
The practice of Houttuynia cordata? How to grow it? (with gourmet recipes)

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Houttuynia cordata Thunb (herbahouttuyniae), also known as folded ear root, Cen grass, Zi [j], purple grass, wild flower wheat and so on. It is the dry aquatic part of the perennial herb of Tripterygiaceae. Produced in the provinces south of the Yangtze River Basin in China. In summer, stems and leaves are luxuriant, flowers and spikes are harvested for a long time, and washed.

Houttuynia cordata Thunb (herbahouttuyniae), also known as folded ear root, Cen grass, grass [j í], purple grass, wild flower wheat and so on. It is the dry aquatic part of the perennial herb of Tripterygiaceae. Produced in the provinces south of the Yangtze River Basin in China. Summer stems and leaves luxuriant flowers and spikes are harvested, washed, dried or fresh. See "Don't record famous doctors". Tang Su Song said: "born in wetlands, the shade of the valley can also grow. The leaves are fat like buckwheat, and the stems are purple and red. People in the left side of the river like to eat raw food, which is called Guanzhong." Potamogeton crispus has fishy leaves, so it is commonly known as Houttuynia cordata. Taste pungent, slightly cold; return to the lung, bladder and large intestine meridians. It has the function of clearing heat and detoxification, resolving phlegm, expelling pus and eliminating carbuncle, diuresis, detumescence and gonorrhea. Main treatment of lung heat asthma cough, lung carbuncle vomiting pus, throat moth, hot dysentery, malaria, edema, carbuncle sore poison, fever, eczema, prolapse of anus and other diseases.

Houttuynia cordata Thunb

People who are not used to eating raw houttuynia can also stir-fry or stew first. The following are several common practices of Houttuynia cordata Thunb and its food therapy and health care:

First, recuperate a variety of bacterial and viral infections, such as febrile colds, herpes, urinary system infections, etc., must be eaten raw, cold can.

Second, to prevent wind-fever and cold, just stir-fry and eat. This way of eating is relatively mild, and it is also suitable for frail people to eat every day. Normal people usually eat Houttuynia cordata as a vegetable health care is also very good. The most common way to eat is cold salad, which is suitable for most people. Houttuynia cordata Thunb cold, the elderly and frail people, can be used to stew chicken. Put some sesame oil, and moisturize the heart. It is very helpful to relieve the restlessness in summer.

Third, when pregnant women eat chicken for the first time in the month, they must put some houttuynia to prevent postpartum wind.

Planting method of Houttuynia cordata Thunb

1. Reproduction

Herba Houttuyniae can be propagated by ramet, cuttage and rhizome. Ramet propagation is from late March to April, and the mother plant can be dug up and transplanted on the seedbed of sandy soil or directly transplanted. Cuttings can be propagated in spring and summer, cut off disease-free and insect-free branches as cuttings, cut and grow 12mur15cm, cuttings in flowerpots, row spacing 16cm × 10cm or 14cm × 10cm. Watering after insertion, shading, rooting and transplanting seedlings. Rhizome propagation can be carried out in February to March. Select disease-free, white, stout rhizomes, cut into small segments with more than 2 axillary buds, and raise seedlings or plant in flowerpots with shallow trenches. Winter and early spring should pay attention to anti-freezing and heat preservation, summer and early autumn should pay attention to shading and moisturizing.

two。 Planting method

The cultivation of Houttuynia cordata Thunb should be cultivated under the conditions of natural shade (half shade and half yang) and loose and fertile basin soil. It can be planted all the year round, but it can be harvested in winter, spring and early summer. Generally speaking, the best time for sowing is around the Beginning of Spring. Trench strip planting in the same direction in the flowerpot, ditch deep 8~10cm, wide 13~15cm, row spacing 20~25cm. Put the seed root of Houttuynia cordata Thunb in the ditch, each ditch is parallel to two rows, the distance between the seed stem segments is 5~8cm, continuously placed, head and tail connected. The seed stem should be placed evenly, then covered with soil, and should be kept warm and moisturized after planting. If you plant in the summer high temperature season, there must be 3 nodes to ensure that the middle node can sprout and take root. If planted before winter, plastic film or newspaper should be covered to facilitate normal growth and development in winter and early spring and obtain high yield.

3. Daily management

After planting, if drought occurs in the seedling stage, it should be watered sooner or later to moist the border soil. Before the seedlings survived, the seedlings were ploughed with weeding and topdressing for 3 times, and the fertilizer was mainly nitrogen fertilizer. Each time weeding combined with topdressing, 20 grams of urea can be applied per square meter, dilute at first and then concentrated. Nitrogen fertilizer is mainly applied after each harvest to promote plant germination; after autumn harvest, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer is mainly applied, and soil is cultivated to survive the winter, so as to lay a good foundation for germination in the coming year. Watering should be timely in the dry season, drainage should be timely in the rainy season, and water accumulation in flowerpots should be avoided for a long time. Weeds should be removed in time, shallow ploughing and loosening soil should be carried out in time, and appropriate amount of mature organic fertilizer should be applied between rows combined with loose soil. For plants with overgrown stems and leaves above ground, coring should be carried out to inhibit the growth and height and promote the occurrence of lateral branches.

4. Harvest

After the planting of Houttuynia cordata Thunb, the tender stems and leaves can be picked when the seedling height is 8mi 10cm, and then it can be harvested every 10m every 20 days. The picked tender stems and leaves can be listed while fresh or dried in the sun. After half a year of planting, the underground stem can be dug in time according to the needs of the market, washed and removed impurities, while fresh on the market or used for flooding processing. The underground stem reserved for seed can be picked at any time. The whole herb of Houttuynia cordata can be used as medicine, can be harvested at any time, washed, dried, stored or put on the market.

Food recipes

1. Houttuynia cordata Thunb in cold sauce (1)

[seasoning]: salt, soy sauce, vinegar, sugar, chicken essence, red oil, dried pepper, pepper noodles


1. Pinch off the old root of Houttuynia cordata and leave the tender white root.

Houttuynia cordata Thunb in cold sauce

Houttuynia cordata Thunb in cold sauce

And leaves, wash with clean water several times, wash off the sediment, soak in cold water for 10 minutes, remove and control dry moisture for use; you can also scald it with boiling water.

2. Cut the dried chili peppers into sections and deep-fry them in warm oil until crisp and fragrant. Pour a piece of oil into a bowl and set aside.

3. Put Houttuynia cordata in a basin and mix it with salt, soy sauce, sugar, vinegar, chicken essence, red oil, pepper noodles and fried chili oil. The taste can be adjusted according to your preferences and regions.

[features]: spicy, sour and sweet, light and refreshing, it is a good dish on the summer table.


1. When eating, Houttuynia cordata can only eat white roots and leaves, and cold water must be used to eliminate the smell.

2. When it communicates in winter and spring, it just spits out tender buds and tastes the best.

two。 Houttuynia cordata Thunb in cold sauce (2)

[raw materials]:

1. Main ingredient: 250 grams of Houttuynia cordata.

2. Seasoning: refined salt, monosodium glutamate, pepper powder, chilli oil, sugar.


Wash Houttuynia cordata, cut it into sections, soak it in salt water for a few minutes, put monosodium glutamate, refined salt, pepper powder, chilli oil and sugar, mix well and serve.

Press: Houttuynia cordata has the effect of heat-clearing and detoxification, diuresis and detumescence. Making salad has a certain effect on upper respiratory tract infection, lung abscess, urinary tract inflammation, mastitis, cellulitis, otitis media, enteritis and so on.

[hint]: Houttuynia cordata cold should not eat too much.

3. Steamed chicken with houttuynia cordata

[raw materials]:

1. Main ingredients: 1 tender hen (weighing about 1500 grams), Houttuynia cordata 200g.

2. Seasoning: refined salt, monosodium glutamate, pepper, green onions, sliced ginger.


1. Wash the chicken slaughtered, depilated, viscera and feet, blanch the chicken in a boiling water pan and remove the blood stains. Remove and wash Houttuynia cordata and cut it into sections.

2. Take a soup pot, put in the whole chicken, salt, ginger, spring onions, pepper and some water, steam until the chicken is done, then add Houttuynia cordata and monosodium glutamate, steam slightly to get out of the cage.

[press]: this dish is made of Houttuynia cordata Thunb, which is heat-clearing and detoxifying, diuretic and detumescent, and chicken meat that invigorates qi, replenishes marrow and essence, and can provide rich nutrients such as protein, fat and carbohydrates for the human body. it has the effect of anti-inflammation and detoxification, warming and replenishing qi.