
How much is okra per jin in 2017? What are the planting methods?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Okra is an annual herb similar to green pepper but not spicy. Now okra is becoming more and more popular. Everyone can grow it at home, convenient and healthy. So how much is the okra in 2017? Okra pods are crisp, tender and juicy, smooth and not greasy

Okra is an annual herb similar to green pepper but not spicy. Now okra is becoming more and more popular. Everyone can grow it at home, convenient and healthy. So how much is the okra in 2017? Okra pods are crisp, tender and juicy, smooth and non-greasy, with a unique flavor. Greenhouse okra was newly listed in March, and the wholesale price in some places reached 20 yuan per kilogram, which can be said to be high. The price will not fall until a large number of local okra go on the market in June and July. At that time, the price is very different from that at the end of March. When the price was low last year, it was 1.9 yuan / jin or even lower.

Here are some planting methods of okra.

[balcony planting method]

Suitable for planting a small amount at home.

1. First of all, choose the seeds. You can buy mature okra pods online and choose full seeds.

2. Prepare the flowerpot and soil, the flowerpot must be large, because the height of okra can reach more than one meter.

3, seeds should be cultivated in advance, make a small nutrition box, transplant after emergence, or you can plant it directly in a flowerpot, but it is best to transplant it. The time for raising seedlings should be in early spring. It takes about 7-0 days to germinate, during which time the soil is moist.

4. Keep the flowerpot facing the sun after transplanting and water it regularly. He will not be as delicate as many flowers. Just take care of them carefully, just like growing vegetables.

5. Okra begins to increase in summer, and in autumn, it can be picked for a long time and harvested in time, and the pods will be too hard to eat more than 10 days after blooming.

Matters needing attention

The best picking time of okra is 5 ~ 6 days after flowering, and the fruit length 6~8cm is the most delicious.

[open field planting method]

Suitable for large-scale production and planting.

1. Planting time

Okra likes warmth and is afraid of frost. the whole growth period should be arranged in the frost-free period, and the flowering and fruiting period should be in the warm and humid season. Cultivation in the open field, sowing in April to June in the north and south, and harvest in July to October. The seeds in North China are usually sown from mid-late April to May. Seedlings are raised in solar greenhouses and plastic greenhouses commonly used in cold areas in the north, and then planted in the field after frost in early spring and evening.

2. Land preparation and border formation

Okra avoid continuous cropping, can not be mixed with fruits and vegetables, so as to avoid the occurrence of root-knot nematodes. It is best to choose root vegetables, leaf vegetables and so on as the previous stubble. The soil layer is deep, fertile and loose, and it is more suitable to conserve water and fertilizer. After harvest before winter, ploughing deeply in time, 75000 kg of rotten barnyard manure and 300kg of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer were applied per hectare.

3. Sowing seeds

Okra usually uses multi-line live broadcast. Soak the seeds for 12 hours before sowing, and then put them under 25: 30 ℃ to promote germination. About 24 hours later, the seeds begin to sprout, and the seeds are sown when 60% to 70% of the seeds are "broken." It is appropriate to sow in holes, with 3 plants in each hole and a depth of 2 cm to 3 cm. All localities should sow seeds at the right time after the final frost period, watering first, then sowing, and then covering about 2 cm of soil. Direct seeding use 10 kg per hectare, seedling transplanting about 3 kg per hectare.

4. Seedling raising and transplanting

Sowing and raising seedlings in sunny beds and solar greenhouses in the first and middle of March. The bed soil is made of 6 parts of garden soil, 3 parts of mature organic fertilizer and 1 part of fine sand. Soak seeds to promote germination before sowing, flatten the seedling bed, sow on demand according to the row spacing of 10 cm, and cover the soil with a thickness of about 2 cm. The bed soil temperature should be kept at 25 ℃ after sowing and germinated and unearthed in 4-5 days. The seedling age was 30-40 days and the seedlings were planted with 2-3 true leaves. It is best to adopt measures such as plastic bowls, nutritious soil blocks and other root protection measures to cultivate strong seedlings of the right age. Seedling transplanting uses about 3 kg of seeds per hectare.

5. Field management

(1) when the seedlings break their hearts, it is the first time that the seedlings are broken, and the weak seedlings are removed from time to time. When there are 3 true leaves for the second time, strong seedlings are selected. 3The seedlings were fixed when there were 4 true leaves, and 1 plant was left in each hole.

(2) weeding and soil cultivation in mid-tillage.

After the seedlings are unearthed or planted, the temperature is low, so they should be ploughed twice in a row to increase the ground temperature and promote slow seedling. The first flower should be ploughed before blooming in order to squat seedlings moderately to facilitate root development. After flowering and fruiting, the plant growth is accelerated. After each watering and topdressing, the plant should be intertilled, and the soil should be cultivated before closing ridges to prevent the plant from lodging. Summer rainstorm windy areas, it is best to choose about 1 meter bamboo pole, or branches inserted near the plant to prevent lodging.

6. Water and fertilizer management

Watering okra requires higher air and soil moisture during growth. Artificial sprinkler irrigation should be done in the morning and evening when there is a shortage of water within 20 days after sowing. After the seedlings are slightly larger, mechanical sprinkler irrigation or furrow irrigation can be used. The summer season is in the peak harvest season of okra, with large water demand and high surface temperature, so it should be watered before 9 o'clock in the morning and after sunset in the afternoon to avoid root damage under high temperature. Pay attention to drainage in the rainy season to prevent dead seedlings. The whole growing period is to keep the soil moist.

On the basis of applying sufficient base fertilizer, topdressing should be appropriate, not partial application of nitrogen fertilizer. The first time was Qimiao fertilizer, which was carried out after emergence, applying urea 90-120 kg per hectare.

The second time is to raise seedling fertilizer, fixed seedlings or planting after opening ditches to withdraw application, per hectare application of compound fertilizer 225,300kg. Re-application of fertilizer during the flowering and fruiting period, 30000-45000 kg of human manure, or 300kg-450kg of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer. In the middle and later stage of growth, a small amount of topdressing should be applied for many times to prevent plant premature senescence.

7. Plant adjustment

Okra plants grow vigorously under normal conditions, the main and lateral branches are stout, the leaves are hypertrophic, and the flowering and fruiting are often delayed. Twisting branches can be adopted, that is, the petiole is twisted into a curved sag to control vegetative growth. In the middle and later stage of growth, the timely removal of the old leaves below the tender fruit can not only improve the ventilation and light transmission conditions, reduce nutrient consumption, but also prevent the spread of diseases and insect pests. Picking the heart of the young fruit harvester at the right time can promote the lateral branch fruit and increase the early yield. Picking the heart in time can promote the ripening of the fruit, make the grain full and improve the seed quality.

8. Pest control


Epidemic disease

Coffee sunflower can be infected at seedling stage and adult stage. When the seedling grows 20 cm, the disease spot spreads from the leaf to the main stem, making the stem thinner and discolored, until the whole plant wilts or falls down. The infection of leaves usually starts from the lower leaf tip or leaf green of the plant, and it is dark green water-stained anplastic spot at the beginning of the disease, and turns brown after enlargement. Prevention and treatment: at the initial stage of the disease, 72% manganese zinc, frost urea WP (Kelu) 500x solution or 69% Anke manganese zinc WP900 solution or 64% antiseptic alum WP400 solution or 58% metalaxyl, manganese zinc WP500 multiple solution was sprayed once every 7-10 days, prevention and treatment for 2-3 times.

Viral disease

Coffee okra virus disease is the main disease in okra production, which is more serious in adult stage than in seedling stage. After the plant was infected, the whole plant was damaged, especially the delicate leaves at the top, which showed mosaic or brown markings. Early infection, short plants, little or no fruit. Prevention and control methods: do not leave seeds from the diseased field, select disease-resistant varieties, use 5% bacteriorin WP400-500fold liquid or 20% virus AWP400 liquid or 15% Zhitanling 1000-fold solution or 83% resistance enhancer for 3 times, once every 7-10 days.

[insect pests]

Poisonous caterpillar

Coffee sunflower is mainly harmful to the seedling stage. It often feeds on the mesophyll after emergence and retains the vein when it is serious. Prevention and treatment: spray with 10% EC1500 solution or 5% strong SC1500 solution or avermectin EC fenvalerate EC3000 solution.

Liriomyza huidobrensis

Coffee sunflower can cause damage throughout the growing period, mainly harmful leaves, which can be controlled with 1.8% Avermectin EC (avermectin) 5000 times liquid or 52.25% Nongdile EC1000 solution or 48% Lexben EC1000 solution or 5% Regent SC800 solution.


Coffee sunflower can occur in the whole growing period, and the damage is more severe in the adult stage. 3000 times of solution can be used, such as 10% imidacloprid pesticides, 10% aphid lice net 10% and so on.

9. Harvest requirements

Harvest time

In general, after the first fruit is harvested, it is harvested every 2-4 days at the initial stage, and the harvest interval is shortened with the increase of temperature. During the full fruit period in August, it is harvested every day or every other day. After September, the temperature dropped and harvested once every 3-4 days.

Harvest standard

In general, the tender fruit should be tough, green and bright, and the seeds begin to expand but there are no signs of aging. For fresh pods, the pods are 7-10 cm in length and 1.7 cm in transverse diameter when the temperature is high, and 7-9 cm in length and 1.7 cm in diameter when the temperature is low. The tender pods for processing are grade A with a length of 6-7 cm and a horizontal diameter of 1.5 cm; a grade B with a length of 8-9 cm and a horizontal diameter of about 1.7 cm; and pods with a length of more than 10 cm are grade A products. Whether fresh or used for processing, the pod length should not exceed 10 cm. If the harvest is not timely, the meat quality is aging, the fiber is increased, and the edible value of the commodity is greatly reduced.

Harvesting method

Harvesters should wear trousers and long-sleeved shirts and gloves to prevent tingling of hands and legs; cut them off from the handle with scissors, do not tear them with hands, so as to prevent damage to plants; pay attention to clean cutting, do not miss cutting, such as missed or late harvest, not only old fruit, poor quality, affect food and processing, but also affect the growth and development of other young pods.

Postharvest preservation

The young pod fruit has strong respiration and is easy to turn yellow and grow old after harvest. If it cannot be eaten or processed in time, attention should be paid to keeping it fresh. Put the young pods in a plastic bag, cool them in 4-5 ℃ cold water for 10 minutes, then store them in 7-10 ℃, keep 95% relative humidity and keep them fresh for 7-10 days. Young fruits sold far away from other places must be cut off in the morning, packed in fresh-keeping bags or plastic boxes, then gently put into cartons or wooden boxes, and sent to 0-5 ℃ cold storage for transportation as soon as possible. If the tender pod darkens, softens and turns yellow, it should be treated immediately and can no longer be stored.