the proportion of soil, what fertilizer and interval to use, the frequency of watering, and so on, but the old birds will never worry about these, why? Because the veteran understands that basin, soil, water, fertilizer, environment, plant and so on are interactive unity, it is meaningless to pay attention to one of these factors alone.

For example, if the basin is very transparent, then there is no problem with finer soil particles; if the soil is coarse and the fine content is very little, then watering is necessary; if the organic matter in the soil, such as peat, is relatively high, then there is little need for fertilizer; if the growing season is well ventilated, then fertilizer and water are supplied as much as possible; if the indoor environment is given priority to, try to use small basins to strictly control water. And so on, of course, the novice lacks the cognition, does not have the experience accumulation that can be pinched casually, or should operate conservatively.

Every meat lover yearns for the beauty of Sedum. Low temperature, ultraviolet light, water control and ventilation are the magic of shaping and coloring. Many people are talking about the temperature difference, I do not think so, I think the low temperature is to the point, and the temperature difference as the element is not accurate, low temperature and large temperature difference is not a concept, our northeast region no matter what season there is a temperature difference of more than ten degrees, but Jingtian will not be beautiful in summer, why? Because the temperature is not low enough. As a beginner, you must understand the relationship between ultraviolet and glass. Glass contains silicon that blocks most of the ultraviolet rays in the sun, which are necessary for the beauty of Sedum.

We must understand a truth, that is, why Sedum is beautiful? The so-called beauty is the emergency response of Sedum to the harsh living environment, indicating that the environment is not suitable for growth. Strong ultraviolet light, low temperature, lack of water and other factors that are not conducive to growth cause plants to fold up their leaves and change their pigments to cope with the harsh environment, while also reducing the growth rate. So growth and beauty are a pair of contradictions, beginners often ask: why the beautiful Sedum I bought will turn into green vegetables and beauty no longer? The answer is that they are growing, they have a favorable environment and eat. So the extreme of beauty is abnormal, if you want to be beautiful, don't be kind to it, abuse it!

1. Selection of basin

I like the rough pottery basin, first of all, it is well permeable, and secondly, because there is too much perlite in my soil, the pottery basin can ensure that it is stable and will not be blown over by the strong wind. Coarse pottery pots are cheap and have a wide range of shapes to choose from. although they are not as beautiful as purple sand, they are definitely better for plants than purple sand pots. Because the permeability of purple sand basin is much worse.

The red pottery basin is extremely permeable and coincides with the plant root system, so it is a good choice for some plants which are afraid of stagnant water, but because the capillarity of clay will make the basin soil dry quickly, watering frequency should be increased during normal maintenance. Some friends want to use a simple way to achieve a controlled and brilliant appearance, then the choice of red pottery basin is worth considering, it can make the soil dehydrated quickly.

Plastic pots are cheap and portable, save space, and are also very suitable. at present, the bottom hole design of some succulent special plastic pots is scientific, and the permeability is greatly improved. It's just that the safety of exposure should be considered in windy areas. In recent years, the permeability of the root control basin is very good, but the water retention of the single-layer root control basin is only slightly better than that of the red pottery basin, and the double-layer root control basin is similar to the permeability of the coarse pottery basin.

Porcelain pots are only thicker and heavier than plastic pots, which can slow down the stimulation of external temperature changes to the root system, because the simple bottom hole makes it far less permeable than plastic pots, especially narrow and deep porcelain pots are very unsuitable for raising meat, and special cushions are needed to enhance permeability.

The general principle of using the basin is that the permeability of the basin wall should be good, the shallow basin should be used for the deep basin, the wide-mouth basin should be closed, and the safety of plants and environment should be taken into account.

2. Distribution of soil

Taking into account the economy, my soil is mainly coarse-grained perlite, northeast pine needle soil, stone slag, the volume ratio is about 5:3:1, plus a small amount of charcoal, activated carbon, nut shell. The advantages of this kind of soil are good permeability, slowly released humic acid and other nutrients, moderate weight and low cost, but its disadvantages are not durable and will be pulverized and hardened. Although it will not affect the health of Sedum, it is not as durable as pure coarse-grained soil. My first batch of Sedum is the coarse-grained soil used, mainly light stone, phytolith, ceramsite, green zeolite, road construction slag, charcoal and so on. The main particle size is 0.6 to 1.2 cm, without adding peat or pine needle soil, these basin soils have not been changed for three years, and the present state is still very good, which shows that coarse granular soil is the best choice for adult plants.

For sowing and raising seedlings, I mainly use coconut bran soil, peat soil, peat soil, vermiculite, fine perlite and rice husk charcoal, which are basically mixed in the same proportion.

If you don't care that the basin soil is too heavy and don't consider the physical strength of screening and handling, I think the debris of granite wind fossils is the best soil for sedum. The Maifan stone on the market is actually a kind of granite, but many of the Maifan stones on the market are fresh gray granite slags, and reflectors can be seen on the surface of the particles. This kind of fresh rock has no water absorption and permeability, it is difficult to release mineral nutrients, sharp edges will reduce soil porosity and is not conducive to the root system. What I suggest is the kind of granite with a high degree of weathering, which is available in many places and can be obtained at no cost, but it is very heavy!

Volcanic rock is a very poor granular soil, although the volcanic rock on the market has many gaps and cheap, but sharp edges and angles, extremely incompatible with plant roots, as a pavement or basin bottom cushion can be considered, try not to use volcanic rock as soil composition.

If the cost is not considered, phytolith and green zeolite should be the best soil composition, all excellent.

Northeast pine needle soil is an excellent organic matter plant material, which is better than peat when used as an adult plant, and has better permeability, stability and anti-corruption, but the pine needle soil of Masson pine in the south is different.

Deer marsh soil and red jade soil, feel general, performance-to-price ratio is not superior.

Light stone, or pumice, can be used as a substitute for perlite, light, permeable, absorbent, stable and non-pulverized.

Charcoal particles are an excellent regulating ingredient, omnipotent, of course activated carbon is better.

Diatomite looks good, but I doubt it's good value for money, and I doubt its affinity with plant roots.

3. Watering

I belong to the watering type, and will be treated differently according to the season, basin soil and plants. Slide along the edge of the basin during the non-peak growing season, once every 10 days. The growing season may be flooded once every 5 days. For water-loving varieties such as antlers and begonias, tap water is used to rest for more than two days. Due to the high hardness of the local water quality, purifying water should be used on the spray leaf surface to avoid leaving salt on the leaf surface, which will block the leaf stomata, affect plant respiration, and is not conducive to beauty.

The water droplets on the leaves will focus like a convex lens, and the sun will burn the plants, so try to water them in the evening. The sun has set in the west, and the water droplets on the leaves will dry at night.

As for whether to avoid watering the leaves, I can't avoid it. For dense groups without watering the leaves, it's impossible to water them as much as you like.

After long-term indoor breeding, the body should be exercised by controlling the water before going out of the house, and the dewy Sedum should be honed after autumn in order to fight the cold, prolong the time of outdoor cultivation and reduce the occurrence of frostbite. In addition to using thumb pots and granular soil, flower friends who do not have exposed conditions should also control the water and control the type, lengthening the watering interval, and watering along the edge of the basin without watering thoroughly.
