
What kind of vegetables are suitable for the Beginning of Autumn in season? Is it suitable for growing carrots?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Now it is the Beginning of Autumn's season, and many people like to grow some vegetables in their own yard or balcony to facilitate consumption during the Spring Festival. What kind of vegetables are suitable for the Beginning of Autumn season? Is it suitable for growing carrots? Rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) belongs to fast-growing leaf rape, and its variety has a short growing period.

Now it is the Beginning of Autumn's season, and many people like to grow some vegetables in their own yard or balcony to facilitate consumption during the Spring Festival. What kind of vegetables are suitable for the Beginning of Autumn season? Is it suitable for growing carrots?

Oilseed rape

Rapeseed is a fast-growing leafy vegetable, its variety growth period is short, from seed to harvest about 40 days, it can be produced in free land or tall crop land using all available space for production. Generally, it is sown from July to August and harvested from August to September. It can supplement the off-season market of vegetables.


Carrots can not only tonify the spleen and stomach, but also nourish the liver and clear eyes. The carotene and vitamin A contained in carrots are fat-soluble substances that can only be absorbed by the human body under the action of oil, so the carrot "cool breeze on the day of the Beginning of Autumn" clearly connects the Beginning of Autumn with Tianliang.


The Beginning of Summer grows eggplant and the Beginning of Autumn eats eggplant. The Beginning of Autumn is a good time to eat eggplant. Eating some eggplant in this season can reduce "anger" and eliminate autumn dryness. The eggplant just harvested in autumn is called "autumn eggplant", with a unique fragrance, delicate taste, so the flavor is better than ordinary eggplant.

Chinese cabbage

Select good seeds (families generally choose short, strong, precocious varieties), generally sow in 1-2 days after the Beginning of Autumn, choose large and deep flowerpots, and the soil can use ordinary pastoral soil. In order to avoid bright light after sowing, you can wrap it in paper or black plastic bag and keep it moderate. After 2-3 days, uncover it.


Radish has a short growth period and belongs to the type of fast-growing vegetables. the main varieties are Liuying radish, which can be sown in late September and harvested in mid-September. Radish before sowing, first fertilize the soil, apply high-quality crude fertilizer 5000 kg per mu, turn 15 cm deep after spreading, and then ridge or make a high bed, the sowing method can be strip sowing or sowing, and about 1 cm of soil is covered after sowing. In the case of good soil moisture, seedlings generally emerge in 4 ~ 5 days.

Tremella auricula

Tremella with its color as white as silver, shaped like the old name of the human ear, also known as white fungus, white ear, snow ear and so on. Tremella is generally made of dry products, with dry, white and yellowish, light, glossy, thick colloid as a good product. " Tremella fuciformis can nourish yin and clear heat, moisturize lung and relieve cough, nourish stomach and fluid, tonify qi and blood, tonify kidney and heart, invigorate brain, restore fatigue and so on. It has the medicinal characteristics of moisturizing but not greasy.


Autumn spinach is the hottest thing in autumn, which can be sown in mid-late August, flower bud differentiation in one month, long leaves in one month, and spinach grown in more than 2 months. Spinach generally uses the method of sowing. Before sowing, the seeds are soaked in warm water for 24 hours, taken out to dry, placed in a humid environment of 20-25 degrees Celsius and germinated 6-7 days after sowing. When a leaf grows with small spinach, fertilize and water. Pay attention to proper weeding and pick and eat after maturity.


If we eat hot pot in winter, one of the best vegetables is parsley. Because of its unique flavor, it has become a common side dish when eating hot pot. The best time to plant parsley is after mid-August. Sow coriander seeds in living foam boxes in flowerpots with soil transport to ensure sufficient moisture, and seedlings can emerge in 1 week or 2 weeks. The growth period of coriander is longer, generally about 50 days, low temperature 40-60 days. When parsley is ripe, you can choose strong seedlings to pull out and eat, or harvest at one time.

Green beans

Green beans in the impression of many people are sown in spring, in fact, autumn sowing is also possible. Because string beans are not resistant to frost and are afraid of high temperatures, late summer and early autumn is the best time to plant. The family is suitable for planting in the semi-closed balcony species, choose sturdy varieties, do not need to set up brackets, can blossom and bear fruit. Choose a larger flowerpot, directly sow 3-4 seeds in the soil, cover the soil, and emerge a week later. If the environment at home is dry, it can be covered with film. The seedlings can be transplanted when they grow the first leaf. Raise flowers well for 1-2 months and the seedlings grow, blossom and bear fruit. When the pods grow to 10cm or so, they can be picked!