
What kind of corn control agents do you have? What should I pay attention to when using it?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Generally speaking, any chemical that can inhibit the growth of crops such as corn can effectively control the growth of corn, but because there are many kinds of pesticides on the market, and many of them are inferior products, but in terms of chemical composition, an agent containing any one or more of the following ingredients

Generally speaking, any medicament that can inhibit the growth of crops such as corn can effectively control the growth of corn, but because there are many kinds of pesticides on the market, and many of them are inferior products, but from the point of view of chemical composition, agents containing any one or more of the following ingredients can effectively control the growth of corn, what are the agents that control the growth of corn? What should I pay attention to when using it?

What kind of corn control agents do you have?

Dwarf and strong element

Dwarf is an antagonist of gibberellin, and its mechanism is to inhibit the biosynthesis of gibberellin in plants. Its physiological function is to control the overgrowth of plants, promote reproductive growth, shorten plant internodes, develop roots and resist lodging.

Short, strong and abundant

The main ingredient is uniconazole. The mechanism of these regulators is to inhibit the biosynthesis of endogenous gibberellin, increase the activity of indole acetic acid oxidase and reduce the level of endogenous auxin. It can obviously weaken the top growth advantage of the plant, promote the growth of lateral buds and dwarf the plant.


Ethephon is a kind of plant growth regulator that promotes ripening, which can effectively dwarf plants and promote the ripening and shedding of leaves and fruits.


Such as paclobutrazol, uniconazole and so on. The mechanism of these regulators is to inhibit the biosynthesis of endogenous gibberellin, increase the activity of indole acetic acid oxidase and reduce the level of endogenous auxin. It can obviously weaken the top growth advantage of the plant, promote the growth of lateral buds and dwarf the plant.


Also known as thalidomide, strong cotton element. Methylpiperonium can inhibit plant tip growth, shorten Internode length and make plant type compact. it is mainly used for cotton shaping and corn growth control.

How to choose regular corn boom control products?

At present, it is the season for the use of corn control products, and there are many kinds of such products on the market, so when we choose the products, we must choose the ones produced by designated pesticide enterprises and those who specialize in the production of regulators. Don't be greedy for cheapness, and the loss outweighs the gain in the end.

For example, corn dwarf stacking is used as corn control agent, and its best use period is 5-8 leaves. Spraying 15 kg 50ml with water per mu can obviously dwarf maize plants, change the ratio of female and male flowers, enhance lodging resistance, increase 1000-grain weight and increase yield significantly.

Matters needing attention in the use of strength control agents

As a growth regulator, corn growth control agent has different physiological effects on plants in different concentration range. Too low concentration can not achieve the desired effect, too high concentration will produce serious side effects. Therefore, strictly control the application concentration, spray according to the prescribed dose and seedling conditions is the key to the application of prosperous control products; in addition, do not spray before 5 leaves of corn, drought and weak seedlings do not spray, pay attention to spray high, do not spray low, avoid re-spraying. If it rains within 6 hours after spraying, halve the dose and spray again. The amount of spray Zhou Xun was exposed to be divorced because of the situation, the use of prosperity control drugs can be appropriately reduced in dry years and rainy years, and increased in rainy years.

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