
Let farmers share more of the value-added benefits of the industrial chain

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, If China is strong, agriculture must be strong; if China is beautiful, the countryside must be beautiful; if China is rich, the peasants must be rich. To enlarge and strengthen the agricultural industry, improve the whole agricultural industry chain, and accelerate the comprehensive effect of agriculture are not only the inevitable choices for transforming the mode of agricultural development, but also

If China wants to be strong, agriculture must be strong; if China wants to be beautiful, the countryside must be beautiful; if China wants to be rich, farmers must be rich. To expand and strengthen the agricultural industry, improve the whole agricultural industry chain, and speed up the promotion of the comprehensive effect of agriculture is not only the inevitable choice to change the mode of agricultural development, but also an indispensable important means and development goal for strong agriculture, rural beauty and rich farmers.

In recent years, China's agricultural industry has developed rapidly and made great achievements, which has provided a solid support for the strong beauty and wealth of agriculture, rural areas and farmers. However, it is undeniable that the problems of short agricultural industry chain and low added value of products are still very prominent. If the industry is not strong, it is difficult for farmers to increase their income, and if their wallets cannot be bulged up, their consumption potential cannot be brought into full play. Therefore, strengthening the agricultural industry not only strengthens the rich farmers themselves, but also becomes the lasting supporting force and new driving force for the sustainable development of China's economy.

Strong industries must extend the industrial chain and value chain vertically and develop the "six industries". Although the added value generated by the primary industry accounts for a very small share of the total economic output, most of the added value derived from the primary industry occurs in the secondary and tertiary industries, which is the general law of economic development. it is also the market logic behind selling a jin of vegetables for a few yuan on the market and collecting only a few cents from farmers. In order to adapt to the development of economic laws, we must strengthen primary production, superior secondary production, live tertiary production, integrated development of primary, secondary and tertiary industries, and turn traditional agriculture into "six industries." "1 × 2 × 3" is equal to 6, and "1 × 2 × 3" is also equal to 6. Whether it is adding or multiplying, the "six industries" bring rich space for agricultural development and broad creative space for farmers. Let farmers be more than "farmers" and agriculture more than "agriculture". In the integration and extension of the industrial chain, we should vigorously promote the industrialized operation of agriculture, speed up the development of intensive processing of agricultural products, and strive to improve the circulation, sales and brand building of agricultural products. let farmers share the benefits of different links in the promotion of the whole agricultural industry chain.

A strong industry must horizontally expand the various functions of the industry and create a "functional agriculture". With the development of economy and society in our country, agriculture gradually breaks away from the monotonous orientation of economic function and pure industry, and presents a variety of functions, such as ecology, culture and so on. The development of agricultural function not only injects more distinct elements and more sentimental connotation into traditional agriculture, but also brings greater value. When people yearn for green hills, the leisure value of agriculture is reflected; when people look forward to green water, the ecological value of agriculture is raised; when people remember nostalgia, the cultural value of agriculture comes into being. In the current industrial development, we should vigorously cultivate leisure and sightseeing agriculture and develop rural leisure and vacation products by relying on resource elements such as agricultural natural environment, pastoral landscape, agricultural facilities, agricultural industry, and farming culture. tap the value of rural ecological leisure, tourism, culture and education; at the same time, support the construction of a number of landscape tourism villages and towns with historical, regional and national characteristics. From the macro level, it is also necessary to formulate land, financial and financial support policies to promote the development of rural tourism and leisure, and implement preferential tax policies.

Strong industries must make good use of new technologies, new business type and new models to build "intelligent agriculture". At present, technological innovation and model innovation have reached a trend of outbreak, and the lives of urban residents have been profoundly changed, but the agricultural field is moving forward slowly in this process. Urban people have gradually become accustomed to online shopping, while the circulation of our agricultural products is still in a fragile state of "one rumor destroys an industry"; people even have to choose a brand to buy a light bulb, while agricultural products do not have many well-known brands throughout the country. There are problems with the industry itself, capital, experience and knowledge, all of which are congenital deficiencies of farmers and agriculture, but at the same time, it is a problem that needs to be paid enough attention to and needs input and efforts to push and pull farmers. Let the new technology, new business type, new model infiltrate into the traditional agriculture, will bring the multiplier effect.

Whether it is six industries, functional agriculture or intelligent agriculture, the ultimate goal is to focus on farmers to share value-added benefits. There cannot be such a phenomenon: industrial and commercial capital has come in, industrial parks and processing plants have also been built, and the products have been sold at high prices, but there is nothing wrong with the farmers. what is more, just because these capital crocodiles have come, the local GDP has come up, and the farmers have suffered instead. Of course, it is difficult to upgrade and transform traditional industries by relying solely on farmers themselves, and a small number of people must be allowed to come in first to bring capital and outstanding talents, so that they have the motivation to lead more farmers to share benefits on the industrial chain; the key is to establish and improve the long-term interest linkage mechanism between farmers and capital, and explore the establishment of a benefit-sharing mechanism for farmers in the secondary and tertiary industries, so that farmers can obtain the value-added benefits of the whole industrial chain.

Speeding up the transformation of the mode of agricultural development, strengthening and expanding, and optimizing the agricultural industry are the foundation, the foundation, and the result. Only by liberating agriculture from household-by-household small-scale production, organizing it in domestic and foreign markets, and understanding agriculture, managing agriculture, developing agriculture, and promoting agriculture with a new concept, let farmers become not only producers, operators and organizers of modern agriculture, but also benefit sharers of all links of the whole industrial chain. In this way, how can agriculture not be strong? How can farmers not be rich? With strong agriculture and rich farmers, the countryside will certainly be a beautiful village and a happy home for farmers.