
When will fresh lilies come on the market? Why is it bitter?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, In daily life, many people especially like to eat fresh lilies, because lilies are good traditional Chinese medicine, but also nutritious food, with the effect of heat-clearing and detoxification. When will the fresh lilies come on the market? Why is it bitter? When will fresh lilies come on the market?

In daily life, many people especially like to eat fresh lilies, because lilies are good traditional Chinese medicine, but also nutritious food, with the effect of heat-clearing and detoxification. When will the fresh lilies come on the market? Why is it bitter?

When will fresh lilies come on the market?

Lily budding in early June, flowering in early July, blooming in mid-July, final flowering in late July, fruiting period from July to October. Fresh lilies appear on the market in large quantities from October to November every year, and then they are all fresh lilies in the freezer. But the lily can't dig until it freezes in autumn, but it can't be too late, otherwise it won't be easy to dig when it freezes.

Why fresh lilies are bitter

It is mainly the difference of water content.

The lilies we usually buy can't smell funny when they are opened. For the purchase of dried lilies, there are two misunderstandings among the people, thinking that the whiter the better, the bigger the better, in fact, this is wrong. 'The color of dried lilies should be white, or slightly yellowish or light brown, 'she said.

In addition, dried lilies should be hard and brittle, and the broken section should be horny and smooth. And the color is too white dried lily, may be bleached with sulfur, used in medicine will have side effects. As far as medicine is concerned, small scales are better than large ones.

Dried lilies bleached with sulfur are susceptible to moisture and will taste sour when cooked, so be careful when buying them, she said. Fresh lilies can be used to cook all kinds of dishes, such as "fried beef with lilies" and "fried celery with lilies". It is a good stir-fried vegetable with light taste and refreshing taste. People in Guangzhou also use lilies plus mung beans, Huai Shan and other boiled soups as summer Qingbuliang soup. It is estimated that the lily you bought is a bitter lily, because I have bought two kinds of lilies in the market, one is bitter, the price is cheap, and the other is sweet, the price is much higher than the bitter one, especially the fresh one.

Fresh lilies sold in bulk in the supermarket should pay special attention to: a lily is made up of many small lilies with a little red or all-white on top, that is, bitter lilies. Sweet lilies usually have only one head, and they are stronger than bitter lilies. They are as beautiful as white jade. They are vacuum packed and refrigerated. I can't remember the brand clearly. This kind of sweet lily is sweet no matter how you cook. At the same time, it is recommended that you try one piece before you buy it next time, do not buy the bitter ones, and buy more sweet ones.