
How much is the millet banana per jin? What are the effects and effects?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Millet banana is one of the tropical fruits in Hainan, and the Pearl River Delta is also known as Milk Banana. Mainly divided into Lingshui, Sanya, Pingnan, Wenchang, Qionghai, Wanning, Chengmai, Lingao and other places. Next, let's find out how much millet plantain costs per jin. What are the effects; and

Millet banana is one of the tropical fruits in Hainan, and the Pearl River Delta is also known as Milk Banana. Mainly divided into Lingshui, Sanya, Pingnan, Wenchang, Qionghai, Wanning, Chengmai, Lingao and other places. Next, let's find out how much millet plantain costs per jin. What are the effects and effects?

How much is the millet banana per jin?

The appearance of millet banana is very similar to that of other bananas when they are young. They can almost look real and grow on banana trees. Millet banana, also known as emperor banana, rice banana, golden banana, belongs to banana sprouts.

The weight of emperor banana / millet banana is 100mur120 (g / kg), only 8murmur10 per kilogram, pesticide residue ≤ 0.1g / kg. The market price of this high-end boutique banana reaches 10 yuan / kg, which is several times higher than that of ordinary bananas and has a broad market.

Efficacy and function of millet banana

1. Millet banana is rich in carbohydrates, which can store and provide heat energy, maintain the energy necessary for brain function, regulate fat metabolism, provide dietary fiber, save protein, detoxify and enhance intestinal function.

2. Millet banana is rich in copper. As an indispensable micronutrient for human health, copper has an important influence on the development and function of blood, central nervous system and immune system, hair, skin and bone tissue, as well as brain, liver and heart.

3. Millet banana contains a lot of potassium and magnesium. Potassium can prevent the rise of blood pressure and muscle spasm, while magnesium can relieve fatigue.

Dietary therapy of traditional Chinese medicine

1. Calm the mind and relieve annoyance: the carbohydrates of millet banana can replenish the glucose consumed by the brain and relieve fatigue, irritability, dizziness, insomnia, distraction, extreme thirst, depression, and even hallucinations. At the same time, magnesium has the effect of eliminating fatigue.

2.Shengjin and quench thirst: millet banana helps to moisten the throat and relieve dryness, making people refreshed and comfortable. For patients with dry throat and sore throat, eating helps to relieve the symptoms of the mouth.

3. Laxative: millet banana can lubricate the intestinal tract, keep the intestinal feces moist, help digestion and prevent stool dryness.

4. Fat and blood pressure: potassium of millet banana can prevent blood pressure from rising, make blood pressure easier to control, soften and protect blood vessels, and reduce blood lipids and cholesterol in the body.

5. Balanced nutrition: millet banana fruit is rich in nutrition. Every 100 grams of edible part contains 21 grams of carbohydrates, 1.4 grams of protein, 0.2 grams of fat and a variety of vitamins. Compared with ordinary bananas, millet bananas are more fragrant and refreshing and nutritious.

Suitable crowd

1. People rich in copper are suitable for people with dizziness, fatigue, tiredness, tinnitus and dizziness. It is also suitable for people with pale skin, mucous membrane and nails, shortness of breath, osteoporosis and palpitation after physical activity.

2. It is especially suitable for patients with dry mouth, dry throat, dry stool, hemorrhoids, bloody stool, upper gastrointestinal ulcer, excessive drinking and hangover, hypertension, coronary heart disease and arteriosclerosis.

Millet banana has bright color and unique flavor, which is recognized as one of the high-grade banana varieties in the world, and has high economic value. The fruit is small, golden in color and rich in nutrition. Compared with ordinary bananas, it is more fragrant and refreshing and nutritious. The market development prospect is very good.