
Where is the origin of Salvia miltiorrhiza, which nourishes the blood and calms the mind? Which origin of Salvia miltiorrhiza is the best?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Salvia miltiorrhiza belongs to traditional Chinese medicine, or the kind of traditional Chinese medicine with high nutritional value, it can only be mined in spring and autumn, so it is more precious. So where is the origin of Salvia miltiorrhiza? Which origin of Salvia miltiorrhiza is the best? Except for Heilongjiang, Jilin and Inner Mongolia.

Salvia miltiorrhiza belongs to traditional Chinese medicine, or the kind of traditional Chinese medicine with high nutritional value, it can only be mined in spring and autumn, so it is more precious. So where is the origin of Salvia miltiorrhiza? Which origin of Salvia miltiorrhiza is the best?

It is distributed in almost every province, autonomous region and city except Heilongjiang, Jilin and northern Inner Mongolia. It is distributed in Hebei, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Shandong, Henan, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Jiangxi and Hunan, as well as in Japan.

Zhongjiang County, Deyang City, Sichuan Province, and Anguo City, Baoding City, Hebei Province are one of the producing areas of Salvia miltiorrhiza.

The variety of Salvia miltiorrhiza is very special and widely distributed. Zhongjiang in Sichuan, Fangcheng in Henan, Ju County in Shandong and Quanjiao in Anhui are all authentic producing areas in history. Sichuan Salvia miltiorrhiza is the latest authentic medicinal material available. Salvia miltiorrhiza in Ju County, Shandong Province is relatively high, and Anhui Quanjiao is relatively high in price, all of which refer to wild Salvia miltiorrhiza.

Fangcheng County, Henan Province is called Yuzhou in ancient times. Due to the special climate and geographical conditions, the local rich plant medicine Salvia miltiorrhiza has strong rhizomes and good quality, which has the effects of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, nourishing blood and calming nerves, reducing swelling and pain, and has a significant effect on coronary heart disease and angina pectoris. As early as the Han Dynasty, it was praised as "the head of Salvia miltiorrhiza" by the medical sage Zhang Zhongjing, and was later named Yuzhou Salvia miltiorrhiza, which shows the authentic nature of Yuzhou Salvia miltiorrhiza. Up to now, there is still a folk song of "King Danshen, Governor Yu; good quality and good curative effect; Shanghai and Wuhan Yaozhuang Tibet; go to study abroad by sea".

Salvia miltiorrhiza is a kind of ginseng. With the improvement of the quality of life, Salvia miltiorrhiza has become a traditional Chinese medicine within the reach of many people. Salvia miltiorrhiza, also known as red ginseng, red root, etc., has a very high medicinal value. So what are the specific effects of Salvia miltiorrhiza? What's the use? Let's let the editor introduce it to you.

The fleshy root of Salvia miltiorrhiza is thick, the stem is 40cm high, the leaves are often odd-pinnate, the verticillum is 6-flowered or many-flowered, the black nutlet is oval, the flowering period is from April to August, and the fruit can be seen after flowering.

Environment of producing area of Salvia miltiorrhiza

Salvia miltiorrhiza likes to grow in a mild climate, sufficient light and humid air. The area with an annual average temperature of 17.1 ℃ and an average relative humidity of 77% is the best planting area. It grows well in fertile sandy loam, but it has a wide adaptability to soil acidity and alkalinity, and wild Salvia miltiorrhiza can be grown by roadsides, slopes and rivers.

Propagation methods of Salvia miltiorrhiza

1. Split-root propagation: the root of Salvia miltiorrhiza, which is 0.7-1cm in diameter, purple-red, pest-free and fully developed, is selected as seed root in autumn harvest, and stored in wet sand until the following spring. From March to April in early spring, the seed root was cut into small segments of 4cm. According to the specification of row spacing of 35 cm × 25 cm × 6 cm, the cut root was placed vertically into the hole, one hole at a time, with the big head facing up, do not turn upside down, cover the soil about 2 cm, should not be too thick, otherwise affect the emergence of seedlings. Use about 50 kilograms of seed root per mu. When planted with root, it blossoms late, so it is difficult to receive seeds in the same year, but the root grows faster and the yield of medicinal materials is high.

2. Reed head propagation: when Salvia miltiorrhiza was harvested, strong and disease-free plants were selected to cut off thick roots for medicinal purposes, while fine roots with heart leaves were used as seedlings for planting. Large seedlings can be divided into 2-4 plants according to the natural growth of buds and roots, and then planted. Can also dig wild Salvia miltiorrhiza, thick root cut off medicine, fine root together with Reed head planting, plant, row spacing and split root propagation method is the same, the time should be in late autumn or early spring. Propagated with Reed head, it can be harvested in the next year after planting, with short production cycle and good economic benefits.

3. Cutting propagation: from June to July in the north and from April to May in the south, the sturdy and disease-free branches of Salvia miltiorrhiza were cut together and cut into small segments with a length of 13 cm to 16 cm, and the lower incision should be close to the stem node, showing a horseshoe shape. Cut off the lower leaves, according to the row spacing of 20 × 10 cm, insert the cuttings obliquely into the nursery bed, the depth of the cuttings is 2 × 2 + 3, the soil cover is pressed, and there are 1 × 2 leaves on the ground. Cut while inserting, can not be put for a long time, otherwise affect the survival rate of cuttings. After insertion, the soil is moist and shaded properly, and the new root can be produced from the lowest stem node in 15-20 days. When the root is 3 cm long, it will be placed in the field.

4. Seed propagation: the seeds of Salvia miltiorrhiza are small, the germination rate is about 70%, and the direct seeding method is often uneven, so the method of seedling raising and transplanting is often chosen. Seeds maturing after June should be selected and sowed along with picking or sowing in September. Generally sowing in the seedbed in March, strip sowing and sowing can be done. The plant spacing of the strip sowing line is 30 × 20 cm, the depth of the ditch is 1 × 1.3 cm, the seeds are mixed with river sand, scattered evenly in the ditch, and the soil is covered by 0.5 cm to 0.7 cm. Sowing can spread the seeds evenly on the ground and step on them once, so that the seeds are close to the soil and do not need to be covered with soil. The sowing amount per mu is about 0.5 kg. Cover with plastic film after sowing to keep warm and moisturizing. When the local temperature reaches about 20 ℃, the seedlings will emerge in 15-20 days. When the seedlings have 3 or 5 true leaves, if it is found that the seedlings are too dense, the seedlings can be planted and cultivated amateurishly. After 2 months of growth after sowing, it can be transplanted.

Although Salvia miltiorrhiza is a good thing, but no matter what traditional Chinese medicine, there are advantages and disadvantages, Salvia miltiorrhiza is no exception, here are some of its taboos.

Taboos of Salvia miltiorrhiza

Salvia miltiorrhiza also has its side effects, practice has proved that salvia miltiorrhiza has a stimulating effect on the gastrointestinal tract, such as long-term use of salvia miltiorrhiza, can cause varying degrees of anorexia, pantothenic acid and other diseases.

Matters needing attention in clinical application of Salvia miltiorrhiza

1. People with gastrointestinal diseases can add tangerine peel, chicken gold and white lentils to strengthen the stomach when taking Salvia miltiorrhiza.

2. Patients with bradycardia can be treated with cassia twig, Allium macrostemon and other cardioplegic drugs.

If you suffer from bradycardia, you can add cassia twig, Allium macrostemon and other cardioplegic drugs.

3. Cancer patients who need blood-activating treatment do not need Salvia miltiorrhiza, but can choose traditional Chinese medicine with anticancer effect through pharmacological research, such as whole worm, centipede, snake slough, zedoary, trigonous, leech, pangolin and so on.

Salvia miltiorrhiza can not be taken with aspirin. Aspirin can inhibit platelet aggregation and has been used as a basic drug for the treatment of patients with coronary heart disease.

Small doses of aspirin can play a therapeutic role, while high doses of aspirin may lead to prolonged bleeding time, or even bleeding.

Salvia miltiorrhiza also has the effect of inhibiting platelet aggregation, anticoagulation and reducing blood viscosity. It should be said that there is a scientific basis for Mr. Zhang to take Salvia miltiorrhiza, but it is not appropriate for him to take Salvia miltiorrhiza and aspirin together, which is equivalent to increasing the dose of aspirin, which can easily lead to bleeding.

Patients who take warfarin for anticoagulation should also be careful, and taking Salvia miltiorrhiza may also cause bleeding.

5. Drugs to be taken and used separately from Salvia miltiorrhiza (incompatibility taboo).

① propranolol

The compatibility of its injection with compound Salvia miltiorrhiza injection will produce turbidity, which will affect the efficacy of the two drugs.

② atropine

It can increase your heart rate. When combined with Salvia miltiorrhiza, atropine can block the hypotensive effect of Salvia miltiorrhiza, thus reducing the effect of Salvia miltiorrhiza.

③ vitamin C injection

The mixture of vitamin C injection and salvia miltiorrhiza injection is prone to redox reaction, resulting in the decrease of the efficacy of the two drugs and the turbidity of the solution.

④ vitamin K

Vitamin K has hemostatic effect, while Salvia miltiorrhiza has the effect of anticoagulation and anti-platelet aggregation, both of which have the opposite effect.

⑤ vitamins B6, B1

When the active substance contained in Danshen tablet is combined with vitamin B6 or B1, it can produce precipitation and reduce the efficacy of the drug. Clinical compatibility is prohibited.

⑥ calcium agent

Calcium chloride, calcium lactate, calcium gluconate and other calcium agents can be combined with Salvia miltiorrhiza to form tannic acid precipitates, which are not easy to be absorbed.

6. Avoid eating milk and soybeans while taking Danshen tablets. Salvia miltiorrhiza tablets are commonly used in the treatment of coronary heart disease.

In recent years, some experts believe that taking Danshen tablets should not eat milk and soybeans at the same time, otherwise it will reduce the medicinal value of Salvia miltiorrhiza.

The mechanism is that hydroxyl oxygen and keto oxygen in the molecular structure of Salvia miltiorrhiza can form complexes with calcium, magnesium and iron ions rich in milk and soybeans, so taking them at the same time will reduce the efficacy.

Efficacy and function of Salvia miltiorrhiza

Salvia miltiorrhiza is a kind of ginseng, its nutritional value is relatively high, it can be used to treat irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea and amenorrhea, and salvia miltiorrhiza is very effective for vascular dilatation, so it is a good choice for female friends to eat some Salvia miltiorrhiza properly at ordinary times.

Now let's learn about the efficacy and function of Salvia miltiorrhiza. I hope it will be of some help to you in the treatment of diseases in your life.

Salvia miltiorrhiza is mainly a gynecological Dan medicine, and it is quite effective in treating many female diseases, so female friends should have a good understanding of the efficacy and effect of Salvia miltiorrhiza. This is good for you to treat menstrual diseases every month.

Salvia miltiorrhiza can nourish blood and calm the mind.

Modern pharmacological research shows that Salvia miltiorrhiza can dilate blood vessels and improve circulatory disorders. In traditional Chinese medicine, Salvia miltiorrhiza is a common drug for the treatment of irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, postpartum abdominal pain and massive hemorrhage. Salvia miltiorrhiza is a common medicine for irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea and massive bleeding in women. Salvia miltiorrhiza can remove blood stasis and activate blood, nourish blood and calm the mind, and has a good effect on irregular menstruation.

Ancient Youyun, blindly Danshen Gong and Siwu decoction, it can be seen that it is an important medicine for gynecology. Salvia miltiorrhiza has the effects of regulating menstruation, reducing swelling and relieving pain. modern pharmacological research shows that Salvia miltiorrhiza can dilate blood vessels, improve circulatory disorders, have the effects of anticoagulation, anti-inflammation, anti-hypoxia, anti-tumor, and calm the mind.

Salvia miltiorrhiza is often used to treat irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, postpartum abdominal pain, massive bleeding and other symptoms. It can improve irritability, mental disorder, palpitation and sleeplessness. In modern times, Salvia miltiorrhiza is often used to treat atherosclerotic heart disease, angina pectoris, early liver cirrhosis, hyperlipidemia, bronchial asthma and other diseases.

When buying and preserving Salvia miltiorrhiza, it is better to be dry, thick, red in color, no mud, no fine roots and solid body. When preserving Salvia miltiorrhiza, it should be stored in a ventilated and dry place to prevent moisture.

Note: salvia miltiorrhiza can not be eaten with veratrum, and people with more than symptoms of bleeding should not take it, if there are symptoms such as dizziness, dry mouth, weakness and so on, the dosage should be reduced.

Brown sugar salvia miltiorrhiza tea

Materials: salvia miltiorrhiza 15g, water 150ml, brown sugar right amount.

Practice: Dan to participate in the water, fried to 100 ml, to the dregs and brown sugar warm clothing.

Efficacy: for women with irregular menstruation and other symptoms can be improved, and has the effect of replenishing qi and nourishing blood, warming menstruation and promoting blood circulation.

Matters needing attention

People with heart disease who are taking anticoagulant drugs are not suitable to take Salvia miltiorrhiza at the same time so as not to cause serious bleeding.

Salvia miltiorrhiza has a long history of application, and it is also one of the most common medicinal materials, its efficacy is many, its taste is bitter, it can well promote blood circulation, promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis, and has been widely used in clinic. Especially can treat women's irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, many people usually like to drink salvia miltiorrhiza bubble water, then we all know the efficacy of salvia miltiorrhiza bubble water drink.

The value of Salvia miltiorrhiza is very great, it can treat many diseases, its medicinal value has been widely recognized, and it has been widely used in clinic, which can treat the symptoms of irregular menstruation. Let's take a look at the efficacy of Salvia miltiorrhiza bubble water.

Pharmacological studies showed that Salvia miltiorrhiza could significantly improve renal function, increase glomerular filtration rate (GFR), renal plasma flow (RDF), renal blood flow (RBF) and accelerate the flow rate.

According to the study, when the distal renal tubule fluid flow increases and the flow rate increases, it can effectively stimulate the renal tubule cortex to secrete potassium ions, while most of the potassium excreted in urine is secreted by distal renal tubules and collecting ducts. that is, the excretion of potassium in urine mainly depends on the rate of potassium secretion in the distal nephron.

Therefore, long-term use of Salvia miltiorrhiza may cause an increase in urinary potassium and a decrease in serum potassium.

The use of Danshen tablets in soaking water is the best way to retain the active ingredients, so it is recommended that you use Danshen tablets.