
What are the main effects of longan? What is the difference between it and longan?

Published: 2024-09-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/06, Now is the rich season of longan, often eat some is very beneficial, longan's main effects are tonifying the heart and spleen, tonifying qi and blood, beauty, longevity, etc., what is the difference between longan and longan? In fact, longan is also called longan. Many friends have asked longan and longan.

Now is the rich season of longan, often eat some is very beneficial, longan's main effects are tonifying the heart and spleen, tonifying qi and blood, beauty, longevity, etc., what is the difference between longan and longan? In fact, longan is also called longan, many friends have asked the difference between longan and longan, in fact, the two are the same thing, there is no difference, why is it called longan? In feudal times, longan was taboo, so it was called longan in order to avoid it. Longan produced in Guangxi was very round, so it was called longan, which is another name for Guangxi.

First, the main functions of longan

1. Calm the mind and settle down

Longan (dried longan) contains a lot of iron, potassium and other elements, which can promote the regeneration of hemoglobin to treat palpitations, palpitations, insomnia and forgetfulness caused by anemia. Longan (dried longan) contains nicotinic acid as high as 2.5 mg (every 100 grams), which can be used to treat dermatitis, diarrhea, dementia and even mental disorders caused by nicotinic acid deficiency.

2. Replenish qi and tonify blood and enhance memory

Longan (dried longan) is rich in glucose, sucrose and protein, and has a high content of iron, which can not only improve heat energy and supplement nutrition, but also promote hemoglobin regeneration to replenish blood. Experimental studies have found that longan meat (dried longan) is not only beneficial to the whole body, but also particularly beneficial to brain cells, which can enhance memory and eliminate fatigue.

3. Nourishing blood and calming the fetus

Longan (dried longan) contains more iron and vitamins, which can reduce uterine contraction and drooping sensation, which is beneficial to the development of pregnant women and fetuses who accelerate metabolism.

4. antibacterial and inhibit cancer cells.

Animal experiments show that longan (dried longan) has an inhibition rate of more than 90% on JTC-26 tumor and has a certain inhibitory effect on cancer cells. Oral longan crude extract was given to cancer patients clinically, the symptoms were improved by 90%, and the life extension effect was about 80%.

5. Reduce blood fat and protect the heart and delay aging

Longan meat (dried longan) can reduce blood lipids and increase coronary blood flow. It has a strong inhibitory effect on brain B-type monoamine oxidase (MAO-B), which is closely related to the aging process.

Second, the taboos of longan

1. Phlegm-fire and dampness stagnation in spleen and stomach, dyspepsia, nausea and vomiting should not be taken.

2. Pregnant women, especially in the early stage of pregnancy, should not take longan meat to prevent fetal movement and preterm delivery.

3. Because of its high glucose content, diabetic patients should not take more.

4. Eating a large amount of longan is easy to catch fire, so it is not advisable to eat more.

Third, the difference between longan and longan

There is no substantial difference between longan and longan. In fact, they are the same fruit.

1. Longan: the fresh longan is shelled and enucleated. After drying, it is called longan, edible or medicinal.

2. Longan: fresh fruit, shelled and broken branches to eat. After longan is dried with shell and core, it is called longan dry.

IV. Planting techniques of Longan

It can be planted in 2-3 months in spring and in late October in winter. Planting density, available row spacing 16m, plant spacing 4.5m, planting 1920 trees per mu. The planting hole with a depth of 1m was dug first and the river mud was applied below. Soil, burning soil, composting, calcium superphosphate and plant ash should be mixed with topsoil. After planting, it must be fully irrigated first, then covered with fine soil, and then irrigated once or twice a day. The depth of planting, the root and neck should be level with the ground.

(1) shaping and pruning

The natural flat circle shaping was adopted and dried at 1.2m to 1.3m in 2 ~ 3 years after planting, and the main branches were cultivated into 5 ~ 7 main branches in 3 ~ 4 years. Pruning 3 times a year, pruning at the first flowering stage, mainly cutting off diseased ears, shade branches and stumps. In the second pruning, the short fruiting branches, long branches, diseased branches, dead branches and shade branches were mainly cut off. The third time in winter, shade branches, withered branches and diseased branches were mainly cut off.

(2) fertilization

Base fertilizer is applied once a year, and topdressing is applied 3 or 4 times a year. The first topdressing was from February to March, when dung and ammonium sulfate were applied. The second topdressing is in the young fruit stage after flowering, about 4 ~ 5 months, mainly applying nitrogen fertilizer and proper application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer. The third topdressing was from late June to early July, mainly phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, followed by nitrogen fertilizer. The fourth forced fertilizer was still dominated by nitrogen fertilizer when the fruit was close to maturity. The method of fertilization is to open a trench at the 30cm away from the trunk. Fertilization can be combined with ploughing, weeding, soil cultivation, drainage and irrigation.

(3) Prevention and control of longan diseases and insect pests

Pests include litchi, brown beetle, small gray butterfly, sanguine moth, scorpion longicorn beetle, longan trunk borer, back yellow leaf roll, longan bag moth: diseases include ghost broom disease, lichen and rubber disease, which should be controlled.

(4) Longan harvesting

Longan is mostly used for processing and the fruit must be harvested when it is fully ripe. Pruning should be used when harvesting. Fresh eaters gather in the morning or evening.