
How much is the grass seed per jin? What varieties do you have? How do you plant it?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Grass seed is the seed of grass. So how much can I buy per jin on the market? What varieties do you have? How should I grow it? It is understood that the prices of different varieties are different, and there are different discounts for more and less. At present, the prices of lawn seeds are mostly on the market.

Grass seed is the seed of grass. So how much can I buy per jin on the market? What varieties do you have? How should I grow it? It is understood that the prices of different varieties are different, and there are different discounts for what you buy more or less. At present, the prices of lawn seeds on the market range from more than ten yuan to 60 or 70 yuan. Among them, the cheaper ones are Sijiqing, the king of slope protection, tall fescue, Manila and so on, which can be used for sowing in football fields or large open spaces for soil consolidation and sand prevention. Among them, some of the more high-grade grasses are green grass, carpet grass, creeping shearing glume, dog tooth root and so on, among which green grass is resistant to trampling, which is suitable for the greening of high-end villa walking area or the planting of golf course.

What kinds of grass seeds do you have?

1. Alfalfa in eastern Gansu is the local leading variety with the largest cultivated area at present. generally, the water content of dryland grassland is small and the hay yield is high, so it is the first choice for high-yield local grass species in dry farming area. Its plant height is about 1m, the plant shape is semi-erect, the axis root type is deep, the individual plant has many branches, the stem is thin and dense, the leaf is small and thick, and the leaf color is dark green. Flowers dark purple, inflorescences small and compact, pods dark brown, spirally shaped. The seeds are reniform and yellow, and the weight of a thousand seeds is about 1.8g.

two。 Alvengang has the characteristics of strong stress resistance, wide adaptability, good grass quality and high grass yield. The grass is tender, the leaves are rich, the content of crude eggs is more than 20%, and it has strong resistance to brown spot and Verticillium wilt.

3. Golden Queen, like warm and semi-arid climate, strong stress resistance, extremely drought resistance, strong cold resistance. It is a new variety of alfalfa with good quality and high yield because of its rich leaves, tender grass, and rich contents of crude protein, vitamins and minerals.

4. Yellow flowers and plants like to grow in warm, humid or semi-arid sand. It has developed root system, strong drought and cold resistance, low temperature of-30 ℃, strong saline-alkali resistance, and grows more vigorously than alfalfa in barren soil.

5. Sainfoin, with well-developed root system, can grow on the hillside with precipitation 200mm or so, and can survive the winter safely under the low temperature of-25 ℃ when the cold resistance is moderate and covered with snow. Lush stems and leaves, tender grass, rich in nutrition, in addition to protein, rich in vitamins and minerals, good palatability, all kinds of livestock like to eat, green-fed livestock shall not have abdominal distension disease.

6. Crown flower, with developed root system, strong regeneration ability and disease resistance, can be expanded through underground and aboveground stolon, and has strong soil fixation ability. it is widely used in soil and water conservation, highway slope protection, embankment and surface erosion control. The small crown flower has strong viability, luxuriant and tender stems and leaves, rich nutrients and minerals, good palatability, and digestibility as high as 75%. It is an excellent forage grass favored by cattle and sheep, can be silaged and prepared hay, cold-resistant, and can safely survive the winter at a low temperature of-35 ℃.

7. Arrow tongue pea, like cool and dry climate, strong resistance, wide adaptability, can be planted in the vast areas of our city, cold resistance, strong cold resistance, barren resistance. With lush stems and leaves, tender grass, rich nutrition and good palatability, all kinds of livestock like to eat. It is not only an excellent grass and dual-purpose forage crop, but also a good multi-cropping forage grass and green manure crop. Seed food is an excellent fine fodder, the stem can be green feeding and preparation of hay, can also be direct grazing.

8. Gaodan grass has developed root system, up to 2-3m high, strong tillering ability and abundant leaves. Gaodan grass is a temperature-loving plant. Compared with traditional varieties, it has longer nutrition time, higher digestibility and higher grass yield. Moreover, it has strong drought resistance, heat resistance and cold resistance, and the soil requirements are not strict. It can be planted in sandy loam, slightly acidic clay or light saline-alkali soil, and shows good late ripening characteristics. Gaodan grass has high nutritional value, good adaptability, 13.2% crude protein content, 77% in vitro digestibility, and 40-60% lower content of indigestible lignin than ordinary varieties.

9. Cross-leaf pine vanilla, strong overwintering, wide adaptability, cold and high temperature resistance, can also survive the winter at-38 ℃, safe growth under monthly average temperature of 32 ℃, water flooding resistance, surface water accumulation for four months can still grow slowly, strong resistance to diseases and insect pests, salt and alkali resistance, but poor drought resistance when young, crisp and succulent, crude protein content is 23.4%, amino acid content is high and rich, yuan nitrogen invades physics 6.7%. High digestibility, good adaptability, suitable for silage and silage, cut 2-3 times in the north, yield 8000-10000kg per mu of fresh grass.

10. Forage beet is not only a high productivity fodder crop in temperate climate zone, but also a valuable succulent feed in autumn, winter and spring. It has good palatability, high digestibility and easy storage. It is the fat "fruit" of chicken, cattle and sheep.

11. Grain amaranth has the advantages of wide adaptability, strong inverse resistance, high photosynthetic efficiency and high biological yield. Antibiotic drought, strong resistance to salt and alkali, fast growth, strong regeneration and high reproduction coefficient. It can be cut 2-3 times a year and produce 3000-4500kg seeds per mu.

How do you plant grass seeds?

1. General family planting, choose fescue grass, more cold-resistant, drought-resistant and shady. Suitable for family planting and maintenance.

two。 The seeds should be treated and disinfected with potassium permanganate 1/1000 solution. After disinfection, the seeds were soaked for 2 days.

3. The ground should be leveled, the soil should be turned over, and fertilization should be carried out in advance. And water thoroughly 12 hours before sowing.

4. Soak the seeds and sprinkle them on a manual or air-sowing tray. After sowing, cover it with straw or other shed nets to ensure the humidity of the ground.

5. During sowing, the humidity of the land and the germination of seeds should be observed in time. If the weather is dry, it should be properly watered and moisturized.

6. We should pay attention to the situation of the mulch. In the first 2 days, the mulch must not be uncovered. If the temperature is suitable, it can take root and sprout in about 3 days. At this time, the mulch can be removed one after another.

7. In the later stage, it is necessary to water the grass seeds in the morning and evening in order to keep the grass seeds alive normally.