
What is suitable for growing in sandy soil? Is it appropriate to grow peanuts and succulent plants?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, What is suitable for growing in sandy soil? Is it appropriate to grow peanuts and succulent plants? In the common sandy soil, hemorrhoid thin heavy soil, low-lying saline-alkali soil and humus soil, according to their characteristics, the medicinal materials suitable for planting are as follows: (1) Sandy soil:

What is suitable for growing in sandy soil? Is it appropriate to grow peanuts and succulent plants? In the common sandy soil, hemorrhoid thin heavy soil, low-lying saline-alkali soil and humus soil, according to their characteristics, the medicinal materials suitable for planting are as follows

The main results are as follows: (1) Sandy soil: generally broken particles, loose soil, strong aeration capacity, but lack of organic matter, large evaporation and low water retention. According to these characteristics, it can be arranged to plant Radix Glehniae, coir Ruo, Wang Buliu, Cassia seed and so on.

(2) thin and heavy soil: generally lack of organic matter, adhesive block, poor permeability, muddy when wet, hardened when dry. This kind of soil is best not to arrange the planting of medicinal materials. After improvement, we can consider planting some deep-rooted trees, such as Cortex Phellodendri, Eucommia ulmoides, Magnolia officinalis,. Xinyi, etc. Pity

(3) low-lying saline-alkali soil: it contains more salt, and the acid-base reaction is 7. 5% at pH. More than 5, for this kind of soil, we should turn deep into the sun, apply more organic fertilizer, increase the capacity of drainage and irrigation, and improve the physical and chemical properties of the soil. It is suitable for the cultivation of medicinal materials such as ritual, ephedra, licorice, Huangmao, Huiba and so on.

(4) humus soil: the soil is deep, loose, fertile, contains more organic matter, good physical and chemical properties, and preserves water and fertilizer. This kind of soil is suitable for the growth of all kinds of plants, such as Platycodon grandiflorum, Radix Isatidis, Atractylodes macrocephala, Rhizoma Atractylodis, Pinellia ternata, Shegan, Red Mast and other medicinal materials. It is also suitable for the cultivation of woody medicinal materials.

Crops suitable for growing in sandy soil

Can plant some sandy soil, less water demand and drought-tolerant crops, such as peanuts, soybeans, fruit trees, traditional Chinese medicine and so on. Or take measures such as soil improvement and water-saving irrigation to produce other crops.

The method of planting Peanut in Sandy soil

1. Leveling the land

Peanuts are cash crops that blossom on the ground, form fruit needles and drill into the ground to bear fruit. Suitable for planting on loose sandy soil and oil sandy soil. The plots for growing peanuts should be deeply turned over, combined with 30-40 tons of high-quality farm manure per hectare, and suppressed 1-2 times after turning. Where there are conditions, water can be irrigated first, and then agricultural fertilizer and chemical fertilizer can be mixed into ridges and furrows, ridging and suppression, so as to prepare for sowing at the right time. Note that peanuts like stubble, should not be repeated and welcome stubble. The better previous crops are corn, millet and sorghum.

two。 Cultivated variety

Improved varieties are the basis for high yield of peanuts. The peanut varieties suitable for planting in this area mainly include Fuhua series varieties and Jifu series varieties (commonly known as Sijiehong). The growth period is about 110-120 days. Choose pods that are big and full, neatly shaped and unbroken as seeds. The seeds should be dried for 1-3 days before shelling, and the seeds with pure color and neat shape should be selected as seeds after peeling.

3. Scientific fertilization

Peanuts are relatively resistant to barren, fertilization should be based on base fertilizer, 30 tons of farm manure per hectare, chemical fertilizer should be based on phosphate fertilizer, 300-400 Jack diammonium phosphate per hectare. Grow peanuts in barren land and apply 200-300 jin more urea per hectare.

Stratified fertilization: the fertilizer applied before sowing should be divided into two layers: base fertilizer and seed fertilizer.

Step-by-step fertilization: it mainly refers to the step-by-step fertilization technology of the combination of base fertilizer, seed fertilizer and topdressing fertilizer for available nitrogen fertilizer. The available nitrogen fertilizer should be based on base fertilizer and seed fertilizer, and a certain amount of urea or other fertilizer should be applied in time if the phenomenon of de-fertilization occurs in the process of growth.

Deep fertilization: basic fertilizer should be applied to 8-10 cm, seed fertilizer should be applied to 3-5 cm, and topdressing depth should reach more than 10 cm.

In order to achieve the purpose of increasing production and income, it is suggested that qualified peanut special fertilizer should be applied in accordance with the requirements of the instructions. If you distribute your own fertilizer, you can apply 200-300 jin of urea, 300-400 jin of diammonium phosphate and 100-150 jin of potassium sulfate per hectare.

4. Timely sowing and reasonable close planting

The suitable sowing time for peanuts in this area is the first and middle of May, and the specific sowing time depends on the weather conditions. The principle is that as long as the surface temperature of 5 cm stably passes through 12 ℃, the peanuts can be sown with 3-4 grains per grain and 3-5 cm thickness of soil cover, and the second is to sow seeds on demand. If the soil moisture is insufficient, it must be planted by sitting on water. When using sitting water seeds, we must wait for the water to seep completely before fertilizing, sowing, covering soil and other links.

Before sowing, peanuts should be soaked in warm water (two cool to one open) for 3-4 hours, moisturized, put in a place of 20-25 ℃ to sprout, sprout after one day and night, and sow the seeds on wet soil when sowing to prevent the buds from drying. Germinating seeds should be sowed at any time and should not be sown overnight, lest the buds grow too long and damage the germ. Generally speaking, the fertile land should be sparse and the thin land should be dense, and the suitable sowing density in this area is 15-200000 plants per hectare, and the suitable sowing density of each piece of land should be determined according to the soil fertility and the density tolerance of varieties.

5. Field Management of Peanut

Seedling replenishment and inter-seedling: the investigation of seedling situation should be carried out as soon as possible from late May to early June, and seedling replenishment should be carried out as soon as possible for the fields with obvious lack of seedlings.

Qinggu squatting seedlings: when the peanuts come out, dig a circle of soil around the seedlings 2 cm away with a small hand pick hoe, and then gently pick the two cotyledons out of the ground with your hands. Qinggu squatting seedlings are usually carried out three days after the first shovel.

Shovel in time: after the seedling is unearthed, start the shovel, three days after the first trip. Shovel twice after 15-20 days, pay attention to cultivate the soil and don't press the seedlings. Three shovels at the end of the blooming season. When sealing the ridge, walk the square head ridge and stick the needle into the soil with a good fruit needle. At the same time, attention should be paid to pulling out big weeds.

6. Topdressing

During the podding and satiety period, fertilizers such as potassium dihydrogen phosphate (0.3%) and plant growth regulators such as Lvfeng 95 can be applied pertinently by foliar spraying to promote grain formation.

7. Pest control

The common disease is Fusarium wilt (also known as bacterial wilt, root rot), the main symptoms are leaf wilt, roots and stems turn dark brown and die; peanut diseases also include leaf spot, anthracnose, corner spot and so on. For Fusarium wilt and leaf spot disease, carbendazim or methyl topiramate, mancozeb and other alternative control can be effectively controlled, and 200 times more than 70% barium sulfide wettable powder can be sprayed.

Peanut pests include red spiders, aphids and underground pests. Red spiders, aphids preferred medicine with 150-200 times more than 70% barium sulfide wettable powder; can also be used dimethoate, imidacloprid, pyrethroid pesticides (such as Laifuling) timely control, the specific application method should be strictly in accordance with the instructions. Underground pests can use 50% phoxim EC to add 50 kg of water, 300 kg of dry soil to mix well, and 15 kg of poisonous soil per mu when sowing.

8. Suitable harvest time

When peanut leaves turn yellow and some stems and leaves wither, they can be harvested, usually in mid-September. After harvest, it is necessary to dry and rain, promote post-ripening and improve seed maturity. Peanuts should be harvested and dried before frost.

Is sandy soil suitable for growing succulent plants?

Sand plays an important role in the process of raising succulent plants. For example, some flower friends will mix a certain proportion of sand into the medium to meet the needs of water permeability and air permeability of the medium, while others directly use pure sand to cuttage. The effect is still very good, but sand also has its own shortcomings.

The biggest disadvantage of sand is that the moisture volatilizes quickly. If the sand is normally maintained on the balcony, the moisture of the sand will evaporate easily, which is not enough to retain water, so it will easily lead to succulent wilting, so we need to use it flexibly to raise succulent plants with sand, such as:

1. If you raise succulent plants with pure sand, be sure to observe the evaporation of water and remember to replenish water in time (water can be soaked in a basin, if it is like normal watering, the sand will slowly become compact).

2. If sand is used as a kind of mixing medium, the proportion is relatively loose, and it can be adjusted according to one's own local climate. For example, there can be less sand in the north, because the weather is dry and water is not preserved. If the air humidity is high in the south, more sand can be used to volatilize and not accumulate water.

[growth habits]

Succulent plants like cool semi-shade environment, the main growth period is in spring and autumn, which is the "intermediate" variety of succulent plants. Drought-resistant, not cold-resistant, avoid high temperature and humidity and hot sun exposure, afraid of shade, but also afraid of soil water. Growth period should be given sufficient light, if too shaded, it will cause loose plant shape, not compact, long and thin leaves, poor transparency of the "window". If the light is too strong, the leaves will grow poorly, showing a light reddish brown, and sometimes the strong direct sunlight will burn the leaves, leaving ugly stains. The plants growing in the semi-shade will have plump and transparent leaves.

During the growing period, water should be watered thoroughly to avoid stagnant water, let alone rain, especially long-term rain, all in order to avoid rotting roots. However, it is not suitable for long-term drought, otherwise the plant will not die, but the leaves are withered, the leaf color is dark, and lack of vitality. Yulu likes to have a certain air humidity environment, air dry can often spray water to the plant and the surrounding environment to increase air humidity, in the growing season can also be cut off the upper part of the transparent colorless beverage bottle to cover the plant maintenance, so that it grows in a humid environment, so that the leaves can be full, the transparency of the "window" is also higher. But the summer high temperature season must remove the beverage bottle, so as not to pay attention to the scape do not use scissors, to use the hand to shake it out, so as to avoid residual pedicels between leaves and leaves, adversely affecting the growth of new leaves in the future.

What should we pay attention to when applying fertilizer to sandy soil?

Sandy soil is characterized by low content of organic matter, poor ability of fertilizer and water conservation, rapid fertilizer effect, but insufficient stamina.

The following points should be paid attention to when applying fertilizer:

1. The amount of fertilizer applied at one time should not be too large (especially nitrogen fertilizer), so as not to cause fertilizer damage or serious loss.

3. Cover the orchard with grass, apply semi-decaying organic fertilizer as far as possible, and do not encourage the use of raw grass.

4. Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium account for 30% and 50% of the annual application rate in the basal application. The rest of the dosage was applied evenly in different growth stages.

2. For fertilization in sandy soil, more organic fertilizer should be applied and chemical fertilizer should be applied as little as possible for many times.

5. Micro-fertilizer should be applied together with organic fertilizer. This is because fruit trees planted in sandy soil are easy to lack boron, zinc, magnesium and other elements, and the application of these elements alone can easily cause loss or local poisoning.

6. Proper extra-root topdressing.