
How to grow potted mint at home? What do you need to pay attention to?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Peppermint, called Yindancao, is a kind of aromatic crop with special economic value. Many people like to put a few pots at home, so how to grow potted mint at home? What do you need to pay attention to? Next, let's learn about the planting method of potted mint.

Peppermint, called "Yindan grass", is a kind of aromatic crop with special economic value. Many people like to put a few pots at home, so how to grow potted mint at home? What do you need to pay attention to? Next, let's take a look at:

Planting methods of potted mint

1. Requirements of mint growth environment

Peppermint prefers warm, humid, sunny and rainy environments. The rhizome can germinate at 5-6 ℃, and the optimum growth temperature is 20-30 ℃. Have strong cold resistance. It is better to cultivate mint in loose, fertile and well-drained sandy soil. Water has a great effect on the growth and development of peppermint, and more water is required in the early and middle stages of plant growth. Budding requires sunny and dry weather and requires less moisture.

2. Plenty of sunshine

Peppermint needs plenty of sunshine, if you raise mint, you must put it in a sunny place. Don't worry about the sun in summer. If there is not enough sunshine, mint is easy to grow, the leaves are not big, and they are very thin. A whole basin may become smaller and smaller.

3. Plenty of water

Raising peppermint requires plenty of water, hydroponic culture is fine, but soil culture will grow better. If not watered for a few days, the flowerpot is extremely dry, even the leaves are dry and withered, do not worry, as long as the root has vitality, and then watered, it will soon restore the vitality of the past.

4. Rich and soft soil

Growing peppermint requires rich and soft soil. If the flowerpot is too small, or the soil is too little to keep up with the nutrition, it will grow very slowly. So use highly permeable, very fertile soil. Ordinary garden soil, rotten leaf soil. It would be nice to add some chicken manure. It is not picky about the soil.

5. Regular pruning

Mint is very cheap, often pruned, use its leaves to make tea, there is no problem, cut more and more luxuriant, often loosen the soil, or add some soil, or fertilize, grow faster. Be sure to put it in a ventilated place on the balcony.

6. Pest control

Rust: it often occurs in the rainy season in May, causing damage to leaves. Control methods: clean up the field and deal with diseased plants; spray 1000 times of trimethoprim at the initial stage of the disease.

White spot disease occurs from May to October, causing damage to leaves. Prevention and treatment: at the initial stage of the disease, 50% carbendazim 100-fold solution is sprayed, or alternately sprayed with 120-fold Bordeaux solution with 1 rime.

Other diseases and insect pests of mint include spot blight, rust and Spodoptera litura. Spot blight should be removed in time, deeply buried or burned outside the mountain field, reduce the source of infection, spray with 120 times Bordeaux solution, or use 65% Dysen zinc 500 times solution foliar spray. Rust should be sprayed with 1000 times of 15% vermicellin wettable powder or 40% carbendazim gel suspension at the initial stage of the disease. The silver liquid moth was sprayed with 1000 times of 90% trichlorfon or 1500 times of deltamethrin or 20% fenvalerate.

Matters needing attention of planting mint in pot

1. When it snows in winter, the mint leaves in the flowerpot wither. It looks like there is no vitality. Don't worry, it will sprout and grow in the next spring. Its vitality is tenacious and can't be frozen to death. It is best not to plant it in the flower bed, because it will encroach on the whole flower bed area. Grab the nutrition of other plants.

2. If you want to burst the mint basin, the mint grows very fast and luxuriantly. A little trick is to change the basin once a year, in spring or autumn. If you change to a larger basin, the soil will be more fertile and will grow faster, because it is the same as the orchid, and even the root system develops faster than the orchid, and will soon occupy the whole flowerpot.

3. If you want to keep the peppermint branch growing, you must knock it off when you see the flower branch. Mint usually blossoms in autumn, and after flowering, the growth of leaves basically stops that year. Even if it does not wither completely, it will enter a semi-dormant state. So if you want peppermint to continue to grow in winter, you must knock off the flower branches. If you want to collect peppermint seeds and plant new mint, let the mint blossom. Peppermint is self-pollinated and does not bear seeds and needs artificial pollination.

The main value of potted mint

Edible value

Peppermint has both medical and edible functions, the main edible parts are stems and leaves, and can also be used for juice extraction. In edible, peppermint can be used as seasoning, spice, wine, tea and so on. Every 100 grams of dry mint contains 9, 6 grams of moisture, 6, 8 grams of protein and 31, 1 grams of fiber, which can provide 870 and 7 kilojoules of heat.

Such as: peppermint porridge, efficacy: fresh and refreshing, soothing wind and heat, increase appetite, help digestion.

Peppermint tofu, efficacy: can treat cold stuffy nose, sneezing, runny nose and other diseases.

Mint shredded chicken, efficacy: relieve fire and relieve summer heat.

Peppermint cake, efficacy: cool, dispel wind and heat, clear throat.

Fresh mint crucian carp soup, efficacy: can treat children with chronic cough.

Peppermint soup, efficacy: detoxification and dispelling fire.

Peppermint herbal tea makes you feel comfortable and energetic after drinking it.

In addition, peppermint stems and leaves have a special fragrance, which can be used to make chewing gum and toothpaste to refresh and relieve fire.

In addition, peppermint can brew honey, its honey color is dark, deep amber, with a strong peppermint special smell.

Medicinal value

Peppermint is a commonly used traditional Chinese medicine in China. The tender stem tip can be used as vegetable food, and the whole herb can be used as medicine to treat cold, fever, throat pain, headache, eye pain, muscle pain, skin rubella scratching, measles impermeable and other diseases. in addition, it is also effective for carbuncle, gangrene, scabies, ringworm and lacquer sore.

Peppermint contains menthol, which can refresh breath and has a variety of medicinal properties, can relieve abdominal pain, gallbladder problems such as spasm, antiseptic, diuretic, expectorant, stomach and digestive functions. Eating large amounts of peppermint can lead to insomnia, but small doses can help you sleep.

Peppermint is a kind of hopeful plant, there are inevitably many people or things missed in life, and there are almost no opportunities to meet, date and love again, but the more we miss them, the more we miss them. Although peppermint is a kind of insipid flower, its taste is refreshing, freshness seeps into the skin from every pore, and every cell in the body is permeated, which is a very happy feeling. It will give a little comfort to those who have lost, so the flower words of peppermint are "wish to meet you again" and "Love me again". In addition, it also has a kind of flower language is "virtuous people".