
What kind of fertilizer should I use to grow vegetables on my own balcony?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Many young people don't know what fertilizer to use to grow vegetables on the balcony. According to the experience of housewife Aunt Li, nutrient solution, traditional fertilizer and homemade organic compost are all commonly used fertilizers for growing vegetables on the balcony. Choosing the right fertilizer can make your balcony garden more luxuriant.

Many young people don't know what fertilizer to use to grow vegetables on the balcony. According to the experience of housewife Aunt Li, nutrient solution, traditional fertilizer and homemade organic compost are all commonly used fertilizers for growing vegetables on the balcony. Choose the right fertilizer to make your balcony garden more luxuriant!

1. Nutrient solution

Nutrient solution is also a common fertilizer for growing vegetables on the balcony. If you choose soilless cultivation, you only need to irrigate the nutrient solution. The nutrient solution of soilless culture should be equipped with a large number of elements such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulfur and trace elements such as iron, manganese, boron, zinc, copper and molybdenum. The formula of the nutrient solution is specific to different plants, and some plants are universal, which can be bought in the agronomic market. It can be irrigated after reasonable preparation according to the instructions on the label.

The irrigation of nutrient solution is the key to soilless culture. the principle of standard nutrient solution irrigation is that it is irrigated in sunny days and not in cloudy and rainy days, less in the early growth period and more in the fruit period. The nutrient solution can be recycled and recycled. Generally, the nutrient solution can be completely replaced every 20 days or so.

two。 Traditional fertilizer

Traditional fertilizer or nutrient solution can be used in soil cultivation. If you use traditional fertilizers, it is best to choose organic fertilizers, including plant fertilizers and animal manure, and do not use chemical fertilizers as much as possible, because chemical fertilizers will remain acid or salt roots, and the basin soil will become acidic or alkaline, hindering the growth of plants. There are all kinds of special organic fertilizers in the agronomic market, and suitable organic fertilizers can be selected according to the types of vegetables.

3. Self-made organic compost

If you like DIY, you can also make use of kitchen waste self-made organic compost, not only reduce the amount of garbage, make full use of waste, economic and environmental protection. The method of homemade organic composting is very simple: first, cover the bottom of the planting container with broken tiles or window screens, etc., then cover the soil with about 2cm, then put the drained kitchen waste in the container (about 3cm), and then cover with a thick layer of soil (about 6-9cm), and the compost is made, and you can sow and plant in this container.

4. Tips for fertilizing

⑴ if vegetables need to transfer seedlings, wait until the seedlings are transferred before watering the nutrient solution.

⑵ if vegetables adopt the method of direct sowing and do not need to move seedlings, then first irrigate tap water to keep the soil moist, seeds germinate and seedlings grow before using nutrient solution.

⑶ although different plants have different requirements for water, it is more appropriate to irrigate the nutrient solution once a day. If it is a leafy vegetable, you can pour the nutrient solution twice a day.

⑷ was irrigated less in the early stage of growth and more in the fruiting period.

⑸ recommends thoroughly filtering the planting container with tap water at least once a week to remove any unused fertilizer accumulated in the container. The specific method is to pour enough water into the container to form self-flow drainage at the bottom. This measure can prevent the accumulation of harmful substances in the culture medium.

⑹ sometimes, vegetables can be watered with a nutrient solution with trace elements added. Choose water-soluble fertilizers containing iron, zinc, boron and manganese and follow the instructions on the label.

Note: misuse of nutrient solution may lead to the risk of excessive nitrate in vegetables.