Skills of smelling fragrance of orchids
Author: yuesha
Confucius once said: "Zhilan is born in a secluded valley, not because there is no one but not fragrant. A gentleman practices morality and does not change his festival for the sake of poverty." Confucius also said: "to live well with people, such as entering the room of Zhilan, if you do not hear its fragrance for a long time, it will be transformed into it." It is recorded in Qin Cao Li Lan Cao: "Confucius returned to Lu in self-defense, and he saw Xianglan alone in the hidden valley. He sighed and said," Zhilan should be the king of incense, and now it is alone with the grass. "it is called" the incense of the king. "it is enough to prove the position of Chinese orchids in history and culture.
Orchid fragrance is the top grade, and the fragrance of general vegetarian flowers is pure and quiet! So that's what the ancients meant when they said there was nothing inferior! Smelling the fragrance of orchids is also skillful, in the case of Jianlan, because Jianlan blossoms in summer and the fragrance is worse when the temperature is higher, so Jianlan smells best when there is a breeze in the morning, and the best fragrance is when the flowers bloom for 2 to 4 days. The so-called delicate fragrance is from time to time, and you can't smell it when you smell it recently. at this time, I will teach you a little trick to quickly incite local air flow around the flowers with your hands. It's easy to smell it along the current! Do not water the flowers during blooming, the fragrance of the flowers will be greatly reduced after watering! Both Cymbidium and Cymbidium bloom in spring when the temperature is relatively low, and the fragrance will last longer!

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