
How to distinguish between genuine and fake pesticides when buying pesticides? How to avoid the misunderstanding of using pesticides?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The regulations on the Administration of pesticides came into force on August 1, and now the management of pesticides is more stringent, but many farmers are still fooled by fake pesticides. Sometimes even if it is a real pesticide, it will not achieve the ideal effect because of the misunderstanding.

The regulations on the Administration of pesticides came into force on August 1, and now the management of pesticides is more stringent, but many farmers are still fooled by fake pesticides. Sometimes even if it is a real pesticide, it will not achieve the ideal effect because of the misunderstanding. So, when buying pesticides, how to distinguish between real and fake pesticides? How to avoid misunderstanding when using pesticides? Take a look at the materials compiled by the editor for you.

1. Ways to identify fake and shoddy pesticides:

⑴ distinguishes according to the label to see whether the main content of the label is qualified.

⑵ discriminates according to the packaging to see whether the packaging, trademark, product description, factory inspection certificate, etc., are in line with the relevant national regulations on pesticide packaging.

⑶ is distinguished according to some features of its appearance, and different pesticides have different characteristics, which can be distinguished from their shape and color.

⑷ shall check with the Pesticide Registration Certificate or the Pesticide Registration notice or log on to the China Pesticide Information Network.

two。 Eight misunderstandings:

When ⑴ buys pesticides, the price is the first, which medicine is cheap and which one is cheap, seldom depends on the quality.

A certain drug used by ⑵ last year has a good effect, and it must be used this year, and it will be used tomorrow. In fact, diseases and insect pests have already become resistant to it, and the more it is used, the worse the effect is.

⑶ and Article 2 then, the more ineffective, began to increase the amount, originally a bottle of medicine one mu of land, now a bottle of medicine hit half an acre of land, not to mention the increase in cost, but also pollute the land and the environment.

⑷ saw a lot of publicity. It was both an invitation to dinner and a gift. I don't know how the quality of pesticides is. Anyway, I bought it. Anyway, there are a lot of gifts.

⑸ to the agricultural drugstore, first asked the boss whether there is a quick effect of the product, no matter how much the price, after the effect was very fast, but did not realize, the rebound is very serious, money spent not to say, but also time-consuming and laborious.

⑹ is reluctant to throw out the remaining pesticides, and when it is used next time, it will not talk about the efficacy (the efficacy will definitely be affected). First, it will take effort, and second, it will be dangerous to human safety.

⑺ in order to save trouble, no matter what drugs are mixed together, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, foliar fertilizer, no matter what, hit it, in fact, this is how the drug damage occurs.

⑻ looks at what medicine others buy and what medicine they also buy. They only know that it is a cure, but what others treat is one disease, and what you have in your land may be another disease. Following the trend, you will not only spend money in vain, but also have to re-inject the medicine in the end.

I believe many friends have encountered the above 8 misunderstandings, and we should pay attention to avoid them in the future. There are many kinds of plant diseases and insect pests, or do you have to choose pesticides that are suitable for crop diseases in order to get twice the result with half the effort? In addition, farmers should be reminded that according to the measures for the Administration of Pesticide Registration, pesticide registration should be obtained for pesticides produced, operated and used within the territory of the people's Republic of China. Pesticides that have not obtained the pesticide registration certificate in accordance with the law shall be treated as fake pesticides. The content of effective components and dosage forms of pesticides should be set in accordance with the principles of improving quality, protecting the environment and promoting the sustainable development of agriculture. According to the toxicity and harmfulness of pesticide auxiliaries, the Ministry of Agriculture shall timely publish and adjust the list and limit of banned and restricted auxiliaries. In the meantime,. Any unit or individual found to be illegally engaged in pesticide production activities shall have the right to report to the competent department of agriculture. The competent agricultural department that accepts the report shall verify and deal with it in a timely manner and keep it confidential for the whistleblower. If it is found to be true, it should be rewarded.