
When will the wheat control medicine be ready? Which drugs can control Wang?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, It is said that the more vigorous the growth of plants, the better. However, for crops such as wheat, excessive growth will not only lead to various diseases and yield reduction of wheat, but also easy lodging. Therefore, effective control of prosperity is also one of the ways to improve yield. When will the wheat control medicine be applied well?

It is said that the more prosperous the plant growth, the better, but for crops such as wheat, overgrowth will not only lead to various diseases and reduced production of wheat, but also easy to lodge, so effective growth control is also one of the ways to increase yield. when will the wheat boom control medicine be ready? Which drugs can be used to control prosperity?

When will the wheat boom control medicine be ready?

It is suitable for chemical control from turning green to the early stage of jointing. If the wheat can not grow to a more suitable height at the jointing stage, the middle node will be thicker and more likely to lodge if it is controlled after the jointing stage, which will seriously affect the growth of wheat at heading stage.

Why does wheat need to control prosperity?

1. It is easy to suffer frost injury in early spring. Due to the vigorous growth, the branches and stems of wheat are relatively weak, the number of stems is large, and the ability of frost resistance is poor.

2. It is easy to cause lodging in the middle and later stage. Grow luxuriantly. Many tillers, poor light transmittance, very fine growth retardation, lodging will occur when there are more Rain Water, and the loss is serious.

3. Diseases are easy to occur. The quality of prosperous seedlings is poor, and their disease resistance is declining, which is easy to cause sheath blight, powdery mildew and so on.

Measures to control prosperity

1. Sow weak seedlings formed prematurely.

Through suppression, the growth of main stem and tiller can be inhibited and the overgrowth can be controlled. During the crackdown, sunny days should be chosen, and it should not be suppressed when there is frost or dew in the morning, so as not to hurt the seedlings. Timely paddling and watering after suppression, about 15 kg of ammonium bicarbonate per mu, and foliar spraying of 0.2%-0.3% dwarf solution if necessary, can also inhibit growth and resist frost damage.

2. The prosperous seedlings formed by excessive sowing quantity.

Some farmers do not look at the variety, yield, blindly expand the sown area, resulting in a large number of seedlings crowded, nutrition imbalance, poor development. For this kind of wheat seedlings, it is necessary to comb seedlings to form appropriate plant spacing and promote individual development.

3. Prosperous seedlings formed by excessive fertilizer and water

In the land with high fertilizer and water, sufficient fertilizer and water, and suitable temperature, there are many tillers of wheat seedlings, rapid ontogeny, broad leaves, closed in the field, and yellow leaves in the lower part. Field management: deep ploughing and cutting off roots. When the main stem of wheat seedling grows to 7 leaves, hoe 5 cm deep between wheat rows, cut off part of the root system, control nutrient absorption, reduce tillering, control the growth of aboveground parts, and cultivate strong seedlings.

Common anti-prosperity drugs
