
What are the control methods of rice negative mud worm and millet drill worm?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Rice is the most important and oldest kind of grain in the genus Rice; millet is a plant of the family Gramineae, which was called millet and millet in ancient times, also known as sorghum. Is one of the food crops of human beings. However, diseases and insect pests always occur in the process of growth, affecting the yield. Here's an introduction.

Rice is the most important and oldest kind of grain in the genus Rice; millet is a plant of the family Gramineae, which was called millet and millet in ancient times, also known as sorghum. Is one of the food crops of human beings. However, diseases and insect pests always occur in the process of growth, affecting the yield. Next, let's introduce the control methods of rice negative mud worm and millet drill worm.

1. Control methods of negative mud insects in rice

Rice negative mud insects are the most active in the morning and cloudy days, like cool and damp, mostly occur in the mountain and semi-mountainous areas, overwintering as adults.

1. Combined with fertilizer, weeds can be eradicated in winter and spring and overwintering adults will be killed.

two。 Combined with ploughing, the larvae are knocked down and pressed into the soil with a bamboo pole.

3. Chemical control: 20% chrysanthemum and horse EC per mu 50ml or 30% efficient triazophos 100-150ml or 20% chlorhexidine 35-40ml mixed with water 50kg spray.

2. Control methods of millet drill beetle

1. Combine autumn ploughing with spring ploughing to pick up burning stubble.

two。 The overwintering millet grass was chopped or closed in front of Ching Ming Festival.

3. Combined with the seedlings to pull out the damaged plants for treatment.

4. The permethrin was sprayed twice after the seedling was fixed and the jointing stage. It can be sprayed with 2000 times of 10% cypermethrin EC or 3000 times of 20% methamphetamine.

Due to the harm of millet drillers, the first generation of larvae decayed the stem in the middle of June, and the second generation larvae caused stem decay from late July to early August, and the killed plants were easy to turn back when they were hit by the wind.