
Is olive oil the best cooking oil? What are the effects and effects? Can I eat it raw?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Olive oil is made from fresh olive fruits by direct cold pressing and retains natural nutrients without heating and chemical treatment. Is it the best cooking oil? What are the effects and effects? Can I eat it raw? It is reported that olive oil is believed to have been issued so far.

Olive oil is made from fresh olive fruits by direct cold pressing and retains natural nutrients without heating and chemical treatment. Is it the best cooking oil? What are the effects and effects? Can I eat it raw? It is reported that olive oil is considered to be the most suitable for human nutrition among the oils found so far.

Is olive oil the best cooking oil?

Olive oil is only a good edible oil, but it has no significantly higher nutritional value than other vegetable oils. It contains more oleic acid and is cholesterol-free like other vegetable oils. Using it instead of animal oil in the diet is good for cardiovascular health. Cold-pressed unrefined olive oil contains more antioxidants such as polyphenols, which is considered to have certain health value. However, the composition of olive oil does not meet the nutritional needs of infants and young children, and is even more different from the fat composition in breast milk. It is not only not suitable for infant development, but can be called "inferior food" for infants and young children. Stir-frying in olive oil will not obviously produce harmful ingredients, but the antioxidant components will be destroyed, thus losing the "possible" nutritional advantage of cold-pressed olive oil.

What are the effects and effects of olive oil?

1. Promote blood circulation

Olive oil can prevent arteriosclerosis and arteriosclerosis complications, high blood pressure, heart disease, heart failure, kidney failure, cerebral hemorrhage.

two。 Improve the function of digestive system

Olive oil contains more unsaturated fatty acids than any vegetable oil, rich in fat-soluble vitamins and antioxidants such as vitamin A, D, E, F, K and carotene, and does not contain cholesterol, so the digestion and absorption rate of human body is very high.

3. Protect the skin

Olive oil is rich in squalene and essential fatty acids with excellent affinity to the skin. It absorbs quickly and effectively keeps the skin elastic and moist. Olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, vitamins E, K, A, D and phenolic antioxidants, which can eliminate facial wrinkles, prevent skin aging, protect skin, protect hair and prevent chapping of hands and feet. it is a cosmetic and skincare product that can be eaten. In addition, smearing the skin with olive oil can fight ultraviolet rays and prevent skin cancer.

4. Improve the function of endocrine system

Olive oil can improve the metabolic function of organisms.

5. It's good for the bone system.

Olive oil can promote bone growth, and the natural antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids in olive oil help the body absorb minerals such as calcium, phosphorus and zinc, and can promote bone growth. so it also plays an important role in bone growth and in preventing osteoporosis.

6. Anti-cancer effect

Because olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids, omega-3 fatty acids in polyunsaturated fatty acids can reduce the amount of linoleic acid extracted by cancer from the blood. make cancer abstain from a much-needed nutrient.

7. Radiation protection.

8. Anti-aging

Among the many ingredients of olive oil, carotene and chlorophyll give olive oil yellowish green, while chlorophyll plays a metabolic role, promoting cell growth and accelerating wound healing. It also helps to beautify people's appearance and reduce the occurrence of wrinkles.

9. Prevention of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases

Olive oil can protect the cardiovascular system in many ways.

10. Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory

Olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, namely oleic acid. It increases high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, a good cholesterol that flows in our blood, and lowers bad cholesterol. It also has anti-inflammatory effects, is good for blood vessels and joints, and is rich in anti-cancer plant Zi alcohols and polyphenols.

Can olive oil be eaten raw?

Eating raw is actually the best way to eat olive oil, because the vitamins, antioxidants and other nutrients of olive oil are not damaged by high temperatures and are completely preserved when eaten.

However, not all olive oil can be eaten raw. Refined olive oil, fruit residue oil, so-called pure olive oil, cooking olive oil, olive sunflower oil (not olive oil at all) can not be eaten raw, even if heated, the nutritional content of these olive oil is very limited. Be sure to choose super virgin olive oil (extra virgin olive oil) when eating raw, and choose high quality primary olive oil according to the methods in the identification and purchase column.