
Eight ways to keep you away from shoddy fertilizer!

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Inferior fertilizer, for crops, is inferior grain, crops eat fake and shoddy grain, yield reduction and crop failure occur from time to time. On the other hand, the deceived farmers often have no choice but to watch the harvest come to nothing. Today, the editor combines cases to analyze common pitfalls, and for

Inferior fertilizer, for crops, is "inferior grain", crops "eat" fake and shoddy "grain", yield reduction and no harvest occur from time to time. On the other hand, the deceived farmers often have no choice but to watch the harvest come to nothing. Today, the editor analyzes common traps with cases, and puts forward simple and operable suggestions for farmers to choose and purchase fertilizers correctly.

First, formal channel purchase

When buying fertilizer, please try to buy from large agricultural markets, fertilizer distribution stations and other formal channels. Do not listen to the so-called "lecturer" and "expert", do not buy from individuals or other informal sales outlets, and avoid being fooled by petty gains. Once you encounter a "leisurely regiment", you should promptly report it to the local agricultural law enforcement department, so as to prevent other farmers from being deceived.

The editor reminded: in fact, if you think about it, you can tell that with so many agricultural markets and fertilizer distribution stations across the country, this "high-quality fertilizer" does not buy in the formal market, but has to recommend it to farmers one by one; so excellent "experts" do not engage in research and development, develop new products, but come to the countryside to publicize. Is such an action more profitable than selling fertilizer in the formal market across the country? Of course it's bigger! Because they are low-cost low-quality fertilizers, "hoax" one for nothing!

Second, identify fertilizer packaging

The fertilizer outer packaging of regular manufacturers is generally standardized and sturdy, in line with national standards. According to the contents and requirements of Fertilizer label (GB18382-2001), the packaging logo should include: fertilizer name and trademark marked in Chinese; fertilizer specification, grade and net content; nutrient content; other additive content; production license number and fertilizer registration certificate number; product implementation standard; producer's factory name, address, telephone number; warning description; and so on. At the same time, the product instructions should be attached to the package, and the production date and validity period should be marked for the products that have been used within a limited period of time.

If the fertilizer factory name, enterprise address and telephone number are not marked on the package, they are all unqualified fertilizer products. The packaging of fake and shoddy fertilizers is generally printed in rough, poor quality, easy to break and leak, unclear identification, incomplete information and exaggerated language that exaggerates the effect of fertilizer. Special attention should be paid to those with dismantling marks at the mouth of the package, which may be adulterated.

It should also be noted that urea, ammonium sulfate, calcium cyanamide, ammonium phosphate (monoammonium phosphate, diammonium phosphate), nitric phosphate fertilizer, calcium superphosphate, potassium chloride, potassium sulfate, potassium nitrate, ammonium chloride, ammonium bicarbonate, calcium magnesium phosphate, potassium dihydrogen phosphate, single trace element fertilizer and high concentration compound fertilizer are exempted from registration. The lack of registration number on these fertilizer packages is not fake and shoddy products.

In addition, some products on the market that are known as new fertilizers use particularly eye-catching fonts to mark imported nano-magnetic agents, activating elements, luminous elements and other professional terms, and some simply write a bunch of foreign languages, which are dazzling and easy to cause farmers to be deceived.

Editor reminded: a really good product, must be in line with a series of national regulations, complete documents. Good products are not afraid of no repeat customers, because where is the effect! Only those who know that you bought once will not buy fertilizer, will use all kinds of exaggerated text publicity, afraid that you will not buy!

3. Observe the shape and color of fertilizers

Most nitrogen fertilizers are crystalline, white, and some are brownish or light blue.

Phosphate fertilizer is mostly bulk or powdered non-crystalline, brownish gray or brown.

Potash fertilizer is mostly crystal, white or red, while compound fertilizer has uniform shape, smooth surface, not easy to absorb moisture and caking, uniform color and no obvious color difference.

Diammonium phosphate particles have high hardness and obvious grease luster, and their colors vary from light yellow to dark gray and dark brown.

The shape of mixed fertilizer (BB fertilizer) is mostly granular, and some are strip or flake, the color is mostly gray, gray-white, miscellaneous color, color, etc.; potassium dihydrogen phosphate is white crystal.

Smell the smell of fertilizer

Ammonium bicarbonate has a strong smell of ammonia.

Both ammonium sulfate and calcium superphosphate have a sour taste, but if they are pungent and strange, it means that waste sulfuric acid is likely to be used in the production process. This chemical fertilizer is very toxic and is easy to damage or burn crops.

Commercial organic fertilizer is generally brown or grayish brown, granular or powdered, without wood sticks, masonry tiles and other impurities, better quality organic fertilizer particles are uniform, powder loose, without the choking stench of livestock and poultry feces. Generally speaking, the smell of fake fertilizer is not obvious.

5. Cauterize fertilizer samples

Burning a few fertilizer samples with fire can be identified from the color of the flame, combustion, smoke smell and residues.

Ammonium bicarbonate will decompose directly with fire, and produce a large amount of white smoke, no residue, accompanied by a strong ammonia odor.

Ammonium chloride is directly decomposed or sublimed by fire to produce a large amount of white smoke, no residue, and has a strong ammonia and sour taste.

Urea melts quickly after burning and gives off white smoke, which will be covered with a layer of white crystals when contacted with a piece of glass.

Calcium superphosphate, calcium magnesium phosphate fertilizer, phosphate rock powder and so on do not change on red charcoal, while bone powder will immediately turn black and give off a scorched smell.

Potassium sulfate, potassium chloride, potassium magnesium sulfate on the red charcoal does not change much, does not melt but has a "crackling" sound.

Compound fertilizers containing ammonia nitrogen or amide nitrogen can give off a strong ammonia smell and a large amount of residue when burning.

When the formula fertilizer (mixed fertilizer) is burned, some can give off an irritating smell of ammonia, and the formula fertilizer containing potassium will emit a unique purple flame.

Touch fertilizer samples

For chemical fertilizer products, it can be pinched by hand for a few times, and there is damage or powder after kneading, indicating that its water content is high and its hardness index is unqualified. High-quality chemical fertilizer feels good, and the one with a sense of oil is authentic.

Urea particles are of the same size, not easy to agglomerate, and have strong fluidity, so they feel better, while fake urea hands feel burning and prickling when touching.

High-quality potash fertilizer has less hygroscopicity and is not easy to caking, and most of them are fake and shoddy products. Caking will also occur for a long time or improper storage. The longer the time is, the harder the caking will be.

Calcium superphosphate is heavy and feels fluffy but not frivolous. If obvious impurities such as soil, stone and cinder are found in calcium superphosphate, it is a fake and shoddy product; if the sour taste is too strong and moisture is more, it is unmatured unqualified and unfinished calcium superphosphate. In addition, some illegal businesses pass phosphogypsum, waste cement slag and so on as superphosphate. Phosphogypsum is light, soft and dry; waste cement slag is heavier than calcium superphosphate, and it does not feel greasy, dry or dry.

7. Dissolve fertilizer samples with water

Nitrogen fertilizers such as urea, ammonium bicarbonate, ammonium chloride, ammonium sulfate and calcium ammonium nitrate are all soluble in water.

When urea is dissolved, the temperature of the water is obviously reduced, and the ice feels by hand, and the slowly dissolving particles can be seen as translucent shell film in the dissolution.

The dissolution of phosphate fertilizer is more complex, calcium superphosphate is partially soluble in water residue; heavy superphosphate is soluble in water without residue or a small amount of residue; calcium magnesium phosphate fertilizer, steel slag phosphate fertilizer, phosphate rock powder are insoluble in water.

Commonly used potash fertilizers are potassium chloride and potassium sulfate, both of which are soluble in water.

High-quality compound fertilizer has good water solubility, particles will diverge, dissolve or have a little residue when soaked in water, while poor-quality compound fertilizer has poor solubility or does not dissolve at all.

Compound fertilizers potassium nitrate, ammonium phosphate and potassium dihydrogen phosphate can all be dissolved in water.

Slow and controlled release fertilizer is not easy to dissolve because of its special coating, but after breaking the fertilizer envelope, the fertilizer inside is easy to dissolve.

8. Ask for invoices to keep samples

Be sure to ask for an invoice when buying fertilizer. Fertilizer bags and other packaging should be kept after fertilizer use, and 1-2 kg fertilizer samples should be reserved in case there is a basis for complaint when problems arise in the future. Once a quality problem arises, it should be solved through consultation with the sellers of agricultural materials in a timely manner; if it cannot be resolved through consultation, complaints should be made to the technical supervision departments at all levels, the industrial and commercial administration departments, and the agricultural departments in charge, who shall come forward for coordination; if the coordination fails, they may sue to the court to safeguard their legitimate rights and interests.