
The Ministry of Agriculture deploys the focus of mechanization of major crops in the whole process.

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, In order to promote the transformation of the mode of agricultural development and accelerate the process of agricultural modernization, the Ministry of Agriculture recently issued "on carrying out the production of Major crops."

Ministry of Agriculture deploys mechanization of main crops

Focus on nine crops, six links and two directions

In order to promote the transformation of agricultural development mode and accelerate the process of agricultural modernization, the Ministry of Agriculture recently issued Opinions on Carrying out the Whole Process Mechanization Promotion Action of Main Crop Production, deploying and carrying out the whole process mechanization promotion action of main crop production throughout the country. The Opinions put forward that by 2020, the comprehensive mechanization level of crop cultivation and harvest in China will reach more than 68%, among which the comprehensive mechanization level of cultivation and harvest of the three major food crops will reach more than 80%, and the level of mechanized plant protection prevention, mechanized straw treatment and mechanized drying treatment will be greatly improved. With the main grain, cotton, oil and sugar producing areas as the key areas, about 500 demonstration counties will be built to take the lead in basically realizing the mechanization of the whole production process, and the whole province will be promoted in provinces where conditions permit.

The Opinions clearly define the main contents of the whole mechanization promotion action, that is, it is positioned in nine crops such as rice, corn, wheat, potato, cotton, rape, peanut, soybean and sugar cane, focusing on six main links such as tillage, planting, harvesting, plant protection, drying and straw treatment. It focuses on improving the whole mechanization level of main food crop production and breaking through the "bottleneck" of the whole mechanization of main cash crop production. It is divided into crops. Subregional identification of the main technical models for the mechanization of the entire production process of each major crop.

"Opinions" pointed out that the whole process of mechanization promotion action should focus on four key tasks. First, strengthen the guiding role of agricultural machinery purchase subsidies and other policies to comprehensively improve the equipment level of the whole process of mechanized production; second, develop agricultural machinery socialization services to cultivate and strengthen the production subject of the whole process of mechanization; third, establish agricultural mechanization demonstration areas (counties) to explore the formation of regional mechanized production mode; fourth, strengthen the construction of agricultural machinery application infrastructure such as tractor roads, and strive to improve the development conditions of the whole process of mechanization.

The Ministry of Agriculture stressed that accelerating the mechanization of the whole process of major crop production is conducive to giving full play to the important role of agricultural machinery integration technology, saving costs and increasing efficiency, promoting scale operation, improving agricultural production efficiency, reducing production costs, promoting the transformation of agricultural development mode, solving the problem of "who will plant land and how to plant land" faced by China's agricultural production, and continuously improving the comprehensive production capacity and market competitiveness of agriculture. All localities should take promoting the mechanization of the whole process of main crop production as a key work to speed up the development of modern agriculture. From five aspects of strengthening organizational leadership, policy support, technical support, performance management and propaganda guidance, a working mechanism of linkage from top to bottom, multi-party cooperation and joint efforts should be established to jointly create an upgraded version of China's agricultural mechanization development.