
Beware of dampening the enthusiasm of farmers because it is difficult to sell new grain.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, At a time when policy collection and storage is still shouldering an important task, we must do everything possible to do a good job in this matter to prevent the difficulty of farmers in selling grain caused by any human factors. But at the same time, there must be full expectations and preparations for reform. Only in this way can we be better protected.

At a time when policy collection and storage is still shouldering an important task, we must do everything possible to do a good job in this matter to prevent the difficulty of farmers in selling grain caused by any human factors. But at the same time, we must have full expectations and preparations for the reform. only in this way can we better protect the interests of farmers growing grain and better meet this era of reform and innovation.

As the largest province in rice production, early rice in Hunan has had a bumper harvest in the last three years this year, but unexpectedly, some farmers encountered "difficulties in selling grain" after a brief harvest joy. A few days ago, our reporter reported that farmers in Hunan Xinshao, Longhui, Wugang, Dongkou and other major grain-producing counties encountered difficulties in selling grain.

At the end of July, China's Anhui, Jiangxi, Hunan and Hubei provinces successively launched the acquisition of early indica rice in 2015. However, as of August 11, the reporter visited a number of storage sites in Shaoyang and Chenzhou, Hunan, because some formalities such as entrusted purchase contracts and pledge deposits have not been completed, or the inspection and cleaning machines are not yet in place, coupled with the need to do some preparatory work such as online banking settlement, a number of storage depots have not started to support the market acquisition for a long time. The similar situation also exists in Jiangxi, Anhui and other places in China. The farmers couldn't wait, so they had to sell the grain to the grain sellers at a low price.

It is worth noting that this situation is not new this year. Carefully combing the media reports in the past two years, we will find that the situation of "difficulties in selling grain" in some areas is often reported in the newspapers. Apart from the special cause of grain quality problems, most of the "difficulties in selling grain" basically have a similar background: the high cost of grain production has led to high price expectations of farmers and the mentality of being reluctant to sell. imported rice hits the domestic market, processing enterprises suffer serious losses, market buyers are insufficient, "farmers with low prices do not sell, enterprises with high prices cannot collect," and the new "difficult to sell grain" in a glued state. In the end, these problems are solved by supporting the acquisition of the market, and the minimum purchase price and the temporary purchase and storage policy have become the "life-saving straws" to solve the difficulties for farmers to sell grain.

Maintaining farmers' enthusiasm for growing grain is of great strategic significance to ensure national food security, and the bottom line for maintaining farmers' enthusiasm is that they can sell their grain and maintain a certain profit. In recent years, the rhythm of farmers' grain sales has changed significantly with the policy of supporting the market. Due to the serious upside-down of rice prices at home and abroad, the enthusiasm of various processing enterprises to collect grain is not high, and farmers are not willing to sell from market-oriented channels. It is generally hoped to sell a few more money in the purchase of supporting the market. Take this survey in Hunan as an example, the price difference per 100 jin between grain traders and national grain depots is as high as 10 yuan, which is 80 yuan based on the yield of 800 jin per mu, which is a considerable profit for large-scale farmers. Under the background that policy collection and storage has become the main channel for farmers to sell grain, if the purchase work of supporting the market can not be effectively implemented, it can be imagined that it will deal a blow to farmers' enthusiasm for growing grain.

The deeper worry is: with China's grain production increasing for many years in a row, can this method of "thousands of troops crossing the single log bridge" really take on the important task of the main channel of grain sales in our country? When other market players become increasingly weak and withdraw one after another, can this single-family security method really hold up the hope of increasing farmers' high yield and income? A careful review of the "difficulty in selling grain" events occurred in various places in recent years due to the inadequate implementation of the purchase of supporting the market, of course, there are the factors of procrastination and inefficiency of the relevant departments, at the same time, it also exposes the predicament that the purchasing policy of supporting the market is difficult to support and unsustainable under the new situation.

In retrospect, since 2004, the implementation of the minimum purchase price policy and the temporary purchase and storage policy have played an important role in increasing farmers' income, maintaining the stability of the grain and oil market, and ensuring national food security. However, the national collection and storage of some varieties has also had a great impact on the processing industry, and the grain price formation mechanism and market price signal have been distorted, which makes the grain market show a "policy" trend to a certain extent. The market-supporting acquisition has become the main sales channel in the market, the lowest purchase price has become the "highest" protective price, and the original intention of the policy has been distorted.

In particular, the current low international grain prices, a large number of foreign grain imports, coupled with a bumper domestic harvest, make domestic grain stocks abundant. Under the double squeeze, the dilemma is more prominent. At the "High-level Seminar on China's Food Security and supply Security" held by the Rural Economic Research Center of the Ministry of Agriculture a few days ago, experts pointed out that the current domestic corn and rice stocks are the highest in history, and the grain in the granary is enough for the people of the whole country to eat for more than half a year. Such inventory reserves show that the whole food security situation of our country is in a relatively good period. But at the same time, at present, the grain stored in the warehouse has been difficult to digest, and the price gap at home and abroad may further widen in the future. In the case of China's low degree of tariff protection, "national grain into the warehouse, foreign grain into the market", the minimum purchase price and the temporary purchase and storage policy will certainly be difficult to sustain.

Under such realistic pressure, we must treat the problem of farmers'"difficulty in selling grain" more rationally. It is stressed that it is necessary to protect the enthusiasm of grain farmers, so that the hard-planted grain can be sold and sold well, and that they will no longer encounter the embarrassment of "three or five buckets of extra income." it must be established on the basis of a sustainable, diversified, market-oriented and dynamic grain purchase and marketing system. In 2014, the No. 1 document of the Central Committee proposed to "continue to adhere to the principle of market pricing, explore the reform of decoupling the price formation mechanism of agricultural products from government subsidies, and gradually establish a target price system for agricultural products. When the market price is lower than the target price, we should subsidize producers according to the price difference, and effectively ensure the income of farmers." Last year, the pilot project of target price subsidy for soybeans in Northeast China and Inner Mongolia and cotton in Xinjiang was also launched. All this confirms that the reform of the minimum purchase price policy and the temporary acquisition and storage policy is inevitable.

Of course, reform cannot be achieved overnight. At present, at a time when policy collection and storage is still shouldering an important task, we must do everything possible to do a good job in this matter, do a solid job, innovate mechanisms, implement funds, ensure warehousing, and start on time, so as to prevent the difficulty of selling grain caused by any human factors. But at the same time, we must have full expectations and preparations for reform, strengthen confidence and make a smooth transition. Only in this way can we better protect the interests of farmers in growing grain and better meet this era of reform and innovation.