
What is the effect of grape family Qingti? How much half a kilo?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Qingti grape, also known as seedless white chicken heart, originated in California, USA, is a grape variety bred by hybrid experiment. It is widely loved by people because its antioxidant elements can resist aging and other functions. So let's take a look at its efficacy and

Qingti grape, also known as seedless white chicken heart, originated in California, USA, is a grape variety bred by hybrid experiment. It is widely loved by people because its antioxidant elements can resist aging and other functions. Well, let's take a look at its efficacy and how much it usually costs per jin on the market.

The green grape is a kind of fruit with high value in the camp, which we can often eat in our daily life, which is very good for our health. We often call the red grape the red grape and the black grape the black grape. The green grape is called the green grape. Among the fruits, the grape is the oldest, which appeared a long time ago. Let's introduce the nutritional value of the Qingti grape.

1. Green extract can reduce the level of serum cholesterol and platelet cohesion, which has a certain effect on the prevention of cardio-cerebrovascular diseases.

two。 Raisins can relieve the symptoms of aging, its strong antioxidant elements can resist aging, improve human immunity, and bring youthful vitality!

2. Anti-cancer grapes contain a compound called resveratrol, which can prevent normal cell carcinogenesis, inhibit the spread of malignant cells, and has a strong anti-cancer function.

4. Anti-virus, germicidal grapes contain natural polyphenol, which can combine with the proteins in viruses or bacteria, making them lose the ability to transmit diseases, especially for hepatitis virus, polio virus and so on.

5. Qingtian is flat, sweet and sour, and has the effect of entering the meridians of lung, spleen and kidney. It can be used to tonify qi and blood, benefit liver and kidney, invigorate body fluid, strengthen muscles and bones, relieve cough and annoyance, tonify qi and blood, and relieve urination.

When buying Qingti, everyone will want to know exactly how much it costs per jin to buy it. In fact, the price of green pick-up in different places is said to be different because of its transportation or other costs, so the specific price should be based on the local fruit market price. The following picture shows the general price of green price in some areas:

Attached: planting method of Qingdi

1. Select plots with convenient drainage and irrigation, good soil fertility, good ventilation and good light for deep ploughing and careful cultivation. Deep ploughing makes the soil loose, aerated and miserable. 2. Apply sufficient base fertilizer in the planting ditch with about 10 tons of mature farm manure and 250 kg calcium superphosphate per mu and mix well.

3. Using water-saving technology, drip irrigation, combined with plastic film, and then covering soil on the plastic film, can save water by 60-70%, and keep the soil loose and not long. The combination of drip irrigation and fertilization can ensure timely and appropriate amount of fertilizer to grapes and ensure high efficiency.

4. reasonable close planting can improve the utilization rate of light energy and increase the yield per unit area.

5. Sprouting in advance can sprout ahead of time by smearing 20% lime nitrogen solution on branches in the middle and late January of every year, and buckling the arch shed.

6. reasonable pruning, flower thinning and fruit thinning use a single main vine hedge, leaving 5-6 branches and 4 clusters of fruits per tree, the quality of each bunch of fruits is controlled in the range of 500g and 700g, and the yield per mu is controlled in the range of 2500 kg.

7. When the grapes were treated with gibberellin in full bloom, the fruit was enlarged, the quality was obviously improved and the yield was also increased.

8. Bagging grapes in time can avoid scratches, sunburns, germs, insects, birds and pesticide spray residues.