
What is the effect and effect of bitter chrysanthemum? When and how do you plant it?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Sophora frutescens is the tender leaf of Kuding, a plant of Compositae, and it is a perennial herb with both medicine and food. The following is to introduce the efficacy and function of bitter chrysanthemum, as well as the planting time and methods. Bitter chrysanthemum herb medicine is called Patrinia, synonymous girl flower, deer intestines horse grass. Folk

Sanguis is the tender leaf of the Compositae plant Kudingcai, which is a perennial herb with both medicine and food. The following is an introduction to the efficacy and role of bitter chrysanthemum and the planting time and method of bitter chrysanthemum. The medicine name of bitter chrysanthemum is Patrinia, and its different names are girl flower and deer intestine horse grass. Folk commonly known as bitter vegetables, alias days coriander, tea bitter pod, Gan Ma Cai, old stork vegetables, no coriander, etc., because its leaves like snake, Shandong also called snake worm seedlings. Sweet taste slightly bitter, can be fried or cold. When cold mixing, first choose and wash the bitter vegetables, blanch them lightly in water and cool them, chop the ginger and garlic, add salt, chicken essence, sesame oil, white sugar, rice vinegar and chili oil, stir evenly and put them on a plate. Antibacterial, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, eyesight and other effects.

[Effect of bitter vegetables]

Sowthistle taste bitter cold, has the effect of clearing away heat and detoxifying, cooling blood. For dysentery, jaundice, bleeding, hemorrhoids fistula, swelling and so on. "Diannan Materia Medica" contains "cold blood heat, cold stomach, abdominal hair please accumulate, Li water then." "Compendium of Materia Medica" contains "treatment of haemorrhagic hemorrhoids rash." Deficiency of the spleen and stomach cold people do not eat.

1, blood health care: bitter vegetables are rich in carotene, vitamin C and potassium salts, calcium salts, etc., to prevent and treat anemia, maintain normal physiological activities of the human body, summer health care has a good role.

2. Clearing heat and detoxifying: Sowthistle contains dandelion alcohol, choline and other ingredients, which have strong bactericidal effect. It has certain curative effect on icteric hepatitis, pharyngitis, bacterial dysentery, cold fever, chronic tracheitis and tonsillitis.

3. Prevention of cancer: Sowthistle decoction has obvious inhibitory effect on blood cell deoxyase in patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia and acute myeloid leukemia, and can also be used to prevent cervical cancer, rectal cancer and anal cancer.

[Effect of bitter vegetables]

Sowthistle is also known as bitter lettuce, coriander, etc. Most areas of our country have wild sowthistle growth. During the Red Army's Long March, bitter vegetables were often used to satisfy their hunger, which was later praised as "life-saving vegetables" and "Long March vegetables." Because of its bitter taste, it has the effect of opening appetite and helping digestion. In fact, the effect of bitter vegetables is not only that.

There are many records of the medicinal use of bitter herbs in ancient medical books. Shennong Bencao Jing says: "bitter herbs are mainly evil in the five zang-organs and stomach arthralgia." "Diannan Materia Medica" that bitter vegetables "cool blood heat, cold stomach, abdominal fat accumulation, good urine." Traditional Chinese medicine believes that bitter vegetables are cold in nature and have the effects of clearing away heat and toxic materials, breaking blood stasis and activating blood circulation and discharging pus. They can treat appendicitis, abdominal abscess, enteritis, dysentery, acute poor cavity inflammation, lung heat cough, tuberculosis, vomiting blood, epistaxis, traumatic injury, traumatic injury, sore carbuncle, yellow sore and scrotal eczema. Australia scientists have done experiments, in mice thigh muscle inoculation sarcoma, a week later, subcutaneous injection of bitter vegetable extract, 48 hours after killing mice, naked eyes and microscopic observation, can see sarcoma obvious bleeding, necrosis, prove bitter vegetable extract has anti-tumor effect. Although bitter wild vegetables, but rich in nutrition, there are a variety of vitamins, minerals, sugars and other human needs, can be fried, cold, can also be made stuffing, soup, can also be made into canned wild vegetables, pickled cabbage.

Promotion of development: The amino acids in the tender leaves of Sowthistle are complete, and the proportion of various amino acids is appropriate. Eating bitter vegetables helps to promote the synthesis of antibodies in the human body, enhance immunity and promote brain function. Sowthistle rich in iron is conducive to the prevention of anemia, a variety of inorganic salts and trace elements conducive to the growth and development of children, a variety of vitamins can promote wound healing, prevent vitamin deficiency.

Clear heat, cool blood, detoxify. For dysentery, jaundice, haemorrhagia, hemorrhoids, furuncle swelling, snake bites.

1."Ben Jing": The main five zang evil qi, stomach paralysis.

2 "Bie Lu": treatment of intestinal pain, thirst, fever in the disease, sore.

The day after the bite: The bite.

4 "Bencao Yan Yi": fold white milk out, often point to the son from the fall.

(5) Diannan Materia Medica: cold blood heat, cold stomach, abdominal accumulation, urination.

Cold blood heat, cold stomach, abdominal accumulation, urination

The Qur 'an says: "The Lord is merciful."

The book is titled: "Blood and Blood."

8 "Medical Lin Zuan Yao": Purging heart and relieving summer heat, removing heat and removing annoyance, and promoting milk circulation.

[Cultivation Technique]

Sowthistle, also known as base vegetables, is a perennial wild vegetable that people like to eat. It not only has high nutritional value, but also has medical effects such as clearing heat and detoxifying. Sowthistle adaptability is very strong, in the field, roadside can grow. If the plastic greenhouse artificial cultivation, 40--50 days earlier than the open field market, yield per mu can reach more than 1000 kg.

1. The sowing adaptation period of greenhouse cultivation of bitter vegetables is from late July to mid-August. Too late seedlings small, cold resistance, drought resistance is low, yield decreases. Because there is no dormancy period of bitter cabbage seeds, they can be sown and produced in the same year of seed collection. For the first time, you can harvest wild seeds.

2. The sowing method is conducive to the growth of bitter vegetables. It is necessary to select loose and fertile plots for sowing. Before sowing, deep ploughing is carried out. 3000 kilograms of organic fertilizer is applied to each mu of land combined with soil preparation. Then, the area of the shed is snapped to make a ridge. Generally, the ridge width is 1 meter, and the ridge surface is 8 cm deep. Seven small furrows are opened, and the ditch distance is 12 cm. Water through the bottom water, water infiltration after the seeds will be planted in the ditch, with fine soil will be covered flat ditch. Cover the surface of the bed with plastic film for heat preservation, and cover the film with straw to prevent the sun and high temperature from affecting germination. Generally, the sowing amount per square meter is 3 grams.

3, field management 7- 8 days after sowing can emerge, just unearthed seedlings roots are weak, to keep the soil moist by spraying water, to prevent drought seedlings dry 2- 3 days after watering timely loosening, both to inhibit soil moisture evaporation, but also to promote root growth. Weeds are the main factors affecting the normal growth of seedlings, so they should be removed at any time. After the beginning of autumn, the weather is cool, the growth of bitter vegetables is relatively vigorous, in order to promote its root system robust, accumulate more nutrients, need to combine irrigation to chase a thin manure, 1000 kg per mu.

Second year management

Buckle shed: In order to make bitter vegetables appear on the market early and not suffer from freezing damage, it is generally necessary to film in the upper and middle of March. After the soil thaws, mop up dead leaves and weeds on the ground. When the underground 5 cm soil reaches 4--5℃, the sowthistle begins to sprout and return to green.

Fertilizer water: If there is little snow in winter and the soil moisture is not good, irrigation water should be used once 3- 5 days after returning to green, subject to soaking 15 cm of soil layer. Excessive water will reduce the ground temperature and affect growth. Later, according to the soil conditions, irrigation 1- 2 times before harvest can meet the needs. Sowthistle mainly to eat leaves, nitrogen needs more. To obtain high yield, foliar topdressing with 0.5% urea solution is required at 2- 3 leaf stage.

Humidity: bitter vegetables like cold weather conditions, the temperature in the shed is too high is not conducive to growth, so when the shed temperature reaches 25℃, ventilation and cooling should be timely to ensure that the temperature is around 20℃. When the leaves grow to more than 4 cm, they can be harvested and listed.

Through the above explanation, we should know about the efficacy and role of bitter chrysanthemum, but also need to better understand bitter chrysanthemum, and then use it in our daily life diet.