
Circular of Shandong Province on organizing and implementing the 2017 cultivated land quality improvement project

Published: 2024-09-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/06, Municipal Agriculture Bureau (Agriculture Committee), Finance Bureau, Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Bureau: in order to fully implement the Plan for improving the quality of cultivated Land in Shandong Province (2014-2020), improve the quality of cultivated land in our province, and enhance the ability of sustainable development of agriculture, we will continue to organize and implement ploughing in 2017.

Municipal Bureau of Agriculture (Committee of Agriculture), Bureau of Finance, Bureau of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine:

In order to fully implement the Plan for improving the quality of cultivated Land in Shandong Province (2014-2020), improve the quality of cultivated land in our province, and enhance the ability of agricultural sustainable development, we will continue to organize and implement cultivated land quality improvement projects in 2017. The matters related to the implementation of the project are hereby notified as follows:

I. determination of project counties

In accordance with the requirements of the notice of the Provincial Department of Agriculture and the Provincial Department of Finance on organizing and applying for the cultivated land quality improvement reserve project in Shandong Province (Lunong Caizi (2016) No. 57), according to the financial budget arrangement and the expert examination opinion of the reserve project, it is determined to implement cultivated land quality improvement projects in 34 counties (cities and districts) in 2017 (see Annex 1 for list and investment scale).

II. Project implementation procedures

(1) to formulate an implementation plan

The agriculture, animal husbandry and financial departments of the project county should, in accordance with the requirements of the construction objectives, implementation subject conditions, scope of use of provincial subsidy funds and subsidy standards put forward in document Lunong Caizi (2016) 57, on the basis of the previous reserve project, in accordance with the requirements of the examination opinions of the reserve project proposal, fully communicate with the implementing body, and conscientiously prepare the implementation plan (refer to Annex 6 for the preparation of the outline). In accordance with the principle of "overall planning, highlighting key points, multiple inputs, and performance evaluation", the implementation area, main body, construction content, capital estimates and safeguard measures of the project should be clearly defined to ensure the implementation effect of the project.

(2) examination and approval procedures. After the initial examination of the agriculture, animal husbandry and veterinary and financial departments of each city, the project implementation plan shall be submitted to the relevant industry management units of the province for examination and approval respectively. According to the examination and approval opinions of the province, the project county shall revise and improve the implementation plan and the fund estimate table, and after the joint approval of the agriculture, animal husbandry and veterinary and financial departments of each city, the project county shall report to the provincial agriculture department, the provincial animal husbandry and veterinary bureau and the provincial finance department for filing. Provincial audit opinions and municipal project approval documents will be used as an important basis for project random inspection and evaluation.

The division of labor of each project industry management unit: the provincial soil fertilizer terminal is responsible for the soil improvement and restoration project; the provincial plant protection terminal is responsible for the pesticide residue control project; the ecological agriculture department of the provincial agricultural department is responsible for the straw comprehensive utilization project; the provincial agricultural environmental protection and rural energy terminal is responsible for the plastic film pollution prevention project and the heavy metal pollution remediation project; the provincial animal husbandry and veterinary bureau is responsible for the livestock and poultry manure treatment project.

(3) allocation of funds

The provincial finance will allocate the subsidy funds to the city, and the cities will implement the subsidy funds to the project county as soon as possible. According to the relevant requirements of treasury management, the project county will timely implement the subsidy funds in accordance with the construction schedule to ensure the smooth implementation of the project.

(4) implementation of the project. According to the requirements of the project approval, the project counties shall organize the implementation subjects to carry out the project construction as soon as possible, strengthen the project and fund management, and ensure the construction progress and construction quality. The project shall complete the construction task within one year from the date of approval. After the completion of the project, each city will organize acceptance, and the provincial agriculture department and provincial finance department will organize sampling inspection and performance evaluation.

III. Poverty Alleviation Project arrangement

In accordance with the unified requirements of the provincial party committee and the provincial government on poverty alleviation, with the exception of heavy metal pollution control projects, other project funds should be allocated at least 20% to support poverty alleviation. The subsidy standard for provincial project funds used to help poor households who set up archives and set up cards to lift themselves out of poverty can be appropriately raised. For those poor households who have been sold out of poverty, they will continue to provide assistance during the period of poverty alleviation to promote stable poverty alleviation.

Financial funds should be given priority to counties with heavy tasks in poverty alleviation and key villages in poverty alleviation work. In counties with relatively heavy tasks to get rid of poverty, every farmer cooperative subsidized by financial funds should absorb at least 10 poor households to join the cooperative and get rid of poverty. Agricultural enterprises supported by financial funds in counties with the task of poverty alleviation should bear the responsibility of getting rid of poverty, helping no less than 10 poor households to set up archives and setting up cards, or absorbing no less than 10 people from rural poverty. Family farms subsidized by financial funds in key villages in poverty alleviation work should help at least three poor households in pairs and lift them out of poverty. Agricultural enterprises, farmers' cooperatives, and family farms that help poverty alleviation work in key villages and poor households should all fill in the attached table in accordance with the regulations.

IV. Relevant requirements

(1) earnestly strengthen organizational leadership. Improving the quality of cultivated land is one of the key tasks deployed by the provincial party committee and provincial government. Cities and counties where the project is located should attach great importance to it, strengthen communication with provincial industry management units, carefully formulate project implementation plans, and organize project implementation in strict accordance with the requirements. Each city should guide the project county to do a good job in the preparation, examination, approval, management and other work of the project implementation plan. All project counties should put the improvement of the quality of cultivated land on the agenda, seriously study and formulate plans, and implement support funds. At the same time, we should attach great importance to the agricultural poverty alleviation work, increase the tilt of project funds to villages where the poor population is relatively concentrated, give priority to the poverty alleviation of the poor, and ensure that the province's agricultural poverty alleviation task is completed on schedule.

(2) to speed up the progress of project construction. All cities and counties should step up efforts to organize plan preparation, project approval, fund release, and project implementation, and draw up a schedule for project construction to ensure that project construction tasks are completed within the specified time. The limitation of work progress will be used as an important indicator of provincial spot check and performance evaluation.

(3) strengthen the management of project construction. Industry management units and implementers at all levels should strengthen communication and cooperation, and organize project approval, construction and management in strict accordance with the requirements. It is necessary to establish and improve various rules and regulations, and do a good job in the allocation and management of funds in strict accordance with the regulations. It is necessary to do a good job in the bidding and procurement of materials, projects, and services needed for the project, reasonably determine the methods of bidding procurement, standardize the bidding qualification conditions, and scientifically select bid evaluation methods. It is necessary to strengthen supervision and inspection and earnestly assume the main responsibility of project management. The province will carry out technical guidance, supervision and inspection to the project construction organization, and if it fails to meet the project implementation requirements or there are major problems in project construction management, it will be ordered to rectify and reform within a time limit, withdraw funds from the provincial level or suspend the arrangement of follow-up projects.

Please submit the project implementation plan (including annexes 2, 3, 4, 5) to the industry management units before April 15, and complete the project approval before May 15. The approval documents shall be submitted to 3 copies of the Provincial Agriculture Department, 3 copies of the provincial animal husbandry and veterinarian (livestock and poultry fecal management project), 3 copies of the Provincial Department of Finance, and send electronic documents to at the same time.

Provincial Department of Agriculture contact: Gao Xinlei, Tel: 0531-67866177

Contact of Provincial Department of Finance: Fanzen, Tel: 0531-82669784

Provincial industry guidance contact and contact number:

Soil improvement and Restoration Project: Li Jianwei, 0531-81608040

Pesticide residue treatment Project: Yu Xiaoqing, 0531-81608062

Straw Comprehensive Utilization Project: Gao Xinlei, 0531-67866177

Plastic film pollution prevention and control project: Wang Li, 0531-81608085

Livestock and Poultry manure treatment Project: Zhan Wang Tao, 0531-87198985

Heavy metal pollution remediation project: Huang Xianmin, 0531-81608091