
What are the characteristics of 8424 watermelon? How to plant with high efficiency and high yield?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, 1. 8424 Watermelon was named in 1984, which is a memorable year in the history of watermelon cultivation in Nanhui, Pudong. At that time, Professor Wu Mingzhu, a researcher at the Hami Melon Research Center of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences in Xinjiang, known as the snow lotus and melon and fruit resort at the foot of Tianshan Mountain, cultivated strain 24.

1. 8424 the origin of watermelon name

1984 is a memorable year in the history of watermelon cultivation in Nanhui, Pudong. At that time, Professor Wu Mingzhu, a researcher at the Hami Melon Research Center of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences in Xinjiang, a resort known as "at the foot of Tianshan Mountain", cultivated an improved strain No. 24, which was an early-maturing variety, hence the name Zaojia "8424" watermelon.

China is the largest producer of watermelons in the world, but watermelons do not originate in China. Watermelon originated in Africa, it was originally a wild plant of Cucurbitaceae, and then artificially cultivated into edible watermelon. As early as 4,000 years ago, the Egyptians planted watermelons, and then gradually moved northward, initially from the Mediterranean coast to northern Europe, and then southward into the Middle East, India and other places. In the fourth or fifth century, they were introduced into China from the Western regions, so they were called "watermelons."

2. Variety characteristics of 8424 watermelon

Zaojia 8424, this variety is an early-maturing variety of watermelon, flowering to fruit ripening for about 28 to 45 days, medium growth and good fruit setting. The fruit is round, the green skin is covered with dark green narrow strip, the appearance is beautiful, the red flesh, the crisp taste is excellent, the center contains sugar 11-12 degrees. The average weight of a single melon is 3-4 kg and is resistant to storage and transportation. Reasonable close planting, 600-700 seedlings per mu, suitable for double vine pruning or three vine pruning, like fertile soil, moderate irrigation. It is suitable for precocious plastic film mulching and open field cultivation, artificial pollination should be carried out when it rains in the flowering stage, and it is suitable to be harvested by well-done. It is not suitable to water melons 3 days before harvest to prevent cracking and reduce sugar content, and please refer to local cultivation habits. It is suitable for long season cultivation in precocious or protected areas. Sowing at the end of March and the beginning of April, the distance between rows and plants is 2.4 × 0.8 meters, about 250-300 plants per mu, three vines are pruned, and attention should be paid to timely harvest.

3. Common species and characteristics of 8424 watermelons

Black beauty: oval, melon small, melon skin pure black.

Seedless watermelon: round, peeled flower strips.

Flower skin watermelon: oval, large, light green and dark green.

Special Xiaofeng: round, melon skin and flower stripes, yellow flesh.

4. High-efficiency and high-yield planting techniques of 8424 watermelon.

I. selection of sites

Continuous cropping of watermelons is avoided in melon fields, and continuous cropping with cucumbers, melons, watermelons and other melons is not allowed to prevent the occurrence of Fusarium wilt. Generally, the rotation of dry land is more than 8 years, the rotation of paddy and drought is 5-6 years, and the rotation of paddy fields is 4 years. It is appropriate to choose melon fields with high dry terrain, sunny leeward, deep soil layer, loose texture, good drainage and irrigation conditions. In the arrangement of stubble, adjust measures to local conditions and improve the multiple cropping index. I suburban counties, corn, sweet potatoes, millet, soybeans, and so on can be used as the previous crop. Peanuts and hamsters should be used with caution. The use of intercropping should be reasonable, such as spinach, radish, rape, potatoes and so on. Intercropping in cotton and wheat fields and summer sowing of wheat stubble have also been developed. In villages with more than a thousand mu of summer sowing in Wuqing County and more people and less land, wide rows, sparse planting and multiple harvests can be adopted to make full use of land, light and heat, and improve economic benefits.

2. Soil preparation, fertilization and border formation

(1) Land preparation

Spring sowing melon fields, before winter to machine ploughing depth of 20ml 30cm, only ploughing without raking, frozen sun, conducive to weathering soil, freeze pests, gather snow to store soil moisture. In early spring, as appropriate, take advantage of the moisture to rake flat. Then, according to the cultivation plan to dig melon ditch (also known as high-yield ditch). Digging melon ditch can thicken the living soil layer, promote the extension of root system, and facilitate the concentrated application of base fertilizer. Melon ditches are mostly east-west, arranged in the north and south. Press 1.6mi 1.8m line spacing, dig a ditch with a width of 50ml / 60cm and a depth of 40cm, put the 20cm table on the south side of the ditch and the Dice on the north side.

(2) applying base fertilizer

Watermelon has luxuriant stems and leaves, short growth period, high yield and large amount of fertilizer. Sufficient base fertilizer must be applied to provide basic nutrients for the whole growth period of watermelon. Especially in plastic film mulching cultivation, topdressing is not convenient, such as insufficient base fertilizer, it is easy to cause premature senescence of plants and affect only fruit development. The base fertilizer is mainly long-acting organic fertilizer, and then an appropriate amount of chemical fertilizer is added.

1. The amount of fertilizer applied depends on soil fertility. The middle and lower places can apply high-quality barnyard manure 3000rel 5000 kg per mu, or cake fertilizer 150ml 200kg. High-quality fertile plots, can apply stable fertilizer 2000mur2500kg, or cake fertilizer 100kg. Our suburban county soil is generally lack of phosphorus, sandy land is lack of potassium, we should increase the proportion of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, such as calcium superphosphate 50 Mu 70 kg and potassium sulfate 10-15 kg per mu.

two。 Base fertilizer casting. When the amount of crude fertilizer is large, most of it can be removed before winter ploughing, leaving a small part of high-quality crude fertilizer and all cake fertilizer mixed fermentation and ripening, concentrated in the melon ditch. Some topsoil and fertilizer on the south side of the ditch were mixed into the ditch, and then the rest of the topsoil was reduced and leveled.

Seed selection and seed treatment

(1) seed selection. The selection of excellent varieties is the premise of high yield and high quality. At present, the excellent varieties suitable for production and application in our city are:

Precocious and mid-precocious Zhengza No. 5, No. 7, Shuangxing ll, Jingxin No.1, etc.

Middle and late maturity types of Zhongyu 6, Fengshou 3, Jinhuabao (Pz), Gjinzom Guanlong of Guanlong series, Xinyou 2

New Hongbao of late ripening type and Jubao No.1 of New Hongbao series, Huaxia Xinhongbao and so on.

It can be purchased according to the variety description of the sales unit and the local cultivation conditions. For the varieties selected and purchased, we should also strictly remove the miscellaneous and inferior seeds, and detect the shrunken, miscellaneous and mildew seeds, so as to make the buds and seedlings strong.

(2) disinfection. In the past, melon farmers often used hot water to perm seeds, but it was not suitable to use it because it was difficult to master the temperature and time. The applicable methods are:

1. Soak the seeds in warm soup. 55 ℃ of warm water (two open and one cool), the amount of water is 6 times the amount of seeds, soak the seeds for 30 minutes, stir while soaking, and cool naturally. Do not use aluminum basin, lest the water temperature drops too fast to achieve the purpose of disinfection. After 30 minutes, soak in 20 ℃ cold water.

two。 Disinfect with medicine. Soak the seeds in warm soup for 2 hours or dry seeds in cold water for 4 hours before disinfection. (l) after soaking the seeds in formalin 100 times solution for 10 minutes, rinse the solution many times. It can kill Fusarium wilt and anthracnose on the seed coat. (2) soaking seeds in 10% sodium phosphate solution for 20 minutes can kill the virus. (3) seed soaking in 2%-4% bleach solution for 30 minutes can kill germs.

(3) soaking seeds to accelerate budding. The sterilized seeds were soaked in 20 ℃ water for 6-12 hours (depending on the thickness of the seed coat), rubbed with a towel to remove mucus, wrapped with a wet cloth, and germinated under the condition of 25 ℃ and 30 ℃. Generally speaking, the seeds are "exposed" after 1-2 days. In the meantime, the temperature and humidity are often checked. When rinsing water, the water temperature is 30 ℃; the heat source of budding can be electric mattress, soil incubator and hot Kang. With the help of a person's body temperature, it is more safe and reliable to carry it personally. Seed "white" no more than 3 mm as the standard, too long affect sowing. For some seeds that have been "exposed" up to 2mur3mm, they should be picked out in time and placed at room temperature of 15 ℃ to restrain elongation and make them sturdy. Wait for 80%-90% of the seeds to sprout.

Fourth, sowing seeds

(1) the standard of sowing time in the open field is that the ground temperature is 10 cm and the ground temperature is more than 15 ℃, and the final frost has passed when the seedlings emerge, which is a safe sowing time. The suburban counties of our city are usually on April 15-20. If the single film is covered with a flat cover, it can be sown late for 2 murals for 3 days. If the plastic film ditch is empty, the seedlings to 2 true leaves grow under the plastic film, and the sowing date can be half a month earlier than that in the open ground. If plastic film and small bow shed double mulch, it is appropriate to sow seeds in the middle and late March. Yang border seedlings can be sowed in early March, transplanted and planted in early April, and covered with a small bow shed. The suitable time for wheat interplanting is May 20-25. Summer sowing of wheat stubble should be on July 15-30 to avoid the rainy season in the early stage.

(2) planting density. The planting density of watermelon varies with varieties, cultivation methods, management level, soil fertility and other conditions. The sparsely planted plants are only 300m / mu, and the dense ones are up to 2000. The determination of density can be considered from the following aspects:

1. According to the variety, there are 1000 precocious species with weak growth per mu. The mid-mature species with strong growth are about 800 plants per mu. The late-maturing varieties of melon type can plant 500 trees / mu.

two。 According to the cultivation mode, it is determined that open field cultivation should be sparsely planted. The cultivation in the protected area should be more dense. The aim is to make full use of land, space and growth time to improve economic benefits.

3. According to the soil fertility and management level, it is determined that the thin land should be dense, the fertile land should be sparse, and if the management level is high and the labor force is abundant, it can be planted densely, otherwise it should be sparse.

4. At present, foreign countries adopt the measures of low density, giving full play to the advantages of single plant, bearing large melons and more melons to improve yield and quality. For example, only 110 plants per mu are planted in Japan, only 300 plants are high, 400 plants are cultivated in greenhouse, and 144 plants are cultivated in open field in the United States. These conditions are for reference only.

(3) the method of sowing. Ditch and hole-on-demand is widely used, which requires fine soil preparation and sufficient soil moisture. Open field sowing and film sowing should be shallow trenching and deep covering soil. That is, the grooving point is 2mi 3cm deep, 3mi 4cm wide and 12cm long. If there is not enough moisture, you need some water. There are 4 seeds in each hole, and the distance between grains is 3 cm. The seeds are laid flat at the bottom of the ditch with the tip of the bud down. Do not plant seeds upright so as not to bring a shell. After sowing, cover with wet stone and press gently. Then build a small mound (13 cm in length, 215 cm in width and 215 cm in thickness), and the surface is solid. Wait for 6 days, when the buds bend their necks, remove the mound, and the seedlings can emerge. Sow seeds first, then cover the film without covering the soil pile, and the sowing depth is not more than 2 cm. The seeds should be sowed according to the length of the buds so that the seedlings emerge neatly and uniformly.

V. Field management

(1) Seedling stage management. With the preservation of whole seedlings and the cultivation of strong seedlings as the center, the management emphasis of different cultivation methods is different.

1. Spring sowing and open field cultivation. Focus on preserving soil moisture and raising soil temperature, fine ploughing and loosening soil before breaking the heart to promote root production. The main results are as follows: (1) the seedlings remain strong when the true leaves are unfolded. (2) when the true leaves are unfolded (pull the cross), the furrow is applied to extract seedling fertilizer. Each plant applied urea, diammonium, each 2 murine 3 grams, pay attention to the weak seedling partial application, away from the seedling 8 Murray 10 cm, do not be too concentrated, so as not to burn the seedlings. Pour a little water as appropriate. 4Mel 6 the true leaves should depend on the seedling condition, apply fertilizer to the trees skillfully, and water them properly. Deep ploughing and weeding is common in the field once or twice. It is not appropriate to cultivate a pier in a trapped tree early, and ploughing and loosening the soil will not hurt the root.

two。 Common mulch cultivation. Focus on timely release of seedlings, time determination of seedlings, and early control of underground pests. Pay attention to the weather forecast, release seedlings to prevent cold, generally do not topdressing and watering.

3. Improved type, Yang border type and small bow shed mulching cultivation. It is necessary to focus on exercise, pest control and weeding, and generally do not water at the seedling stage to prevent channeling of poles. The ventilation exercise can be started when the temperature in the film exceeds 35 ℃ after emergence. The improved type and the Yang border type should be opened at the top of the seedling to let out the air, and then it will be used as a channel for releasing the seedling film. Open your mouth from small to big, and gradually strengthen your exercise. If you get together, it will cool down. It should be covered with grass cloak. When the external temperature is more than 20 ℃ or the leaf tip membrane of the seedling is stable, the seedling film can be released. However, in case of low temperature, the release of seedlings should be postponed and the anti-baking seedlings should be padded with clods under the film. Small bow shed double cover, should keep the temperature in the shed 22 ℃ 25 ℃, sunny morning more than 25 ℃ (noon often up to 35 ℃ or above), can be released. Sewing in the leeward, gradually increasing, after full exercise, the external daily average temperature of more than 20 ℃ can be open shed.

(2) topdressing

1. Topdressing amount. It should be determined according to the law of watermelon absorption. The fertilizer absorption of watermelon can be divided into three stages:

In the seedling stage (before the group plant), it is a slow absorption stage, and the three elements of absorption add up to 0.5% of the total amount in a lifetime.

Extension stage, which is the stage of accelerated absorption, accounting for 14.5%-30% of the total.

The result period is the stage of high-speed absorption, accounting for 70%-85% of the total.

In the growth process of watermelon, the absorption of nitrogen was earlier, the vine extension stage increased rapidly, and the fruit expansion stage reached the peak. Phosphorus was absorbed more in the seedling stage, the absorption peak appeared earlier, and decreased gradually in the fruit expansion stage. Potassium was rarely absorbed in seedling stage, increased slowly from vine extension to fruit setting stage, and increased sharply in fruit expansion stage. Therefore, the amount of topdressing should be mastered: light application of seedling fertilizer, skillful application of vine fertilizer, heavy application of fruit expansion fertilizer, and application of compound fertilizer immediately after the first stubble melon is picked.

two。 The kind of topdressing. Most of them are quick-acting chemical fertilizers, or fermented rotten cake fertilizer and dried dung. Some people think that the amount of chemical fertilizer will make watermelons poor and unsweet. According to the test, it is proved that as long as the three elements are matched properly, it can completely replace organic fertilizer and further improve the yield and quality. Only the single application of nitrogen fertilizer or excessive amount of nitrogen fertilizer will reduce the quality.

3. The period and method of topdressing

(l) raising seedling fertilizer: it depends on the seedling. It is generally applied when 2 true leaves are unfolded. Open field cultivation must be applied; plastic film mulching is generally not applied, or weak seedlings are partially applied. Each plant was mixed with urea 4Mel 5g or diammonium hydrogen phosphate 4Mel 5g, or each 2Mel 3g, 8-10cm away from the seedling and applied in a trench. After application, the ditch was covered flat.

(2) spreading vine fertilizer: open-field cultivation should be in the group plant (4mur6 leaves), the film mulching should be applied when throwing the faucet, and a small amount of chemical fertilizer should be added to fully mature such as cake, hypertrophy, manure, etc. There must be a combination of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Generally 25 Mu 50 kg cake fertilizer plus 10-15 kg SSP, 5 Mal 7 kg urea is called trailing fertilizer. The method is: on one side of the vine, 20 cm from the seedling to open a ditch, 10 cm deep and 10 cm wide and buried with soil.

(3) expanding fruit. Fertilizer: generally, the second and third female flowers sit on the fruit, and the young fruit eggs are re-applied with quick-acting fertilizer. To phosphorus and potassium-based, with nitrogen fertilizer, generally with phosphorus and potassium nitrate fetters 15 20 kg per mu, plus urea 10 kg, potassium sulfate 10 kg. Or diammonium phosphate 15 kg, add potassium sulfate 10 kg, urea 5 kg, calcium magnesium phosphate 5 kg. Remove to the back of the melon vine, can cut the land, do not open a ditch to avoid root damage. Powder frost period is generally no longer topdressing (especially nitrogen fertilizer), so as not to cause fruit, leucorrhea fruit (pulp center, pedicel to pedicel yellow, white). However, when the vine leaves are aged and yellow, fertilizer can be sprayed with a mixture of potassium dihydrogen phosphate and urea at 1:1 to form 0.3% solution.

(3) watering Timely watering according to the water requirements of different growth stages of watermelon is the guarantee of high yield. The seedling stage needs less water, generally not watering, so as not to reduce the soil temperature. Mainly through water-saving squatting seedlings to promote deep root. In open field cultivation, timely supplementary watering (that is, replenishment of insufficient soil moisture) should be made in order to prevent drought and rigidity of seedlings. The method is: combined with the application of seedling fertilizer, pour small water in the fertilizer ditch, wait for the water to seep into the buried soil (called dark pouring), it is best to carry out in the sunny morning, will not lead to a drop in ground temperature. When a group of trees, combined with forced extension of vine fertilizer dark water, to small water slowly infiltrate the soil, look at the sky, look at the ground, look at the seedlings. During the fruit expansion period, it must be watered, which is the key water to ensure high yield. after the application of fruit expansion fertilizer, it will be slowly watered and soaked. Irrigate every 5 times every 7 days, using the border surface to keep the ground moist. If cover cultivation, can be in the back to climb the vine between the two ditches, do not flood irrigation, to soak until.

(4) pruning and pressing vine

1. Prune. The axillary bud germination of watermelon is very strong, which is easy to form many branches and consumes a lot of nutrients. if the fertility is insufficient, it will inevitably lead to small melon and poor quality. Therefore, proper rectification is needed to form a reasonable nutrient body, which is conducive to ventilation and light transmission, improve photosynthetic efficiency, and promote fruit setting and fruit growth. (l) pruning method: it varies with variety, fertility and density. Generally applicable methods are: single-vine, double-vine and three-vine pruning. The single vine leaves only the main vine, which is suitable for high-density breeding and cultivation in greenhouse and greenhouse. Double vine rectification is to choose a strong side vine to climb parallel or back to the main vine at the base of the main vine. It is suitable for early-maturing varieties with medium density. The trimming of three vines is to leave two strong lateral vines at the base to advance side by side with the main vine, commonly known as one horse and three arrows. It is suitable for melon varieties with low density, high fertilizer and water and well-developed nutrients. At present, some only carry out fertilizer and water management, not pruning, laissez-faire growth and saving manpower. The varieties with weak branching ability can also achieve a better harvest, but they have the advantages of large fertilizer consumption, small melon, poor quality and low output value, so they should not be adopted. Especially for varieties with strong branch ability, the yield will be reduced by more than 30% if it is not pruned.

(2) the time of pruning: cultivation in the open field should be early, and pruning can be started when swinging the faucet. Mulching cultivation should be late, when the length of the main vine reaches 40ml 50cm and the length of the basal lateral branch is 15cm, too early is not conducive to the growth of the root system. Too late consumes a lot of nutrients. After sitting on the melon, except for the lateral branches of the second and second sections of the melon before and after the melon are knocked off as soon as possible, they are generally no longer pruned.

two。 Press the vine. First of all, it is necessary to press the rice (also known as pier or stable seedling), the head is heavy and the Hypocotyl is easy to be broken by the wind in open field cultivation. The base of the seedling must be stabilized. First gently peel off the dry soil at the base, press the seedlings in the direction of extending vines with wet soil, and cultivate small mounds. There is generally no pier in the small bow shed, and the wire rod is carried out when the main vine is 80cm long to prevent the top membrane of the vine tip from being roasted.

The function of pressing vines:

One is to fix the seedling vine to prevent the wind from rolling the seedling, causing damage to the seedling vine and young fruit.

The second is to distribute the main and lateral vines evenly between the rows to improve the photosynthetic efficiency.

Third, it can adjust the relationship between vegetative growth and reproductive growth, so that vine leaves accumulate more nutrition and thick and thick, in order to facilitate fruit setting and fruit growth.

Fourth, pressing vines can promote vine nodes to produce adventitious roots and expand the absorption area. The way to press the vine can be divided into open pressure and secret pressure. The open pressure is pressed by a lump of earth in the internodes. First scrape the surface under the vine, and then use a melon shovel to gouge out a solid piece of wet Shi, and tighten the mango. The secret pressure is to bury a section of melon vine in the person. First scrape the ground with a melon shovel, insert it into the soil with a depth of 6mm, squeeze it into grooves by swinging the shovel, or form a groove with a width of 4cm and a length of 8-10cm, place the vines in the grooves, gently squeeze and bury the vines with the soil, so that the vines and petioles are not hurt, and the leaves are spread flat and do not stick to the ground. The areas with heavy clay, wet soil and high groundwater level are suitable for open pressure. The areas with sandy soil, more drought, less rain and low groundwater are suitable for hidden pressure. Pressing the vine should be carried out in the afternoon, and it is easy to break in the morning. The weight of the pressure vine can adjust the growth of the vine leaves. If the growth is strong, the pressure is close to the top of the vine, leaving only a small part at the top, which can control the growth of the top of the vine and make the leaves of the middle and lower parts of the vine stout and thick, which is conducive to fruit setting. Those with weak growth should be pressed gently to promote the growth of vine leaves. The use of reverse pressure on the growth of trees, that is, pressure back to the vine, and then back, and even the main vine to touch the top, pick the heart, to the side instead of the main. Generally, pressing the vine three times is called three knives, each with an interval of about 50 centimeters. The head knife should be tight, the second knife should be ruthless, and the three knives should be kept under steady pressure. As long as you sit on the melon, there will be no more pressure.

(5) Fruit setting management

1. Fruit-sitting position. The ideal position for fruit setting is the second and third female flowers on the main vine. Most of the first female flowers are stunted, forming small fruits, deformed, thick skin and easy hollow, because the temperature during flowering and fruit setting is low, the nutrition body is small, the nutrition produced by leaves is less, and the fruit grows slowly, so it should be removed as soon as possible. Artificial pollination was carried out to protect the fruit setting of the second and third female flowers. Pollination time: sunny 7-10:00, cloudy 8-ll, but the highest pollination fruit setting rate within 2 hours after flowering, after 10:00 stigma secretion of mucus, affecting pollination fruiting. Rainfall is the biggest obstacle to pollination and fertilization, and the female flowers that cannot be pollinated and fertilized must fall off. If it rains 3 hours after pollination, the pollen tube has entered the column, which generally has little effect on fruit setting. Should pay attention to the weather forecast, prepare small paper buckets to cover the pollinated female flowers against rain, and remove them two days later.

two。 Keep the number of melons. Generally a plant leaves a melon, a strong tree, the main vine melon powder frost to a fixed time, the side vine to choose to leave a melon. Sanmeng finishing skills. The main vine does not sit on the melon, but one can be left on each side of the vine, which is called Erlong bead. At the same time, hit the top of the main vine and knock it off. For sister melons (even one in two knots), twin melons (two in one node) are weak and strong. To reduce nutritional consumption. 3. Protect melon to make melon platform with class wet soil to cushion the slope-shaped platform, put the young melons on the stage to prevent Rain Water from soaking. Pay attention to the sun protection of Yin melon, turn the melon gradually along the veins to prevent the rot of overcast and rain, and make the peel color evenly.

VI. Pest control

Quenching, Fusarium wilt and anthracnose are the three main diseases of watermelon. To prevent and cure the disease at seedling stage, the seedling bed should pay attention to ventilation and control watering. Fusarium wilt and anthrax control methods: avoid continuous cropping, the general interval of 4-5 years, do a good job of ditch drainage, found that the diseased plants were pulled out in time. Chemical control: use 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder, or 70% dimethazone, or 20% Shibaolin, or Bordeaux solution spray, the control effect is very good. Watermelon pests are mainly: seedling Huang Shou melon, ground tiger, aphids and red spiders and so on. Chemical control methods are as follows: dichlorvos, dimethoate, trichlorfon and carbofuran are used to control dichlorvos, dimethoate and carbofuran respectively.

VII. Maturity and harvesting

(1) Identification of watermelon ripening. The sign of watermelon maturity is the seed, the pulp shows the unique color of this variety, the seed shell hardens, and the fruit maturity is the main aspect to measure the commodity quality of watermelon. The peel of melon with poor maturity is thick, light in color and low in sweetness. Over-mature melons, pulp cells disintegrate, soft tissue, the occurrence of inverted flesh, bran core, hollow and other phenomena. The identification methods include calculation, seeing, listening, testing, etc.: from flowering to maturity, it takes 28 mi 30 days for early maturing varieties, 31 mi 35 days for middle and late maturing varieties and 36 mi 40 days for late maturing varieties. It is marked in batches during flowering or artificial pollination for harvest by stages. The same variety has high temperature, sufficient light, early ripening and late ripening in low temperature and rain during the fruit growing period. But the accumulated temperature of physiological maturity is the same. The early maturity is about 700 ℃, the middle maturity is about 900 ℃, and the late maturity is about 1000 ℃.

Look: ripe melons are characterized by aging, glossy (greasy peel), and a large number of powdered frosts disappear. The negative side turns yellow. Most of the extradermal patterns grow from the fruit pedicel to the flower pedicel, which is called pattern alignment, sunken melon top, and sparse setae of melon stalk.

Listen: listen to the sound with your hands, the ripe melon is the dullness of bang, such as the unvoiced sound of Yuer is raw melon, the low of toot is over-mature, and the porphyry is hollow melon or bad melon. But thick-skinned and fleshy varieties, although the voice is low, the melon is not yet ripe. Although the varieties with crisp flesh and thin skin have a clear voice, the melon has matured and fluctuates in the test. Try: use the left hand to support the melon, the right hand gently pat, if the left hand feels obvious fluctuation for ripe melon, little fluctuation or no fluctuation for not very ripe or raw melon. The reason is that the cavity of mature melon pulp cell is enlarged, the glue layer in the cell is dissociated, the gap is enlarged, and it is filled with gas, so the vibration wave conduction is fast.

(2) harvesting. The suitable harvest maturity should be considered from the aspects of variety, place of sale, shelf life and so on. For varieties with thin skin and easy to crack, such as Jingxin-1, 9 minutes of ripe melons should be harvested in local supply and 8 minutes of ripe melons should be harvested in distant supply. For varieties with strict maturity requirements, such as Xinhongbao series and Guanlong series, nine per cent ripe melons should be collected for long-distance transportation and marketing, and 10 per cent mature melons should be collected for local supply. 8 Mel and 9% ripe melons should be harvested in a week of preservation. Matters needing attention when harvesting:

First, use a knife to cut the melon stalk, which is conducive to the identification of freshness and freshness.

Second, harvest early in the morning in sunny days, but not in rainy days, and harvest slowly after rain. After harvest, no exposure to the sun, no rain.

Third, harvest, handling, handling and handling.