
How tall can longan trees grow? How long will it blossom and bear fruit? How many years can you live?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Longan, also known as longan, Yizhi, three feet of agricultural flavor, evergreen trees, longan trees are usually more than 10 meters long, with a height of 40 meters and a breast diameter of 1 meter, with lamellar roots. Longan is rich in glucose, sucrose and protein during flowering, spring and summer, and fruit summer.

Longan, also known as longan, Yizhi, three feet of agricultural flavor, evergreen trees, longan trees can usually grow more than 10 meters, with a height of 40 meters, breast diameter up to 1 meter, with plate roots of large trees, its flowering spring and summer, fruit summer, longan is rich in glucose, sucrose and protein, etc., longan is also relatively high in iron content, which can improve heat energy and supplement nutrition.

How long does the longan tree blossom and bear fruit?

After planting longan, after 3-4 years of normal cultivation and management, it has basically formed an early-bearing and high-yielding crown and developed root system, possessed the nutrient conditions for flowering and fruiting, and began to enter the fruiting stage of young age.

Second, how long can longan trees live?

According to Mr. Zhang, a grower in Fujian, longan trees generally live for decades, but fruit growers don't want them as soon as the peak of fruit age is over. There is an ancient longan tree in Chengtian Temple in Quanzhou, Fujian Province, which is more than 200 years old, which is the oldest of the existing "Dongbi" longan. Today, "Dongbi" longan is widely propagated in Quanzhou and other longan producing areas of the province.

Third, how do longan trees spend the winter?

With the gradual decrease of temperature in winter, longan trees need to enter relative dormancy, suspend and stop vegetative growth, accumulate sufficient organic nutrition, endogenous hormone activities, and promote the physiological differentiation of flower buds, which is an important part of early yield in the following year. Therefore, more attention should be paid to the winter management of longan garden. The following technical management measures should be taken:

(1) strengthen the transformation of low-yield orchards in winter. Winter is a good time for the transformation of low-yield longan. Winter idle labor can be used to carry out orchard infrastructure construction, repair orchard ladder walls and ridges, clean up drainage and irrigation ditches, and build water conservancy and soil and water conservation projects. Do a good job in expanding holes, increasing the application of slow-acting farm manure to improve soil or guest soil to improve soil fertility.

(2) to carry out the work of clearing the garden in winter. Low temperature in winter, diseases and insect pests are in an inactive weak position. Therefore, we should take the opportunity to do a good job in clearing the garden, cut off the disease and insect branches, cross sticks, shade branches and dead branches on longan trees, and set up and burn them.

(3) controlling the winter tip of longan. In recent years, due to climate warming, there is a warm winter phenomenon, which leads to the emergence of winter shoots of longan, which consumes the nutrients of longan trees and is disadvantageous to flower bud differentiation.

The methods to control the winter shoot are as follows:

1. Deep ploughing and cutting roots and drying roots. For more vigorous trees, deep ploughing in the root plate (20 cm deep) or digging 30-50 cm deep trenches around the crown to cut off part of the roots, sun for 2-3 weeks, fill with soil and miscellaneous fertilizer to promote flower bud differentiation. However, the old and weak trees should not hurt their roots too much.

2. Remove the winter shoot. For the winter shoots that have been extracted, the winter shoots can be removed manually or beaten down with bamboo sticks.

3. Drug control.

(4) Longan trees are protected against cold and freezing in winter. Longan trees like temperature and avoid freezing, and longan trees in normal years can survive the winter safely, but in individual years, when a cold current strikes, longan orchards in lowland and coastal sandy land will cause frozen cellars, especially young trees, which should be vigilant. Anti-cold and anti-freezing methods: cultivate soil at the base of the tree, brush the trunk white, cover the tree crown with rice straw and thin film, and add hot fertilizers such as burning soil to make the plant strong and increase the ability of cold resistance in Xinjiang. Anti-freezing measures such as irrigation, water spraying and smoking should be taken before frost.