
When do peas usually go on sale? What's the nutrition? What can't you eat with?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Pea is an annual climbing herb, 0.5-2 m tall. Flowering from June to July and fruit from July to September, it is a kind of nutritional food. So when does it usually go on sale? What's the nutrition? What can't you eat with? According to Uncle Li, a pea grower, peas sown in spring are served in April.

Pea is an annual climbing herb, 0.5-2 m tall. Flowering from June to July and fruit from July to September, it is a kind of nutritional food. So when does it usually go on sale? What's the nutrition? What can't you eat with? According to Uncle Li, a pea grower, peas sown in spring began to be harvested in early April, pulling seedlings in early June and yielding 400kg per mu, while autumn sowing peas were harvested from early October to mid-November and yielded 300kg per mu. Peas prefer cold and humid climate, cold tolerance and heat tolerance. The seedlings can withstand 5 ℃ low temperature, the suitable temperature in the growing period is 12-16 ℃, and the optimum temperature in the pod-setting stage is 15-20 ℃ more than 25 ℃. The fertilization rate is low, the pods are few and the yield is low. Peas are sunny plants. The growth period of most varieties in the north is shorter than that in the south. The southern varieties moved northward to blossom and bear pods earlier, which shortened the seedling stage of overwintering in the south with spring sowing in the north, so in the north, the growth period of pea was 65-75 days for early-maturing species, 75-100 days for middle-maturing varieties and 100-185 days for late-maturing varieties.

What is the nutrition of peas?

It has the effect of benefiting vital energy, stopping diarrhea, regulating Yingwei, promoting urination, reducing carbuncle swelling and detoxifying milk stone. Main treatment of beriberi, carbuncle swelling, milk obstruction, spleen and stomach discomfort, hiccup vomiting, abdominal pain, thirst dysentery and other diseases. Seeds and tender pods, tender seedlings are edible; seeds contain starch, oil, medicinal effects of strong, diuretic, antidiarrheal, stems and leaves can cool and relieve summer heat; and used as green manure and feed.

1. Enhance the body's immune function:

Peas are rich in all kinds of nutrients needed by the human body, especially high-quality protein, which can improve the disease resistance and rehabilitation ability of the body.

two。 Cancer prevention and treatment:

Peas are rich in carotene, which can prevent the synthesis of carcinogens after consumption, thereby reducing the formation of cancer cells and reducing the incidence of human cancer.

3. Tongli large intestine:

Peas are rich in crude fiber, which can promote the peristalsis of the large intestine, keep the stool smooth, and play the role of cleaning the large intestine.

What can't you eat peas with?

Suitable golden match: corn + pea = play the role of protein complementarity

Taboo collocation: pea + vinegar = easy to cause indigestion

Attached: pea practice

1. Pour 1 tablespoon of soy sauce and a little cooking wine into the minced meat and stir well. Wash the peas, wash the chili peppers and cut them into small pieces

two。 Heat the pot and pour the oil, add some minced ginger, and pour the minced meat into the pan.

3. Stir-fry until the minced meat changes color, pour in the peas and stir for about 1 minute.

4. Pour half a bowl of water into the pot, cover the pot and cook for a while

5. When the water is almost finished, pour the chopped peppers into the pan, stir-fry a few times, and then add some salt according to the taste.

Cooking skills

1. This dish does not need to thicken, because peas contain a lot of starch. In the process of burning, some of the starch in the peas will dissolve, which is tantamount to having the effect of "thickening" directly.

2. if you like more soup, pour more water, and finally leave some soup, the rice is very delicious.

3. If you don't eat spicy food, don't put Chaotian pepper. But put something a little spicy and very tasty.