
What is the efficacy and function of the herbaceous plant Artemisia annua? Can pregnant women eat it?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Artemisia annua is an annual or biennial herb of Compositae and is loved by many people. according to Chinese ancient medicine books, it has the efficacy and effect of sweet, pungent, flat, non-toxic, reassuring qi, nourishing spleen and stomach, eliminating phlegm and benefiting intestines and stomach. According to relevant data, chrysanthemum contains

Artemisia annua is an annual or biennial herb of Compositae and is loved by many people. According to ancient Chinese medicine books, Artemisia annua is sweet, pungent, flat, non-toxic and has the efficacy and effect of "reassuring qi, nourishing spleen and stomach, eliminating phlegm, benefiting intestines and stomach". According to relevant data, Artemisia annua is rich in vitamin An and folic acid, which is very important for pregnant women, but also indispensable for the healthy development of the fetus, so pregnant women can eat chrysanthemum.

Artemisia annua L., as a kind of people's favorite vegetable, naturally has its own efficacy and function.

(1) the efficacy of Artemisia annua L.

1. Nature: the taste is pungent, sweet and flat.

2. Meridian tropism: entering the spleen and stomach meridians.

3. Functional indications: harmonize spleen and stomach, benefit two bowels, eliminate phlegm and drink. Main treatment of palpitation, palpitation, insomnia, dreaminess, restlessness, phlegm cough, diarrhea, epigastric distension, frequent nocturnal urination, abdominal pain, cold hernia and other diseases.

4. "dry gold food treatment": "reassure qi, nourish spleen and stomach, eliminate phlegm drink."

5. "Daily use of Materia Medica": "Xiaoshui Valley."

6. "Southern Yunnan Materia Medica": "treat liver qi, treat falling qi pain, and facilitate urination."

7. "it has to be matched with Materia Medica": "benefit the intestines and stomach, clear the blood vessels, and remove the stench in the diaphragm."

8. "Benjing meets the original": "with Artemisia Qi turbid, can help each other fire, Yuxi words eat more, smoke the hearts of the people, make people angry." (daughter) those who say peace of mind, nourish the spleen and stomach, eliminate phlegm and drink, and benefit the intestines and stomach refers to the inherent fire failure, if the kidney qi is prosperous, it is not without the trouble of helping the fire. "

(2) the function of Artemisia annua L.

1. Promote appetite. Abutilon contains a large number of volatile substances, their special fragrance can play a very beneficial role in promoting the secretion of saliva, but also can increase the body's appetite, play the effect of digestion and appetizer.

2. Clearing blood and nourishing the heart, moistening the lungs and resolving phlegm. Artemisia annua is rich in nutrition, as a food material is relatively lubricated, eat some appropriately, with the role of clearing blood and nourishing the heart, moistening the lungs and resolving phlegm.

3. Facilitate urination and lower blood pressure. Eating some chrysanthemum in the right amount can regulate the water metabolism in the human body and have a certain diuretic effect; the elderly eat some chrysanthemum in moderation, then have the effect of lowering blood pressure.

4. Improve immunity. The nutrients contained in chrysanthemum have a certain impact on people's immunity. Eating some chrysanthemum in moderation can improve people's immunity.

5. resolving phlegm and relieving cough. Chrysanthemum chrysanthemum is suitable for phlegm, sticky sputum, cough and other symptoms. It has a good moisturizing and physiotherapeutic effect on the pharynx and throat, which is conducive to the cure of local inflammation, and can relieve local itching, thus blocking cough reflex. It can dilute the viscosity of respiratory tract inflammation and secretions, making it easy to cough, which is conducive to relieving cough and expectorant.

6. Detumescence. It can remove toxins and excess water in the body, promote blood and water metabolism, and promote diuresis and edema. Contains diuretic ingredients, can eliminate water and sodium retention in the body, diuresis and detumescence. Can treat systemic edema, adverse urination and so on.

7. Moistening the lungs. Artemisia annua nourishes yin and moistens the lungs and removes lung dryness and lung heat. It makes people breathe freely and comfortably.

8. Remove fat. Edible chrysanthemum chrysanthemum has a certain fat-removing effect.

9. Calm the mind and get rid of annoyance. It can regulate metabolism and play a sedative and sedative role.

10. Promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis. Promote the movement of human qi and blood, which is suitable for the treatment of blood stasis syndrome.

11. If the liver is hot, eat more chrysanthemum. The problem of "exuberant liver fire" is most likely to occur after the festival. At this time, people are always drowsy, quick-tempered, and eat, and the liver is open to the eyes, and there are more eye secretions in this kind of people. At this time, you should supplement more green leafy vegetables, not less than 4 kinds a day, and it is recommended to eat more chrysanthemum. Traditional Chinese medicine says that green enters the liver, so eating more green leafy vegetables also has a good effect on clearing liver fire, and the effect of Artemisia annua clearing liver fire is also better than other green leafy vegetables.

Prevention of constipation. Abutilon Artemisia abutilis rich in dietary fiber helps to promote intestinal peristalsis, help the human body to eliminate harmful toxins in time, and achieve the purpose of relieving viscera and intestines and preventing constipation.

13. Other functions. Abutilon can also prevent vision loss and promote the healthy growth of skin, hair, teeth and dentition.

Therefore, chrysanthemum chrysanthemum is edible for the general population, including pregnant women. And it is very suitable for patients with hypertension, mental workers, anemia and fracture patients. But people with stomach deficiency and diarrhea should eat carefully.

Attached: the planting method of Artemisia annua

1. Temperature: the suitable temperature for the growth of Artemisia annua is 17 Mel 20 degrees Celsius, and the sowing weather in early spring is still relatively cold, accompanied by the phenomenon of late spring cold, so it is necessary to cover the border with plastic film or old greenhouse film after sowing, compaction with soil around, cold protection and heat preservation, when the weather turns warm, the seedlings uncover the film before the top film is unearthed. When planting in the protected area is more than 25 degrees Celsius, turn on the ventilated □ for ventilation.

2. Seedling weeding: when the seedlings grow to about 10 cm, the leaflet species are pulled out 5 cm square according to the plant and row spacing, and the big leaf species are pulled out by 20 cm or so, and weeds are uprooted at the same time.

3. Watering and fertilization: the seedlings should be watered after they are unearthed, and the watering time and times should be controlled flexibly to keep the soil moist as the standard. Quick-acting nitrogen fertilizer was applied 15 days before each harvest, 15 kg of potassium nitrate and 8 kg of urea per mu.

III. Pest control of Artemisia annua L.

Artemisia annua diseases and insect pests mainly start with agricultural control, it is necessary to reasonably fertilize and water, so as to avoid the sudden change of large and small. Temperature management does not change from high to low, create a good ecological environment, promote the healthy growth of plants, reduce the harm of diseases and pests and the application of pesticides, and maintain ecological balance.

In addition, the planting time of Artemisia annua is better in spring and autumn. In the south, land rent can be cultivated in spring, autumn and winter.

2. The way of sowing can be direct seeding or seedling transplanting, mainly direct seeding. Sow the seeds evenly on the culture soil, and after sowing, it is appropriate to cover the soil with about 1 cm, pour through water, keep warm and moisturizing. The seedlings can emerge in 4-5 days, and intermediate seedlings are needed when the seedlings grow to 2-3 true leaves.

3. Sowing utensils are planted on balconies, rooftops, or courtyards. The available cultivation containers are flowerpots, pots, professional cultivation boxes, styrofoam boxes, etc., and the ploughing depth should be 20 cm.