
The central government has 650 million yuan to support the prevention and control of major crop diseases and insect pests

Published: 2024-07-09 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/07/09, The reporter recently learned from the Ministry of Finance that the central government allocated 500 million yuan for agricultural production disaster relief in 2015, plus 150 million yuan in 2014, and the central government allocated a total of 650 million yuan for 2015 agricultural production disaster relief funds. it is used to provide appropriate compensation for the prevention and control of crop diseases and insect pests.

The reporter recently learned from the Ministry of Finance that the central government allocated 500 million yuan for agricultural production disaster relief in 2015, plus 150 million yuan in 2014, and the central government allocated a total of 650 million yuan for agricultural production disaster relief in 2015. it will be used to give appropriate subsidies to the prevention and control of crop diseases and insect pests, to support the work of unified prevention and control of crop diseases and insect pests throughout the country, and to prevent and control the adverse effects of crop diseases and insect pests on agricultural production.

It is reported that in the critical period of agricultural production, the prevention and control of insect sources can effectively prevent fulminant, migratory and epidemic crop diseases and insect pests, and achieve a bumper harvest. The Ministry of Finance requires all localities to allocate funds in a timely manner, earnestly strengthen supervision, ensure that special funds for agricultural production and disaster relief funds are dedicated, and improve the efficiency of the use of funds. In the near future, the Ministry of Finance will continue to pay close attention to the occurrence of crop diseases and insect pests, promptly allocate funds to support the prevention and control of the development and spread of diseases and insect pests, and do a good job in disaster prevention and protection of production.